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Worlds of Fun (WOF) Discussion Thread

P. 177: 2025 park enhancements announced!

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Has any parts for Steel Hawk began to arrive yet?

Yeah, has anyone seen any pieces of it arrive at the park? I do believe Windseeker from KBF was disassembled quite some time ago, so I just wanted to know.



I checked WOF Facebook, but there are no updates. I've not seen any news on any other sites either. I know a piece of it was photographed on a flatbed on a Highway in Cali, so maybe its being transported somewhere to be painted before heading to WOF? Hopefully we will have some news and updates on it soon.

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^ Its frequent down time, and low rider ship. I'm not saying it will be removed immediately, I just don't think it will be around for many more seasons. I'm not saying I know for a fact, I'm just going off the signs.

Yes I do agree. I think it was two seasons ago that it was down for all but the last week of operation there at worlds of fun. Also if they do sometime remove timberwolf I think it should be replaced by the chance hyper lite. They look really intense like lightning run at Kentucky kingdom. Also I think it would be cool to ride a coaster made in my town because chance is located in Wichita kansas



You guys have Mamba. The only way you would probably get a Hyper-Lite is if it was a 300ft attraction.

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I think Gerstlauer and Mack would be a better choice than B&M.



I am a huge B&M fan, but I can still certainly see your point. It would also be nice to see Intamin come to WOF as well. The Park could also greatly benefit from a Launched Coaster and Intamin would be a great choice.

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As much as I like B&M I'd like to see more Mack rides built here and not another Wild Mouse. A Blue Fire style ride, not necessarily a clone, would give the park both a much needed sit down looper as well as a launched coaster.


Though nothing wrong with Intamin but I just don't forsee another Maverick style ride any time soon.

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Though nothing wrong with Intamin but I just don't forsee another Maverick style ride any time soon.

Maybe, who knows. We'll see how well the LSM in turkey does. But, when you say maverick style, do you mean a blitz coaster like that one and Ispeed or a terrain ride?

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Worlds of Fun's next coaster needs to be a launched. They're the only major park in the state that doesn't have one, and that is really a major shortcoming. They already have a sit-down looper in Boomerang. Yes, I know it's not the same. But in most people's minds, there is a huge difference between Boomerang and Patriot, but no difference between Boomerang and Ninja. Roller coasters are for the masses--the sheer cost of building one demands that--and so the target audience must also be the masses. And the masses will be impressed by a good launched coaster in a way they won't be by "another" sit-down looper.

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I would also like to see an update to the Park's Front Gate like CP did with Gatekeeper and Carowinds is doing for their 2015 Project. Even if a Ride is not involved, an update to the Front Gate is needed.

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^ Its frequent down time, and low rider ship. I'm not saying it will be removed immediately, I just don't think it will be around for many more seasons. I'm not saying I know for a fact, I'm just going off the signs.

Yes I do agree. I think it was two seasons ago that it was down for all but the last week of operation there at worlds of fun. Also if they do sometime remove timberwolf I think it should be replaced by the chance hyper lite. They look really intense like lightning run at Kentucky kingdom. Also I think it would be cool to ride a coaster made in my town because chance is located in Wichita kansas



You guys have Mamba. The only way you would probably get a Hyper-Lite is if it was a 300ft attraction.

I see what you are saying but hyper lites are never any taller than 120-150.

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^ I have great memories from School Trips to WOF and SFStL!

Yeah, this year orchestra is heading to Kansas City for Worlds of Fun and the entire grade is going to Six Flags. I honestly only really care about Worlds of Fun since I have a season pass to SFSTL already

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nice to see construction starting on SteelHawk. Hopefully it won't be too long until the tower starts going up.




I'm really excited to see pics of that! Its going to be a nice change to the skyline!

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I just saw on WOF's website that they are staying open until the first weekend of November this year, along with several other CF Parks. That's so exciting! I hope the crowds come out so they will continue to do this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My school is heading up to Worlds of Fun on May 17, 2014 for their orchestra festival. What crowds or lines should I expect? Would it be worth it to get Fast Lane?

We'll if it is a Saturday you should expect a relatively large crowd with average wait times around an hour or more. And yes you should get fastlane

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I just saw on WOF's website that they are staying open until the first weekend of November this year, along with several other CF Parks. That's so exciting! I hope the crowds come out so they will continue to do this.


They probably won't honestly. The only reason they're doing it is because Halloween is on a Friday so it doesn't really make sense not to be open the first weekend in November (the 1st and 2nd). I would think that if Halloween fell on a Monday (just as an example) they wouldn't be open.

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