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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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1200 is pretty reasonable, a dispatch every 72 seconds. Since they'll be able to run three trains they should never have to wait for a train to finish the course, one will always be ready. Unfortunately this (like many GCIs) has a turn between the waiting block and the station which takes a big chunk out of the possible load time...

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I've never been impressed by WOF operations during any of my visits. I'm hoping Mystic Timbers will pump trains out similar to Banshee. If the crew KI assigned to Banshee when it was their new star attraction will be any indication of the kind of crew they will assign to Mystic Timbers, I think we'll be a lot better off than Prowler. Also, doesn't Prowler have two trains and isn't Mystic Timbers getting three?

I was more so referring to the efficiency numbers. A few sources have noted that most GCIs somewhat similar to MT run around 800-1000 riders per hour. Granted, that's best case scenario, so I wasn't factoring in how the staff runs their rides. But considering KI regularly runs Diamondback around 1,500 with bins, and has Banshee knocking on the door of 1,700 without them, I'm sure Mystic Timbers should be able to run at or near the (estimated by KI) capacity of 1,200 rph.



The most we've ever done at Banshee was in August 2014. We sent 53 trains with 1,604 riders.

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^I don't have any numbers but I don't see Diamondback coming anywhere remotely close to 1500 an hour since the addition of seatbelts. And Banshee is good, but they'd have to do 54 trains in an hour to get 1700, which I'd guess has happened maybe once in three years.


See my post above this one. It is very possible at Banshee. Everything has to be running very smoothly. From the entrance to the separator to the bar checkers to the exit. As soon as the train stops, the bar checkers need to be in that train opening the seats, and ushering guests out and in.


Some may have notices the lift has several speeds. If we can get a train out of the station right at 20 seconds after the scream it will literally crawl up the lift. I say this all the time. The longer the train is on the lift, the longer we have in the station to check seats.


I am very proud of the work the Banshee crews have done.


In 2017 I am hoping to be placed at Mystic, but will still be happy if I am placed at Banshee again. Maybe do a season at Mystic then go back to Banshee.

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^I don't have any numbers but I don't see Diamondback coming anywhere remotely close to 1500 an hour since the addition of seatbelts. And Banshee is good, but they'd have to do 54 trains in an hour to get 1700, which I'd guess has happened maybe once in three years.


See my post above this one. It is very possible at Banshee. Everything has to be running very smoothly. From the entrance to the separator to the bar checkers to the exit. As soon as the train stops, the bar checkers need to be in that train opening the seats, and ushering guests out and in.


Some may have notices the lift has several speeds. If we can get a train out of the station right at 20 seconds after the scream it will literally crawl up the lift. I say this all the time. The longer the train is on the lift, the longer we have in the station to check seats.


I am very proud of the work the Banshee crews have done.


In 2017 I am hoping to be placed at Mystic, but will still be happy if I am placed at Banshee again. Maybe do a season at Mystic then go back to Banshee.

Absolutely, I saw your post in the "favorite ride to operate" thread. Really interesting stuff, thanks for that.


But the reality is that the majority of the time, you're not sending out 53 trains in an hour. You don't determine an average capacity based on what the ride could theoretically do that's really only been done for one hour in a ride's debut year. In most cases, I'd assume sending out somewhere closer to 45 trains in an hour (just a rough estimate), which is still really good. It's just not fair to say that Mystic Timbers' line will move 50% faster than Prowler's because Banshee's crew hit theoretical capacity once. It's just not gonna happen all the time, though I'm sure Mystic will be a little more efficient than Prowler--just not 15 trains an hour faster.

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^I don't have any numbers but I don't see Diamondback coming anywhere remotely close to 1500 an hour since the addition of seatbelts. And Banshee is good, but they'd have to do 54 trains in an hour to get 1700, which I'd guess has happened maybe once in three years.


See my post above this one. It is very possible at Banshee. Everything has to be running very smoothly. From the entrance to the separator to the bar checkers to the exit. As soon as the train stops, the bar checkers need to be in that train opening the seats, and ushering guests out and in.


Some may have notices the lift has several speeds. If we can get a train out of the station right at 20 seconds after the scream it will literally crawl up the lift. I say this all the time. The longer the train is on the lift, the longer we have in the station to check seats.


I am very proud of the work the Banshee crews have done.


In 2017 I am hoping to be placed at Mystic, but will still be happy if I am placed at Banshee again. Maybe do a season at Mystic then go back to Banshee.

Absolutely, I saw your post in the "favorite ride to operate" thread. Really interesting stuff, thanks for that.


But the reality is that the majority of the time, you're not sending out 53 trains in an hour. You don't determine an average capacity based on what the ride could theoretically do that's really only been done for one hour in a ride's debut year. In most cases, I'd assume sending out somewhere closer to 45 trains in an hour (just a rough estimate), which is still really good. It's just not fair to say that Mystic Timbers' line will move 50% faster than Prowler's because Banshee's crew hit theoretical capacity once. It's just not gonna happen all the time, though I'm sure Mystic will be a little more efficient than Prowler--just not 15 trains an hour faster.

Speaking of high capacity, I vaguely remember an old video (90% sure it was TPR, maybe not though) of some fairly obscure older wooden coaster. Great ride, but the big thing mentioned in the video and description was that ride ops were able to load and dispatch a train in around 14 seconds. Any help here, perhaps the video itself or at least what coaster it was?

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Park management takes everything into consideration, capacity, ride experience, ect, i'm pretty certain the park knows the capacity and how much Mystic Timbers can do an hour, since KI is a very popular park in the summer time, I'm almost certain this thing will have great capacity with a good crew. I hope the rumors of bins leaving Diamondback are true, finally they won't have the situation of operators saying okay you have 30 seconds and people are busy messing with the bins and the 3rd train ends up stacking...

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^I don't have any numbers but I don't see Diamondback coming anywhere remotely close to 1500 an hour since the addition of seatbelts. And Banshee is good, but they'd have to do 54 trains in an hour to get 1700, which I'd guess has happened maybe once in three years.


See my post above this one. It is very possible at Banshee. Everything has to be running very smoothly. From the entrance to the separator to the bar checkers to the exit. As soon as the train stops, the bar checkers need to be in that train opening the seats, and ushering guests out and in.


Some may have notices the lift has several speeds. If we can get a train out of the station right at 20 seconds after the scream it will literally crawl up the lift. I say this all the time. The longer the train is on the lift, the longer we have in the station to check seats.


I am very proud of the work the Banshee crews have done.


In 2017 I am hoping to be placed at Mystic, but will still be happy if I am placed at Banshee again. Maybe do a season at Mystic then go back to Banshee.

Absolutely, I saw your post in the "favorite ride to operate" thread. Really interesting stuff, thanks for that.


But the reality is that the majority of the time, you're not sending out 53 trains in an hour. You don't determine an average capacity based on what the ride could theoretically do that's really only been done for one hour in a ride's debut year. In most cases, I'd assume sending out somewhere closer to 45 trains in an hour (just a rough estimate), which is still really good. It's just not fair to say that Mystic Timbers' line will move 50% faster than Prowler's because Banshee's crew hit theoretical capacity once. It's just not gonna happen all the time, though I'm sure Mystic will be a little more efficient than Prowler--just not 15 trains an hour faster.

Speaking of high capacity, I vaguely remember an old video (90% sure it was TPR, maybe not though) of some fairly obscure older wooden coaster. Great ride, but the big thing mentioned in the video and description was that ride ops were able to load and dispatch a train in around 14 seconds. Any help here, perhaps the video itself or at least what coaster it was?


It was probably Phoenix at Knoebels. They tend dispatch trains within 20 seconds of the train arriving in the station. It may be a little longer now that they have air gates in the station.

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^I don't have any numbers but I don't see Diamondback coming anywhere remotely close to 1500 an hour since the addition of seatbelts. And Banshee is good, but they'd have to do 54 trains in an hour to get 1700, which I'd guess has happened maybe once in three years.


See my post above this one. It is very possible at Banshee. Everything has to be running very smoothly. From the entrance to the separator to the bar checkers to the exit. As soon as the train stops, the bar checkers need to be in that train opening the seats, and ushering guests out and in.


Some may have notices the lift has several speeds. If we can get a train out of the station right at 20 seconds after the scream it will literally crawl up the lift. I say this all the time. The longer the train is on the lift, the longer we have in the station to check seats.


I am very proud of the work the Banshee crews have done.


In 2017 I am hoping to be placed at Mystic, but will still be happy if I am placed at Banshee again. Maybe do a season at Mystic then go back to Banshee.

Absolutely, I saw your post in the "favorite ride to operate" thread. Really interesting stuff, thanks for that.


But the reality is that the majority of the time, you're not sending out 53 trains in an hour. You don't determine an average capacity based on what the ride could theoretically do that's really only been done for one hour in a ride's debut year. In most cases, I'd assume sending out somewhere closer to 45 trains in an hour (just a rough estimate), which is still really good. It's just not fair to say that Mystic Timbers' line will move 50% faster than Prowler's because Banshee's crew hit theoretical capacity once. It's just not gonna happen all the time, though I'm sure Mystic will be a little more efficient than Prowler--just not 15 trains an hour faster.

Speaking of high capacity, I vaguely remember an old video (90% sure it was TPR, maybe not though) of some fairly obscure older wooden coaster. Great ride, but the big thing mentioned in the video and description was that ride ops were able to load and dispatch a train in around 14 seconds. Any help here, perhaps the video itself or at least what coaster it was?


It was probably Phoenix at Knoebels. They tend dispatch trains within 20 seconds of the train arriving in the station. It may be a little longer now that they have air gates in the station.

Maybe. But if I remember right, the ride used old fashioned open-front style trains. You know, what GCI bases their design off of. I'm just the kind of person that's going to slowly be driven insane by the fact that I can't remember something seemingly simple and memorable.

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It would help if they went without seatbelts... but Cedar Fair likes their extra seat belts as does GCI. The good thing is they have the ability to run a tight coaster operation. I can only think of one GCI coaster with no seatbelts, Wodan at Europa Park. It runs 3 trains, like Mystic Timbers will.


Maybe an unload platform will be in that shed. teehee

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Regarding other plans, he said, Cedar Fair will still build thrill rides like a new wooden coaster that will make its debut at Kings Island near Cincinnati this spring and will create more “techtainment” — the marriage of attractions and video-game technology.



Don't. You. Dare.

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Regarding other plans, he said, Cedar Fair will still build thrill rides like a new wooden coaster that will make its debut at Kings Island near Cincinnati this spring and will create more “techtainment” — the marriage of attractions and video-game technology.



Don't. You. Dare.


Personally I still think the "shed" is going to be either screens or projectors. WIth the video being done by Triotech. My guess is that it will be random so it is different every ride in some way. The themeing is a saw mill which appears to be getting overrun by plants, which could make for an interesting ending to the ride.


My hope is that they do not try something crazy and it is interactive using motion tracking, I just cannot see that turning out well.

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Personally I still think the "shed" is going to be either screens or projectors. WIth the video being done by Triotech. My guess is that it will be random so it is different every ride in some way. The themeing is a saw mill which appears to be getting overrun by plants, which could make for an interesting ending to the ride.

I sincerely hope you're right, Ken. I now fear that this is some type of loading/unloading station related to capacity issues with VR.


Also, Irony is when your wooden coaster is themed to a saw mill and when you're log flume is themed to a race.

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Personally I still think the "shed" is going to be either screens or projectors. WIth the video being done by Triotech. My guess is that it will be random so it is different every ride in some way. The themeing is a saw mill which appears to be getting overrun by plants, which could make for an interesting ending to the ride.

I sincerely hope you're right, Ken. I now fear that this is some type of loading/unloading station related to capacity issues with VR.


Also, Irony is when your wooden coaster is themed to a saw mill and when you're log flume is themed to a race.

Oh Lordy. Now that you bring it up, it would seem so obvious. My mind, I guess, refused to consider this awful possibility.

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The article referenced capacity being the main issue with VR, which makes me feel even more uneasy about it. What's in the shed might be scarier than we thought...

It'll be a VR POV of the new Mean Streak. Mystic Timbers is really just an elaborate advertisement for Cedar Point.

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It's at the end of this video.



This is a pretty average dispatch time for Phoenix.

Jeezum Crow, they're not even rushing it. Makes me wonder how fast they could really get it out over there. It would take some running around and some really cooperative enthusiasts, but I think 15 seconds is realistic under the right conditions.

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