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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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^ There are now 2 vertical supports for the seats as opposed to the previous design's 4. I would think to keep things nearly equal they would have to beef up the new style chassis. I doubt that the new restraints dictated the new chassis design. Either way, I'm kind of a fan of the new train/restraint design for the inverts. Hopefully get to try it out someday.

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Another thing that slightly bothers me about the trains: The angle of the seats is way more reclined, also like on the wing coasters. That's one of the things that bothered me about GateKeeper, I felt more "embedded" in the train and it took me a little more out of the experience. Instead of feeling perched on my seat, I felt sunken into it, which also added to the "smothery-ness" of the restraints. Compare to Batman's trains:



Whether or not you think it's an improvement, it certainly does change the ride experience. I wonder what the thinking was behind that particular design decision, like why do they think that would be better? Of course, it might not adversely affect an inverted coaster as much, we'll have to wait and see. As far as just sitting in them, not moving, as long as the restraints don't get too tight, that certainly does look like the most comfortable roller coaster seat one could imagine.

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^I also think the angle of the seats does make a difference. Sitting straight, for some reason, gives a more evolving experience. That's one thing I don't like about B&M's hyper trains, even though I find the restraints great and super comfy. I also feel that, in general, trains which use OTSR tend to have a more vertical seating configuration as opposed to most lap bars.

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Wow...some of you guys complain about the silliest things. I never thought that I would hear someone complain that a coaster seat was comfortable.

All aboard the B&M hate train...


Y'know, all of this complaining just re-affirms how important B&M is to the industry.

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Wow...some of you guys complain about the silliest things. I never thought that I would hear someone complain that a coaster seat was comfortable.

All aboard the B&M hate train...


Y'know, all of this complaining just re-affirms how important B&M is to the industry.


I'm not sure I follow. To me it just reaffirms how they make many coasters that some people don't particularly like.


There is such a thing as bandwagon-hopping, but there's also such a thing as genuine dislike, due to taste, which is ok because everyone's tastes are different.

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^Are they? Intamin is still holding the main records.

That's for sure, Intamin is not something that B&M can easily catch up with.


I'm just afraid that more coasters like GK will exist. Since B&M used to make great coasters 20 years ago, I just hope they don't try to disappoint me again and again. (FOTR is good, but Chimelong certainly could do better)

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^It looks like quite a few new B&Ms in China are better than other new ones, so the question is: Is it really B&M who has stopped making great rides or is it the parks which, right now, only seem to want forceless rides?

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^You may be right, but what I'm saying is I doubt it is a coincidence that out of the new B&Ms, the "best" ones seem to be all in Asia: FOTR, hair raiser, starry night/sky ripper (and, according to Robb, the floorless in India was "fun" too). So probably it is the parks who decide how intense a ride is going to be as I seriously doubt that, right now, if a park contacted B&M and said they wanted a kick ass forceful and intense ride they would say: "Aaaaa...... No".

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Another thing that slightly bothers me about the trains: The angle of the seats is way more reclined, also like on the wing coasters. That's one of the things that bothered me about GateKeeper, I felt more "embedded" in the train and it took me a little more out of the experience. Instead of feeling perched on my seat, I felt sunken into it, which also added to the "smothery-ness" of the restraints.


I imagine the reclined nature of the seats is what is going to allow the ride envelope to be small enough that they don't need to dig trenches at the bottom of those drops where the track looks really close to the ground.

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