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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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I know this is HIGHLY unlikely, BUT has a theme park ever announced TWO new coasters?


If I'm not mistaken, I believe that Geauga Lake added 4 new coasters when Six Flags first took over. However, I doubt that KI will put in both a Wing Coaster and an Invert.

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Supposedly, X-Flight cost $15m. I'd imagine you could get a Batman-scale invert for about the same. So yeah, they could probably build one of each for $30m, but they wouldn't set any records and neither would look like the blueprints.

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Supposedly, X-Flight cost $15m. I'd imagine you could get a Batman-scale invert for about the same. So yeah, they could probably build one of each for $30m, but they wouldn't set any records and neither would look like the blueprints.

We don't know that those were the actual blueprints for the KI coaster, so it's still a possibility, but not a high one.

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We don't know that those were the actual blueprints for the KI coaster, so it's still a possibility, but not a high one.


Wow, people STILL think those were fake?


You don't waste the time and money for drafters and engineers just to prank enthusiasts... Sorry.


Do you have any idea how long it takes to make drawings THAT detailed? You just can't put those together overnight. When we make drawings like that, it can take WEEKS.

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Wow, people STILL think those were fake?


You don't waste the time and money for drafters and engineers just to prank enthusiasts... Sorry.



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We don't know that those were the actual blueprints for the KI coaster, so it's still a possibility, but not a high one.


Wow, people STILL think those were fake?


You don't waste the time and money for drafters and engineers just to prank enthusiasts... Sorry.


Do you have any idea how long it takes to make drawings THAT detailed? You just can't put those together overnight. When we make drawings like that, it can take WEEKS.

Thumbs up, Hails to you

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We don't know that those were the actual blueprints for the KI coaster, so it's still a possibility, but not a high one.


Wow, people STILL think those were fake?


You don't waste the time and money for drafters and engineers just to prank enthusiasts... Sorry.


Do you have any idea how long it takes to make drawings THAT detailed? You just can't put those together overnight. When we make drawings like that, it can take WEEKS.

I don't think they're fake, but how do you know that they're the blueprints for the KI coaster? They probably are, I'm not trying to say that they aren't, but you can't be 100% sure until after the announcement, that's all I'm saying.

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We don't know that those were the actual blueprints for the KI coaster, so it's still a possibility, but not a high one.


Wow, people STILL think those were fake?


You don't waste the time and money for drafters and engineers just to prank enthusiasts... Sorry.


Do you have any idea how long it takes to make drawings THAT detailed? You just can't put those together overnight. When we make drawings like that, it can take WEEKS.

I don't think they're fake, but how do you know that they're the blueprints for the KI coaster? They probably are, I'm not trying to say that they aren't, but you can't be 100% sure until after the announcement, that's all I'm saying.



Did you miss the point in the video where they pan over and show the edge that says "Kings Island" on it? I doubt that would be on there if it were for Michigan's Adventure? Check at 1:24 of the video, it's right there

Edited by Skramp
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I don't think they're fake, but how do you know that they're the blueprints for the KI coaster? They probably are, I'm not trying to say that they aren't, but you can't be 100% sure until after the announcement, that's all I'm saying.


Maybe the fact they show "Kings Island" on them and the topography and other attractions are shown?

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We don't know that those were the actual blueprints for the KI coaster, so it's still a possibility, but not a high one.


Wow, people STILL think those were fake?


You don't waste the time and money for drafters and engineers just to prank enthusiasts... Sorry.


Do you have any idea how long it takes to make drawings THAT detailed? You just can't put those together overnight. When we make drawings like that, it can take WEEKS.

I don't think they're fake, but how do you know that they're the blueprints for the KI coaster? They probably are, I'm not trying to say that they aren't, but you can't be 100% sure until after the announcement, that's all I'm saying.



Did you miss the point in the video where they pan over and show the edge that says "Kings Island" on it? I doubt that would be on there if it were for Michigan's Adventure? Check at 1:24 of the video, it's right there

Ok, sorry, my bad, I didn't see that when I watched it. My bad.

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Did anyone else see the tweet from Great Coasters tweeted about some of their engineering team are enjoying Kings Island's twitter tonight? They said there seems to be something big going on. Kinda interesting that even they are talking about it. What if we have been duped and it's a wooden coaster after all. Doubt it. I'd rather have an invert though.

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Do we have a designated user to post the news of the announcement here? It seems like it would be pretty chaotic with a whole lot of us watching.


One of the moderators will post it up.


Yup. I know everyone is excited but please refrain from posting any official details. Otherwise, we will have several posts saying the same thing. A moderator will post the official announcement and you guys can discuss away!

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The plans are most definitely real...the question is whether or not the plans changed and those are an older proposal/design? That happens all the time in this industry.

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