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Knott's Haunt Announces 2008 Mazes

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Hey all-

I thought I would take the oppurtunity to announce that Knott's Halloween Haunt has announced its 2008 maze lineup. The following is a quote taken from the Halloween Haunt Official MySpace:

Knott's Berry Farm will add six new mazes for Halloween Haunt 2008, including a movie tie-in with the upcoming horror-thriller "Quarantine," according to theme park officials.




The 36th annual Knott's Scary Farm will take place on Wednesdays through Sundays nights from Sept. 25 through Nov. 1, 2008.




The granddaddy of Halloween events will feature 13 "murder manor" mazes scattered throughout the Buena Park theme park, with early-morning construction currently underway in backstage areas.




The six new mazes for 2008:


> "Quarantine" movie tie-in

> Alien Annihilation 3-D laser tag

> The Labyrinth

> Slaughterhouse

> Club Blood

> Cornstalkers


The seven returning mazes for 2008:

> The Doll Factory (New in 2007)

> Killer Clown Kollege (New in 2007)

> Pyromaniax (New in 2007)

> Black Widow's Cavern (New in 2007)

> The Asylum

> 13 Axe Murder Manor

> Lost Vegas in 3-D


Sounds good, I am kind of sick of the movie-tie in mazes, but "Quarantine" looks like a cool movie, so maybe it will fare bettter then Grudge 2 and Beowulf. This makes me super excited for this year and let's see how they can scare us this time!


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13 mazes, I'm already excited! I missed scary farm last year cause I did universal instead, so just about all of the mazes should be new to me . BTW Brent I agree, cornstalkers does sound like it'll be great .

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Sounds like a good line up. I went last year, and did not like the stupid Widow's Cavern ride. I liked the theme they had before it. Had more monsters. I liked the Pyromaniax though. Had guys jumping at you from everywhere.


Can't wait to see how the new mazes are.

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ANd why couldnt they just go ahead and call it Killer Klown Kollege? lol

Certain groups would throw fits, if you catch my drift.

^^I disagree, I thought Black Widow's Cavern was way better then Pyromaniax. Even though neither of them were very good, I thought Cavern was done better.


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I am actually looking forward to this, but I'm sensing that some Knotts Haunt Fans are already disappointed. Excluding Quarantine and the Labyrinth one, those are all recycled haunts.



> Alien Annihilation 3-D laser tag - Kings Dominion has this haunt as well as Scarowinds,


> Slaughterhouse - Worlds of Fun has this, as well as Valleyfair, Canadas Wonderland, Kings Dominion, and Scarowinds,


> Club Blood - Kings Dominion has this as well as Kings Island and Canadas Wonderland, and Dorney is getting it this year too,


> Cornstalkers - Kings Island has this one as well as Dorney (getting this year) Canada's Wonderland, Valleyfair, and Kings Dominion,



Even though they are recycled, I still bet that Knotts will find a way to make them the best in the chain.

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^They could just be borrowing the names. I know the various cedar fair parks have had haunts of the same name and theme, but the mazes themselves were completely different. The one example I can think of for sure is one of the park had a C3 (carnival of carnivourous clowns) that was nothing like the one at Haunt.

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I admit, I'm very jealous of the Quarantine house. REC (the original film) is the only movie to have ever scared me, and I can imagine a house would be great for it.


[REC] scared the bejesus out of me too! I literally jumped out of my seat a few times. Hollywood's version...might not be so hot if all their horror re-makes are anything to go by...

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Hey guys, I am also a loyal member to themeparkadventure.com which is why this link is not direct. These are some special behind the scenes pictures that were taken by TPA. All you need to do to see the pictures is click the link below, scroll down slightly, and click on the word build.





BTW cornstalkers looks totally amazing from the pics.


Note that although the pictures are in no specific order it iss pretty easy to figure some out like corn stalkers has corn stalks.

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Hey guys, I am also a loyal member to themeparkadventure.com which is why this link is not direct. These are some special behind the scenes pictures that were taken by TPA. All you need to do to see the pictures is click the link below, scroll down slightly, and click on the word build.





BTW cornstalkers looks totally amazing from the pics.


Note that although the pictures are in no specific order it iss pretty easy to figure some out like corn stalkers has corn stalks.

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ARG! So I just got fired, which means I will not be able to make this years Haunt


If anyone was planning on going and needed a reservation, I will be canceling my stay at the Courtyard by Marriott just a block away from the park. PM me if you're interested and maybe I can coordinate a switch over in the reservation instead of canceling.

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