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Europa Park Discussion Thread

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Robb got a chance to talk with the park president about the new addition and he said it sounds pretty cool. Can't talk too much more about it until more details are released, but I have mixed feelings. I know that Europa Park needs this ride to stay competitive with the 'thrill market' but there's something about all of Europa Parks nice non-inverting coasters that is really inviting!

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We had a chat with the assisting general manager (could be the same guy you saw, Michael Von Byern?) in May when I went over with Towers Times, and he said he couldn't give much away at the stage, but that it would be a coaster aimed more at the thrill market.


I do feel that EP is nice the way it's so non inverted, but I can't help but feel this ride is vital given the thrill rides arriving at Phantasialand and at Disneyland Paris.

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It's about freaking time. I love Europa Park with all my heart, but I can honestly say, they need something new.


My guess is it's going to be an Intamin Rocket coaster. I've heard many stories, like a 15 looper, and such.


I hope that it will be as good as all there other coasters.



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It's going to be a Mack ride, and certainly not a 15-looper.


As far as I am concerned I'm expecting something not much more thrilling than Rock'n'RollerCoaster/Xpress. And I find RNRC extremely boring. I can't count the times I've heard lambda guests of the park ranting about the lack of a looping coaster, so I'm pretty sure it will be an instant hit for the gp. However my expectations as an enthusiast are low.

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Also Desert Race at Heide Park launches to its max speed in 2,4 seconds. Maybe this is a clone with a similar launch and a few inversions.


I also doubt it would be a Mack designed just because Europa Park is more intressted in quality. I highly doubt they would spend millions of euro on a Mack. They would probably spend that much money on a B&M, Intamin, and maybe a Vekoma, Arrow/ S&S.


According to rcdb.com:


Roland Mack gave in interview to a local German newspaper in which he elaborated on the park's expansion plans. The park will be enlarged with 70-85 hectares which are now still situated outside the park's boundaries. For this to happen, the access road will be moved. The centerpiece of the new themed area will be a new roller coaster. According to Roland Mack, the ride will feature elements and techniques, never seen before.


Teasers on the park's website hint this roller coaster will have a 2.5 second launch and inversions.


Could it also be a launched eurofighter? Those would probably have techniques never before seen.



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nice one!


But really, it's just some really stupid German expression that's completely lost in translation. AstroDancer already gave an idiomatic translation. Literally, it's "take off like Mr. Schmidt's cat"

Totally silly, as most of the other slogans Europapark used there.

Am I the only one to think that the ads look rather cheap?

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Also Desert Race at Heide Park launches to its max speed in 2,4 seconds. Maybe this is a clone with a similar launch and a few inversions.


I also doubt it would be a Mack designed just because Europa Park is more intressted in quality.

I can't say much other than you're comment couldn't be further from the truth.


You do know that Europa Park is own by Mack and one of the purposes of the park is to be a "Mack Showroom" for all their ride products, right?

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I also doubt it would be a Mack designed just because Europa Park is more intressted in quality. I highly doubt they would spend millions of euro on a Mack. They would probably spend that much money on a B&M, Intamin, and maybe a Vekoma, Arrow, or S&S.


So you say Europa Park thinks that Mack Rides lack Quality? You are aware that the Europa Park is owned by the Mack Family, right? Except for Silver Star all their rides are Mack, so your statement doesn't really make sense.


I am really excited for their new Addition and wonder what exactly will make it a "World's first"...


edit: Robb beat me to it.

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Also Desert Race at Heide Park launches to its max speed in 2,4 seconds. Maybe this is a clone with a similar launch and a few inversions.


I also doubt it would be a Mack designed just because Europa Park is more intressted in quality.

I can't say much other than you're comment couldn't be further from the truth.


You do know that Europa Park is own by Mack and one of the purposes of the park is to be a "Mack Showroom" for all their ride products, right?


I wasn't sure but I did figure since the brothers who own the park have the same last name as the company. I was basing my guess off what I've heard from rumors, the general public, among others, and since I don't really know much about what the coaster is going to be, I agreed with them.


But I now stand corrected.



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I'm sure a "launch spinning coaster with inversions" is the real missing ride on the market at the moment...!!! Who will be the first to introduce this??? Intamin has already realized somthing similar without inversions (you know... coaster experts... Comet Express!!!). Why not...???

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So with the premise of World's First and the current teasers, some ideas on what IMHO could fit.


Launched Spinning Coaster

Launched Spinning Coaster with Inversions

Spinning Inverted Coaster


Of course you could carry that on, but some of these ideas seem unlikely enought.


I just hope they don't pull a cheap one on the "World's First" as in "World's First Mack Launched Coaster" or something like that

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This rollercoaster will be a Mack Ride. I envisage a RnR style launch followed by a Maverick style layout.


However, it is not true that only Silver Star is not Mack. Vindjammer is Huss, Fjord Rafting is Intamin, Euro-Tower is Intamin, Crazy Taxi and London Bus are Zamperla

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I also doubt it would be a Mack designed just because Europa Park is more intressted in quality. I highly doubt they would spend millions of euro on a Mack. They would probably spend that much money on a B&M, Intamin, and maybe a Vekoma, Arrow, or S&S.



1. Mack basically owns Europa Park, so most likely their new coaster will be a Mack. 2. Arrow went bankrupt years ago.



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1.) Silver Star wasn't a Mack, and it's the parks most popular, so the chances of it not being a Mack is okay (And I aware of the fact they own the park) 2.) Arrow is owned by S&S. So your right, I forgot about that. I'll edit it.



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European rumours talk about a magnetic launch followed by a top hat, a loop, a double corkscrew and a final heartline roll. Nothing original exept the fact that it would be from Mack.


As far as advertising is concerned, this kind of ads has already been done (and in a better way), particularily the one with the sling shot:



(more on this link: http://parcorama.blogspot.com/2008/01/advertising_23.html )


Compared to



This kind of reminds me of the spirit of this video :





Edit: ^ Mack considered doing the hypercoaster thmeselves, but they realised they weren't technically advanced enough to carry the project out, thus they gave it to B&M. Some people here have very good reasons to believe it's a Mack. If you want it to be a B&M or an Intamin, that's your choice, but you might end up disappointed...

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