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Height and riding coasters...?

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I went to this carnival the other day near my college, and almost everything I rode was extremely uncomfortable for me. I am 1.82 meters (I think this is about 6 feet and 2 inches tall) and I have problems all the time with coasters. The restraints often push against my shoulders and it is very uncomfortable. Because of my height, I stay away from all coasters built by Arrow or Vekoma because I never seem to fit comfortably in their trains. My sister, on the other hand, is 1.52 meters (I think this is 5 feet 3 inches or maybe shorter) and she does not like coasters because there is too much space between the restraints and her chest and she often hits herself repeatedly. I love roller coasters and consider myself definitely a fan of them, but it's sometimes hard because for a lot of rides, I just don't find them enjoyable because of the massive bruises that I might get afterwards. Does anyone else seem to have this problem?

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My husband is very tall and he can't ride Revenge Of The Mummy at Universal Studios in Florida because the restraint bar crushes his legs terrible.That is the only rollercoaster he has a problem with. I'm sure other tall people have the same problem as you and my husband.

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I also have issues with the Vekoma restraints. I am 6'2" and always feel uncomfortable with my shoulders pressing into the restraints. The Vekoma SLCs are the absolute worst. I have never enjoyed a ride on any of them. Other than that, I often find my knees banging against he seat in front of me, but that just goes with the territory.

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Vekoma SLC restraints are terrible! The shoulder crushing is not very fun. Arrow OTSR are not much better. I generally try to avoid those coasters if possible.


I'm also not a fun of the lap bar on the Cedar Creek Mine Ride at Cedar Point. When the bar is lowered, I haven't found a way to contort my legs to easily pass underneath the restraint without screaming in pain, which is why I no longer ride this coaster.


On the other hand, the restraints for Maverick fit perfectly on my shoulders making for quite an enjoyable ride.

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The only rides I can't ride are the kiddie ones...unless I steal a little kid. I'm about 5' 10''. Anyone notice that you can't put your arms up/out on Arrow/Vekoma coasters? It's like the shoulder portion of the restraints wrap around and cover half of you upper arm so you can't put them up. Arrow sitdowns, the side of the train is too close to the restraint shoulder.

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  Angry_Gumball said:
The only rides I can't ride are the kiddie ones...unless I steal a little kid. I'm about 5' 10''. Anyone notice that you can't put your arms up/out on Arrow/Vekoma coasters? It's like the shoulder portion of the restraints wrap around and cover half of you upper arm so you can't put them up. Arrow sitdowns, the side of the train is too close to the restraint shoulder.


YES! I can barely get my arm out to the side. And I really have to squeeze it to get it out! But when I do, it's just pinned there and it just smashes back and forth throughout the entire ride. I wish I could put my hands up, but I just put them on my lap. That's goes the same for really any other Arrow I've ridden. - Suspeneded and Sit down. I just put my hands out infront or on my lap.


I'm 5'8"-9"?



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I'm 6'3, so I guess I'm a pretty tall person. I think tall people have an advantage on a lot of rides, since your head isn't boxed in between the OTSR's. The only OTSR's that bother me are the Intamin ones that they have been using lately (i.e. Storm Runner). Since the parts that physically come over your shoulder are more like un-padded straps, they push against the tops of my shoulders and can leave sore spots if I do a lot of repeat rides.

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ADMIN EDIT for clarity and grammar:


I'm 6'6 and its hard to fit on some rides. Rides with OSTR, I kinda have to slide down in my seat to fit. Last year, while riding Maverick two times, made me black and blue, but for the most part I fit just kinda got to squeeze in there.


ADMIN EDIT: Please use proper grammar and spelling as stated in the posting rules. --mcjaco

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  Swimace said:
I'm 6'3, so I guess I'm a pretty tall person. I think tall people have an advantage on a lot of rides, since your head isn't boxed in between the OTSR's. The only OTSR's that bother me are the Intamin ones that they have been using lately (i.e. Storm Runner). Since the parts that physically come over your shoulder are more like un-padded straps, they push against the tops of my shoulders and can leave sore spots if I do a lot of repeat rides.


Same here. I'm about 6'1"ish, and I generally don't have problems with any OTSRs except the newest Intamin ones. I learned how to avoid the neck chopping on Maverick by leaning forward, but Stormrunner did clip me a bit (nothing horrible, but enough to be slightly annoying).


My biggest problem is actually having long legs. Some of the older PTC trains can seriously cramp my legroom, and I find myself using a lot of energy bracing to avoid banging my knees. It's really one of the primary reasons I've sworn off ever riding Georgia Cyclone again. It's rough to begin with, but my knees took a beating the last two times I actually did ride it.

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^I also have the same problem with my legs. That's why I really LOVE floorless coasters / inverts, because there is nothing cramping my body and my legs are just free to dangle.




The only OTSR's that bother me are the Intamin ones that they have been using lately (i.e. Storm Runner). Since the parts that physically come over your shoulder are more like un-padded straps, they push against the tops of my shoulders and can leave sore spots if I do a lot of repeat rides.


Ugh. I totally know what you mean. My shoulders are pretty broad and OTSR just hurt in general because every time I go through a tight turn, there is this really uncomfortable pressure on my shoulders. The Intamin ones are the worst! Desert Race at Heide-Park is a FUN ride, but I actually dread airtime (did I just say that?) because it's uncomfortable. I wish they would improve their restraints!

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I have to agree with most tall people here, Vekoma SLCs have caused me the most pain on a coaster. I'm 6'5 and have have no problems with any other steel coasters.


I find some wooden trains (e.g. the restraints on the Mean Streak trains) are really uncomfortable on my legs.


I love the newish Intamis OSR trains (Ka, Superman Escape), they have plenty of room for my shoulders.

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I'm on the short side (5`5 on a good day) and have noticed the only coasters I really have a hard time on is Arrow multi-loopers. My ears tend to take a major beating on those rides, and I think being taller would remedy the problem. I've never had a problem on SLC's, other then normal Vekoma roughness.


Actually for some reason of all rides that I've had a hard time with, it's Ninja at SFMM. Not sure why but that thing has always enjoyed giving my head a beating. With that said it is among my favorite rides in the park, just likes to bash my head in.

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I am just under 6ft. I have the general problem of fitting into Arrow trains. The over the shoulder restraint is normally very tight on my shoulders. The worst coaster so far has been Viper at Six Flags Magic Mountain. The restraint was so tight that it popped one notch during an inversion. Scared the *** out of me.


I also suffer pain on Colossus at Thorpe Park. It is not a problem with my shoulders but with my thighs. The new restraint goes over the shoulders easily enough but when pulling back toward the chest the restraint first makes contact with my thighs. When the ride op pushes the restraint against my torso my thighs get crushed.

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On the complete opposite side...I am really short, 5ft on good days and generally things are okay save for being perfect height for ear bashing on Arrows and on stand-ups are kind of uncomfortable because I have short legs so even at its shortest setting, I'm on my tip-toes.


But the worst for me on the Midwest was with V2 and Wicked Twister. It was the first time I've encountered a ride like that where the floor doesn't retract and in the case of V2 they had to give me a stool so I could jump up on to the seat. All very embarrassing. Worst still because I think I was sitting next to Casey who quite easily reached the seat.


I had the same problem at Cedar Point but the ride op told me if I couldn't reach the seat then I couldn't ride. I was determined to ride so I did a running leap into the seat. All very amusing to watch, I am assured as I am not the most graceful person in the world.

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  AllenA07 said:
So the basic premise here is that nobody tall or short can ride Arrow's without taking a beating.


I guess I'm a "coaster masochist" due to numerous rides on Beast, Son of Beast, and Racer....but Vortex is always a good ride for me! I'd only have a bad ride if I tried to squeeze my arms up. Ouch!


But when I was younger and SoB had the old trains...that could be really bad. It felt like there was a 20lb weight on your chest the whole ride!


Still on the Premier rides, I feel like I'm sitting way down in the car; but I think they have their seats pretty low.



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I know it's not a coaster.. but because of my build I can't ride Perilous Plunge at Knott's. I'm 6'3 myself, but because I have wide shoulders I don't fit into the restraints.


My niece has the opposite problem. She's so tiny, she's afraid she'd fly out of many OTSR rides. (but she's 5'9")

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I feel my height, 5'10" is like the perfect height for most coasters. My head is high enough that I have never gotten any headbanging on any Arrow coaster. The only problem I've experienced so far is PTCs without buzz bars, and of course Vekomas. Vekomas just beat the living crap out of my head. Other than those two things, I've been alright.

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