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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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I guess I'm a little late on the concept, but what is the big appeal of an aquatrax? They look to me like standard steels with decorative waterfalls underneath the track?


Just to throw you a bone, AquaTrax is a long-running TPR gag. Before Maverick was announced everyone was saying it was going to be an aquatrax.

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When you send them an email, you get this auto-response:


Your message has been forwarded to the appropriate RIT Project Manager for further review. Please remember that the confidential nature of our work requires the use of an encryption key for all e-mail communications.


As previously discussed, we anticipate a joint public announcement in the spring of 2011.


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^I just sent them a thank you email for yesterday and got the same thing.


I spy 12 dashes from the reply.


Looking at the paper closer, it shows a griffon holding a gold star. There are 11 stars around the shield too.

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Looking at the paper closer, it shows a griffon holding a gold star. There are 11 stars around the shield too.

Well, that's it. Isn't it obvious?


Hersheypark's 12th coaster is going to be a clone of Griffon. DUH!!!


--Robb "But painted gold..." Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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When you send them an email, you get this auto-response:


Your message has been forwarded to the appropriate RIT Project Manager for further review. Please remember that the confidential nature of our work requires the use of an encryption key for all e-mail communications.


As previously discussed, we anticipate a joint public announcement in the spring of 2011.


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Sounds a little like the Nantimi deal. If I'm correct, they also done this by providing an email address at Nantimi.com which would've been forwarded to someone at Hershey Entertainment & Resorts.


By the way, I'm wondering if they could be opening a drop tower in 2011 AND then make the announcement of "Project 2012". This could very well seem likely. The tower itself wouldn't have to be as tall as the Kissing Tower.

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Where are all of you guys getting on this Intamin kick anyways? If all we know is 200+ feet and water element this thing has B&M Dive Coaster or Hyper coaster written all over it.


I'm a little concerned now though because Comet Hollow is cramped and SDL's station and break run look like a perfect spot to place a lift hill.. and on the other side of the bank is your return run back.


It would be nice to see a drop tower in 2011 though. Two years of adding nothing is really unHershey like, but that could explain why they would make an announcement in the Spring to hold us over for another year (and to take down the SDL..)

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I think it's safe to say that both Comet and SDL aren't going anywhere. I thought I heard somewhere awhile back that whatever this is going to be would interact with those two rides in some way. After seeing the current survey markings and stakes during the Keystone Thrills meet-up on Sunday, it would have to interact somehow. As much as I would love to see Sidewinder leave, that most likely isn't going to happen and the same with SDL, mainly because I would think that HP would want to keep the coaster count up front for the most in PA (and why would they keep throwing the number 12 all over at us?). Removing SDL would bring the coaster count down to ten and with this new ride, back up to eleven. It just doesn't make sense, especially with this new game they're playing with us.


Also something else to point out...someone made mention that HP signed a contract to have three Intamins installed within a certain time period (SR, FH, and whatever this ride may be). I would love to see this turn into another B&M project (they desperately need another one of those and not another Intamin) but from all that I've been hearing about their great relationship with Intamin and the contract deal, I'm beginning to start leaning more towards Intamin again. And considering that B&M's are way more expensive, it would make more sense to have Intamin come back, especially if they end up putting in that rumored drop tower (or another flat) next year.

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Here's my new design for what will definitely be.. without a shadow of a doubt.. 100 percent positive.. Hersheypark's 2012 new coaster.


Sadly.. SDL was removed and moved to Dutch Wonderland.. where it will never be reassembled because it's a terrain coaster. However, the new coaster pays homage to SDL by keeping its helix and being painted blue.. not 14k gold.


I don't think there will be a water element. I think that's just a clue that hints at the coaster going over the old pool area. Maybe they could make a splash down in the creek but lots of very large carp would not appreciate that.




Hershey 2012!

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Sooperdooperlooper isn't going to be leaving. If it was, then there would be one less star on the shield. Plus there are also more stakes and markers surrounding Comet.


A B&M Dive Machine would be cool and I think I remember talking about this in the speculation for Fahrenheit. The big discussion on that was if Busch signed a contract with B&M to not build any of them in any other park in the US. Has there been any proof of any park signing a deal with a manufacturer saying that they plan on building such a number of their coasters or rides in their park?

When I was there on Sunday I saw a new shack has been built next to Comet's first drop. It's at a location where you can easily see it from Looper's brake run and you can't really get a good picture of it. RIT's research facility? lol

There were also more markers found in the Comet Hollow games building next to Tilt-A-Whirl.

I've ridden at least 1 of every B&M type coaster out there right now except for a Dive Machine. If this turns out to be it, I'll be happy.


I also want to point out that a splashdown could happen, but they'd just need to lower the creek level by letting the water move more freely at the dam near the catering area, work in the lake area and make it run more narrower, then add whatever they want there. Kind of what Kings Island did for Diamondback, but still keeping the creek.

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^^^ I don't know if I would even want them to shove a new coaster in that part of the park without removing SDL.. talk about steel support overkill! I love the Great Bear but the amount of gaudy supports towering over Comet Hollow is depressing! I can't imagine them fitting even just a station in this area. Where would the track/lift hill go, where would the queue go and how would it get back into the station without ruining the entire area? Plus, what's the point of a splashdown that no one can see? To have it interact with people you'd have to have it in Comet Hollow. Not going to happen with the existing coasters/rides/queues.


I'll be the first to admit it if I'm way off but regardless of what survey markers are down by the Tilt A Whirl, Comet, and Swing Ride, I don't see that being anything more than maybe for a badly placed drop tower in the lowest section of the park. But then, for Hershey to bypass an announcement for a drop tower in 2011 wouldn't happen either. Plus, drop towers take up a lot of space for the ride and long slow moving queue, again which you aren't smashing into Comet Hollow.


Someone please paint a realistic idea for me on a 200+ foot coaster starting off and ending in this area? Thanks!


I forgot to add this for those of you unfamiliar with Hershey. Here is Comet Hollow. White is the Comet, SDL is blue, and purple is the Great Bear. There's not much space!

Edited by CoasterEricHP
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