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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

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Hmm, if we're looking at a possible drop tower, I wonder who would supply it? Moving Tilt-A-Whirl would be the best thing. They removed Chaos and Rodeo. At least Rodeo was saved and went to Dutch Wonderland. I wonder why Hershey would wait until now to do something this massive.

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I don't think they will remove the tilt-a-whirl. It's a popular ride and it's only about 10 years old at the most. I belive they will relocate it to a different part of the park. The reason for that is the close proximity to the new ride and comet. They'll need the room for supports, station area etc.

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Tilt-a-Whirl is much older than 10 years. It was added to Carrousel Circle back in the mid 1980s then moved to Comet Hollow in 1995 to replace the Rotor. I do know that it is a simple ride to move because they take it apart and keep it inside during the winter.

I'm not so sure about a drop tower going there. One side will have it's view blocked by Comet's lift hill. If it was out in Midway, then it would make sense.

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Even if they removed or moved the restrooms, there probably would not be room there for larger ride. It's also pretty crowded, with three coaster tracks running in close proximity.


Now that might be a nice spot for the ride entrance..and I think it's not crazy to see the Tilt-A-Whirl make it's way to another part of the park.

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Just something to spark up a bit of conversation.


Lets say Hershey told us they were removing a ride for this coaster and we didn't know where it would be located. Which ride would you want them to remove?

For me, Wildcat, Sidewinder, and either Sooperdooperlooper or Trailblazer.

Wilcat is rough and even with the millenium flyers, it still is a bad ride IMO. Sidewinder: enough said, but if the park got the new vekoma trains, then I could see the ride being more enjoyable. Looper could be removed on economic terms since it never got a line like it used to (these days it seems like it has a 0-10 minute wait) and Trailblazer seems to be at a location that is pretty much less traveled since you have to walk down a steep hill to get to it (the ride also isn't really up to today's standards since it doesn't have an elevator to the station platform.

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I was told that the park had plans to finally install an elevator at Trailblazer (other than maybe demolishing and rebuilding the station, which isn't happening). Someone also said at Keystone Thrills about how the park has an elevator in storage from when Turbulence was cancelled. I don't know how much truth there is to that or not.


Turnpike isn't going anywhere. They just installed new signs for it, plus they had plans to re-do the station, as well as the tower's. If anything, they could maybe re-align it because of what's supposed to be happening with the realignment of Rte 743 to straighten out that curve.


According to the markings, I think the new coaster's station is going where Tilt-A-Whirl currently sits and then Tilt-A-Whirl would be re-located. They do have some room for some new flats out in Midway, perhaps it will go out there, unless they want to keep it on the other side of the park so it can continue to run for Candylane (Music Box could also be an option). I also can't see a drop tower going in Comet Hollow because the area is low and would make such a ride look lower, unless they made the height extremely tall. Minetown also would be out of the question because of the close proximity to the Kissing Tower. Trailblazer's area could use a new flat or two to get foot traffic down there (the barbeque place is there but that's not enough to get people down there). I think having a drop ride down there would be the same problem as Comet Hollow due to being a low-lying area, so another kind of flat (something not so tall) could maybe work in that area. They have to convince people to go down there in order for them to walk up and down those hills (which is why sometimes why my friend and I skip that area ourselves). I'd say either Music Box, Pioneer Frontier or out in Midway will be the rumored locations for a drop ride, or some new flats and the relocated Tilt-A-Whirl.

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Everyone seems to be settled that this is a coaster, for sure.


I should caution you all - besides the fact that this is pure speculation...(NO official announcement from the park yet)


Then Paramount's Great America had very similar markings appear in late 2003's season. There were also zoning variances requested (Which in this industry is fairly standard) The rumor mill was so rampant, the name for the non-existent coaster and even THEME MUSIC was "leaked." In reality - it was all rumor and speculation, never to materialize in reality.


Again, just cautioning people that when they see markers, it's not always for an attraction.

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I stand corrected on the tilt a whirl dates. Hersheypark.com states it was installed in 1983. I don't ever remember it being in carousel circle. It looks very new. They maintain it meticulously.



There is definitely a coaster going in comet hollow in 2012. Most people consider this pure speculation, and I can understand that some may be skeptical. If I said "I assure you", most wouldn't believe me. But I'm going to go out on a limb again and say no rides will be removed. a new coaster in comet hollow will be installed by 2012 and it will more than likely go towards the old golf course behind chocolate world. The new coaster may or may not actually travel through the structure of the comet. The coaster will be in excess of 200 ft. Tilt a whirl will be relocated to another area of the park.

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My S.O.S book does mention about Tilt-A-Whirl opening in 1983, the year I was born by the way lol. Glad to hear it's getting re-located. I trust your info knowit. I remember you coming around here when the Nantimi game was going on. The ride, indeed, is like brand new with it's most recent paintjob in 2004. The only way we'll know if this coaster goes through the Comet would be if we see them working on the structure at all. That will be interesting.


knowit, you're also welcome to join up at Keystone Thrills to help out in getting the record straight with some of this. I know it's like a roller coaster over there receiving info from various sources and we never know who to believe. Your info seems so accurate.

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Everyone seems to be settled that this is a coaster, for sure.


I should caution you all - besides the fact that this is pure speculation...(NO official announcement from the park yet)


Then Paramount's Great America had very similar markings appear in late 2003's season. There were also zoning variances requested (Which in this industry is fairly standard) The rumor mill was so rampant, the name for the non-existent coaster and even THEME MUSIC was "leaked." In reality - it was all rumor and speculation, never to materialize in reality.


Again, just cautioning people that when they see markers, it's not always for an attraction.

Hersheypark is not PGA. The same markings that appeared before Fahrenheit was built are appearing right now.

Right now I'm just going by what the evidence says. I also want to point out that the park plan on having a zoning board meeting to discuss "Attraction 2012" tonight:



Petition 2010-31 as filed by Hershey Entertainment and Resorts Company, regarding

their property at 100 Hersheypark Dr., Hershey, PA in the Commercial Entertainment

zoning district. The property is improved with an entertainment complex. Petitioner

desires to construct a new feature identified as Attraction 2012. Relief is sought from,

but not necessarily limited to, a special exception regarding maximum height, a special

exception regarding minimum front yard areas, and a variance related to disturbing

sensitive environmental areas as defined by the Zoning regulations. The property is

identified on the Dauphin County tax maps as 24-009, parcel 009.

So while I'm not absolutely say with certain it's going to be a coaster, the evidence found supports it such as the numerous markings and stakes found: http://keystonethrills.webs.com/attraction2012updates.htm

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Now I'm REALLY excited! I love when theme parks put rides in spots that I just couldn't see rides in! They did it with Great Bear, and I can't wait to see how Hershey's new flagship attraction turns out whether it be a B&M, Intamin, or other! So many great rides coming out in the next few years!!!

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As far as the question about water is concerned, I think this


The new attraction also will include water — part of it will span an existing man-made pond near the Comet.


was pretty telling. Why not read the article and draw the conclusion from that instead of speculating?

Because I thought it ment two separate ideas instead of one when I read the article.Thanks for correcting me on that.

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If you go to Keystone Thrills and see the pics of the markings on the ground, there are some that are marked to resemble a station right there, plus some stakes alongside the Comet that would resemble where footers/poles would be located. My guess is that this is for a station and brake run.

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If you go to Keystone Thrills and see the pics of the markings on the ground, there are some that are marked to resemble a station right there, plus some stakes alongside the Comet that would resemble where footers/poles would be located. My guess is that this is for a station and brake run.




I just have a hard time picturing that, considering three other coasters have tracks running in close proximity to that spot. If that is true, it is really going to be a tight fit.


Maybe I'll take a look next week.

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^ Considering B&M has been very consistent with the heights of their last 3 hypers, and only 'new model' hypers, at 232, 230, and 230 feet, I'd say it's a Dive Machine...if it's even a B&M at all.


Regardless, if this is slated for 2012, it'll be a year before I start following it closely.

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