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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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The last time I was at Hersheypark was the debut season for Fahrenheit. I was tempted to go back last year because of Skyrush, but all of the reports about painful restraints kept me away. Looks like I'll be heading up there next October for Hersheypark in the Dark.


As long as you avoid Saturday's, Hersheypark in the Dark is one of the best times of the year to go to the park. Almost half price admission compared to the summer and other than the water rides everything is open plus low crowds on Friday or Sunday.

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Those restraints look exactly like the ones on Skyrush! Surely they just took Skyrush's restraint and stuck them on those coasters, right?"[/i]


They most certainly look like the ones on Skyrush, but upon closer inspection they are shaped differently and therefore were designed specifically with the narrower trains in mind.


I don't think that's the only difference. They also look more comfortable than Skyrush's as: 1 - they meet your legs closer to the waist and 2 - they are shaped so that they will fit them more nicely. Probably intamin took the Skyrush concept and made the changes they think will improve comfort.

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They most certainly look like the ones on Skyrush, but upon closer inspection they are shaped differently and therefore were designed specifically with the narrower trains in mind.


Actually, there's more to it. The difference on the lapbars of Skyrush and the new looping coasters, is that the ones on Skyrush were designed by Intaride US, and the other ones were designed by Intamin Europe. Both restraints were designed simultaneously around 2011, and there's no real answer to why they did there own different designs.

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The last time I was at Hersheypark was the debut season for Fahrenheit. I was tempted to go back last year because of Skyrush, but all of the reports about painful restraints kept me away. Looks like I'll be heading up there next October for Hersheypark in the Dark.


As long as you avoid Saturday's, Hersheypark in the Dark is one of the best times of the year to go to the park. Almost half price admission compared to the summer and other than the water rides everything is open plus low crowds on Friday or Sunday.


Oh yeah. I always go for Hersheypark in the Dark. Although, I always went on Saturdays and never found it to be very crowded, but maybe that's changed since I've last been.

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Hersheypark is pretty easy to plan around. Just hit Fahrenheit first and work your way around the back. By the time you make it to the front, the crowds would've moved toward the Boardwalk area.


Don't let the poor reviews turn you off Skyrush. Its still an incredible ride despite the lapbars. It made it into my number one spot.

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Hersheypark is pretty easy to plan around. Just hit Fahrenheit first and work your way around the back. By the time you make it to the front, the crowds would've moved toward the Boardwalk area


YES! This is what I've done the past three times and it worked perfectly. Multiple rides on storm runner nearby before anyone fills in. Haha...I did find out to skip Great Bear if the queue is busy. Just not forceful and makes me fall asleep after so many times on Raptor, Montu, Alpengeist...

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Hersheypark is pretty easy to plan around. Just hit Fahrenheit first and work your way around the back. By the time you make it to the front, the crowds would've moved toward the Boardwalk area


YES! This is what I've done the past three times and it worked perfectly. Multiple rides on storm runner nearby before anyone fills in. Haha...I did find out to skip Great Bear if the queue is busy. Just not forceful and makes me fall asleep after so many times on Raptor, Montu, Alpengeist...


The inversions on Great Bear are basically just as forceful as Raptor and Alpengeist. It's just shorter.

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^Everybody complains about that but honestly, all it's doing is taking you back to the station, it's a single turn and it lasts maybe 2.5 seconds.


Everyone talks about the ending to Great Bear, but really I disagree. Here's how I see the coaster (this is assuming you're riding in the back, which is pretty much required for any invert IMO): First after the lift, you slowly accelerate into the helix. In addition to getting a great view, you're already pulling some heavy negative Gs, and the ride hasn't even started yet. Then you dive down across the creek and you're smacked with three great inversions right in a row. This section has all the pacing and intensity one would expect from any great B&M invert. Then you hit the next turnaround, and the much maligned straightaway, but to me this actually adds to the ride's character. You know that second barrel roll is coming but from the back you can't even see it. It builds anticipation. Or, of you're new to the ride, a false sense of security. Suddenly it hits and it's the most intense element on the ride. A perfectly serviceable climax. There's even a little dive in the opposite direction right before it, to keep you guessing. Then, that's it, the ride's over, and in a matter of seconds you're hitting the brakes.


Is it too short? Yes, but it's got enough unusual terrain elements and pacing surprises that it's my second favorite invert behind Talon. People talk about it "meandering around", but those parts are so very, very short, and I have to wonder if those people have ever ridden, you know, Mean Streak, or the Beast, or, like, any mine train ride ever.

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While Great Bear isn't anywhere near my favorite invert (Montu), it still has a funky and uniqe layout. I even had trouble deciding whether or not my home invert (Alpengeist, which is another underrated coaster) was better.


The bonus helix delivers some pretty odd forces and is one of the real standout portions of the ride. I dont think I've felt forces like that before.


The three inversions are pretty forceful and fun in their own right as well.


After the zero g, the ride seems to lose steam and like Alpengeist,taper off. Yeah the corkscrew was cool, but it didn't do much for me.


Even if the ride itself is uneventful outside of that first half, the setting on the creek, the classic roar,and the overall oddness of the ride really puts it over the top. Even if Alpengeist has the better theming and the more powerful layout, GB still has the edge.

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Alpengeist pretty much singlehandedly killed my day at BGW. It was second, after Griffon. The whole rest of the day I had such a bad headache I couldn't even enjoy Apollo's Chariot... the only other rides I really liked were Loch Ness Monster and DarKastle since it was inside, away from the bright sunlight. Hopefully I can get back next year to give it a second opinion.

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^Everybody complains about that but honestly, all it's doing is taking you back to the station, it's a single turn and it lasts maybe 2.5 seconds.


Everyone talks about the ending to Great Bear, but really I disagree. Here's how I see the coaster (this is assuming you're riding in the back, which is pretty much required for any invert IMO): First after the lift, you slowly accelerate into the helix. In addition to getting a great view, you're already pulling some heavy negative Gs, and the ride hasn't even started yet. Then you dive down across the creek and you're smacked with three great inversions right in a row. This section has all the pacing and intensity one would expect from any great B&M invert. Then you hit the next turnaround, and the much maligned straightaway, but to me this actually adds to the ride's character. You know that second barrel roll is coming but from the back you can't even see it. It builds anticipation. Or, of you're new to the ride, a false sense of security. Suddenly it hits and it's the most intense element on the ride. A perfectly serviceable climax. There's even a little dive in the opposite direction right before it, to keep you guessing. Then, that's it, the ride's over, and in a matter of seconds you're hitting the brakes.


Is it too short? Yes, but it's got enough unusual terrain elements and pacing surprises that it's my second favorite invert behind Talon. People talk about it "meandering around", but those parts are so very, very short, and I have to wonder if those people have ever ridden, you know, Mean Streak, or the Beast, or, like, any mine train ride ever.


I agree with this about a million times over.

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Alpengeist pretty much singlehandedly killed my day at BGW. It was second, after Griffon. The whole rest of the day I had such a bad headache I couldn't even enjoy Apollo's Chariot... the only other rides I really liked were Loch Ness Monster and DarKastle since it was inside, away from the bright sunlight. Hopefully I can get back next year to give it a second opinion.


Do people really find Alpengeist that rough? I've heard the same from many people, but I've yet to find anything uncomfortable about the ride. If anything I usually feel it rattle in the cobra roll when I'm in the back row, but that's it. I can't say anything about the Great Bear since I haven't been on it yet, and hopefully that will change next year. But I've always found GB's layout very unique and loved it's use of the terrain.

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^Everybody complains about that but honestly, all it's doing is taking you back to the station, it's a single turn and it lasts maybe 2.5 seconds.


Everyone talks about the ending to Great Bear, but really I disagree. Here's how I see the coaster (this is assuming you're riding in the back, which is pretty much required for any invert IMO): First after the lift, you slowly accelerate into the helix. In addition to getting a great view, you're already pulling some heavy negative Gs, and the ride hasn't even started yet. Then you dive down across the creek and you're smacked with three great inversions right in a row. This section has all the pacing and intensity one would expect from any great B&M invert. Then you hit the next turnaround, and the much maligned straightaway, but to me this actually adds to the ride's character. You know that second barrel roll is coming but from the back you can't even see it. It builds anticipation. Or, of you're new to the ride, a false sense of security. Suddenly it hits and it's the most intense element on the ride. A perfectly serviceable climax. There's even a little dive in the opposite direction right before it, to keep you guessing. Then, that's it, the ride's over, and in a matter of seconds you're hitting the brakes.


Is it too short? Yes, but it's got enough unusual terrain elements and pacing surprises that it's my second favorite invert behind Talon. People talk about it "meandering around", but those parts are so very, very short, and I have to wonder if those people have ever ridden, you know, Mean Streak, or the Beast, or, like, any mine train ride ever.


I agree with this about a million times over.


Same here... I love that last Corkscrew, especially because the train acts as if it's going to twist in the opposite direction right before it. An extra helix or something would be nice but as is I still really like Great Bear. There are much better inverts but it's still a great ride.

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I honestly think great bear would benefit enormously from something like a second corkscrew and a helix before the brake run, then it could be a top invert.

Edited by rcjp
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