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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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I don't want a wing coaster there. There are enough inversions in the park. FL needs a Hyper. If they build a wing coaster someone will say it's elements are too much like Kraken and will almost be on top of each other.

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I don't want a wing coaster there. There are enough inversions in the park. FL needs a Hyper. If they build a wing coaster someone will say it's elements are too much like Kraken and will almost be on top of each other.


I doubt the GP will care about how similar a wing coaster's elements are to Kraken's, but I do agree the FL needs a hyper.


For the sake of speculation alone, maybe this will be the first hyper-invert?

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OH I know the GP could care less. It's a new ride to them no matter what it is. There are others however I can see complaining. I'll be happy with whatever it is, but I really want a hyper at one of my home parks.

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Another B&M looper is basically the last thing Florida needs. I hope that the hyped-up Florida hyper coaster does not turn out to be a wing coaster. While these things are appealing to the masses, I have found that riding on the side of track only minimally increases the thrill factor. To me, what makes a ride good is having a good layout and nice old-fashioned forces, not impressive looking trains.


If it is a B&M hyper, that would add something very different to the state and would be a good fit. However, I still think that H:RRR would be seen to me as Florida's airtime machine. I actually like the airtime on Rip Ride Rockit better than that of Nitro, and I think that H:RRR might be the most overlooked airtime coaster in the US. While it is nowhere near as smooth and graceful as a B&M, I would take it over another repetitive hyper any day.

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H:RRR is a very unique and excellent ride. It definitely packs in some good airtime and has a nice "punch" to it that B&M coasters generally lack. Even though it's not 200 feet tall it's basically a hyper and is my favorite of all the rides I've been on in Florida (Disney and Universal parks). I can't believe I totally forgot about it when discussing "Florida's first hyper coaster."

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H:RRR is a very unique and excellent ride. It definitely packs in some good airtime and has a nice "punch" to it that B&M coasters generally lack. Even though it's not 200 feet tall it's basically a hyper and is my favorite of all the rides I've been on in Florida (Disney and Universal parks). I can't believe I totally forgot about it when discussing "Florida's first hyper coaster."

I think you may be the only person to classify that as being a "hyper" coaster...

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It doesn't have any inversions but has plenty of airtime moments, so in my mind it's pretty much a mega/hyper coaster. It's not 200 feet but it's not a small coaster by any means either. It's not exactly a hyper; it's pretty much in it's own category. That category just happens to be closer to hyper than any other category of coaster (in my mind, at least).


Enough of me arguing my case, though. I feel like I've done too much to derail this thread form SeaWorld discussion.

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I wouldn't mind seeing a launched wing rider like Thunderbird with a unique layout at SeaWorld. Seems like these new wing riders are getting better so a launched version with some fly throughs would be pretty cool.


Also, I could see a launched wingrider with a layout that's a cross between Thunderbird and Fury being a really fun ride, fast launch, huge initial inversions then a bunch of flythroughs turns and air time hill, that might make for a great ride.

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The name of this ride fits in well with ideas of Manta. I think the species of Shark they chose would lend itself nicely to a ride like Skyrush, just like Manta makes sense as a flying coaster. I guess we'll have to see. I really hope SeaWorld see's this as an opportunity to refurbish the Shark Encounter however I do doubt they will. Also hope they theme the surrounding area like they did with Manta as that whole area around Sharks and Nautilus is kinda poor in theming.

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Mako would be an interesting name for the coaster, but I'm not completely convinced that it's going to be the official name yet because they could pull another Cheetaka/Diavolo on us.

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^^Yeah, I agree. SeaWorld is one of those parks where the themeing in certain sections is fantastic (Antartica, Manta, Kraken/Journey, Key West, Waterfront area, entry gate) but in other areas is kind of lacking (Shark Encounter/nautilus area, Wild Arctic, Happy Harbor is just okay to me, Shamu area. the old stables/brewery area). Hopefully with this and future additions they will continue to upgrade the park and add consistent levels of themeing to the new areas.


I'm pretty excited about the future at Seaworld, between the new coaster, removing the games area, potentially replacing/upgrading Wild Arctic at some point they place has a lot look forward to in a park that is already pretty darn good. If the new coaster delivers then SeaWorld will probably have the best coaster collection in Orlando, it's just a shame Antartica was such a dud (although it always has a line so maybe people like it?).

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^^Yeah, I agree. SeaWorld is one of those parks where the themeing in certain sections is fantastic (Antartica, Manta, Kraken/Journey, Key West, Waterfront area, entry gate) but in other areas is kind of lacking (Shark Encounter/nautilus area, Wild Arctic, Happy Harbor is just okay to me, Shamu area. the old stables/brewery area). Hopefully with this and future additions they will continue to upgrade the park and add consistent levels of themeing to the new areas.


I'm pretty excited about the future at Seaworld, between the new coaster, removing the games area, potentially replacing/upgrading Wild Arctic at some point they place has a lot look forward to in a park that is already pretty darn good. If the new coaster delivers then SeaWorld will probably have the best coaster collection in Orlando, it's just a shame Antartica was such a dud (although it always has a line so maybe people like it?).

Antarctica the ride portion was a huge disappointment, however I think for most of the GP as soon as they see the amazing penguin exhibit they forget all about the ride. I'd like to see them upgrade the ride in a few years and maybe put it in 3D and in the last 2 rooms add some dome screens and put in some animatronics.


But yea, the future for SW is really bright. Blue World, this new coaster, the potential of a refurbished Wild Arctic(hopefully the dark ride portion of Journey as well)

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Mako is a great name, as is Cobra's Curse. I'm sure neither will be the final choice then lol.


Antarctica the ride is very flawed, but the penguin exhibit at the end is Uhh-mazing. It's the best viewing in the whole park unless the dolphins are being playful underwater. I think it was all worth it just for the smelly, glassless encounter with those birds!

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I absolutely love Seaworld...I really do. I will say Antarctica Empire Of The Penguin was a huge let down from all the hype. I was expecting the ride to be at least twice as long. I've only done it once since it opened and that was during a passholder perk where I could skip the line once with a voucher shortly after it opened. I would have been really pissed if I had waited in that 180 minute line (according to the wait time posted). I did like the penguin area itself, but honestly preferred the old one with the moving walkway. I really do like the rest of the area however. Expedition Cafe is now our go to place for lunch or dinner when at the park.


I will also include that I wasn't very impressed with Turtle Trek either. That may be partly due to not being able to see the full effect of 3D since I'm blind in one eye. I just go through there to see the manatees underwater when I go and skip the rest. Wild Arctic needs a facelift. I get bored with watching the film just to see the animal exhibits after. Sometimes they will let us in through the back to skip it, but usually someone will say you can't. I just want to see the animals at this point...lol

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I absolutely love Seaworld...I really do. I will say Antarctica Empire Of The Penguin was a huge let down from all the hype. I was expecting the ride to be at least twice as long. I've only done it once since it opened and that was during a passholder perk where I could skip the line once with a voucher shortly after it opened. I would have been really pissed if I had waited in that 180 minute line (according to the wait time posted). I did like the penguin area itself, but honestly preferred the old one with the moving walkway. I really do like the rest of the area however. Expedition Cafe is now our go to place for lunch or dinner when at the park.


I will also include that I wasn't very impressed with Turtle Trek either. That may be partly due to not being able to see the full effect of 3D since I'm blind in one eye. I just go through there to see the manatees underwater when I go and skip the rest. Wild Arctic needs a facelift. I get bored with watching the film just to see the animal exhibits after. Sometimes they will let us in through the back to skip it, but usually someone will say you can't. I just want to see the animals at this point...lol

Antarctica would have been soooo much better if instead of a story and screens and all the flashy stuff, the whole ride was just a giant exhibit and your car went around and through the exhibit in your car and at the end it leaves you in a larger exhibit. The ride they created was so unrealistic and cheap with it's doors and screens. I seriously wish I could have been apart of that design team!


Turtle Trek is a great attraction, sad you can't see the 3D effect because it's really neat, just wish the animation was better but that's definitely possible. In regards to Wild Arctic, there's no doubt that it needs something and I'm surprised that SW is waiting so long. I wonder if when they do decide to do something, they'll remove the entire area or will they refurbish the ride system.

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A B&M hyper doesn't seem like it would have enough marketability to stand out from the crowd in the Orlando area. However, I could see a B&M wing coaster being something "different" and marketable for Sea World. A launched wing coaster (Orlando's "fastest coaster")...well...that could be even more marketable! It won't surprise me at all if SWO plays it "safe" with one of those.


I grew up in Orlando and still visit family there frequently, but I almost never visit SWO when in the area (even though it's a very good park). If I'm going to visit a park, I almost always go with Disney or Universal instead. Now, if SWO built an absolutely balls-to-the-wall mash-up of I-305/Skyrush/Maverick/etc, then I'd probably visit the park every time I'm in the area. A stand-out coaster like that along with all of the other rides, shows, and exhibits that already exist at SWO could win me over. Heck, I'd still love to be surprised by a Mack hyper/launched or a Hyper GT-X over any modern B&M as well, but I'm not holding my breath.


With all of that being said, I can't wait to hear all of the details on the new Mako (or whatever SWO ends up calling it) coaster! Thankfully, we won't have to wait too much longer.

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Wild Arctic is pretty great for about two months, between Mid November and Early January, when it's not Wild Arctic and A capella carolers serenade you in line for the Polar Express.


Otherwise it's very hokey with bare-minimum theming and all-around dated. Turtle Trek is just okay and the Antarctica ride experience is honestly poor, so Seaworld does have some real duds in the lineup with their family offerings. I'd probably rather see something in that area for the park experience but after Blackfish it looks like they really want to make a marketing splash especially with an early "tallest coaster in Florida with no other details" announcement.


I'm very on-board with the Hyper GT-X. There is no airtime machine in all of Florida, even if Rip Ride Rockit has it's moments and Wild-Lightning got close. With the park having no problems with coaster capacities (Manta and Kraken are rarely above an hour wait, and most days 5-30 mins) any expensive B&M would be a true luxury, I would love to see a different model with more punch to it.

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LOL call me crazy, but I can just see this being a Hyper GT-X! If you take a look at that front car it just screams SHARK! lol


And just for S**** & Giggles I did a little search about Mako Sharks and on Sharks-World.com it say's

Facts about the Mako Shark


You may see a mako shark LEAPING out of the water from time to time. There isn’t any known reason why they do this. It may be to search for food that is above the surface. Some people assume they do so for air but that isn’t necessary for this species of shark or any other.


They are also the FASTEST of all species of sharks in the world. They can swim at a top speed of 60 miles per hour when they are migrating or hunting for food. The generally swim at a speed of about 35 miles an hour on a regular basis.

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Another new Sea World trademark for an "amusement ride" has appeared, this one for Reef Hunter:



It should also be noted that trademarks filed by Sea World LLC are typically for their SeaWorld parks and trademarks filed by SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment LLC are typically for their other properties.


So are any other SeaWorld parks planning on getting a new ride? Or maybe they'll rename an existing attraction at SWO? Keep in mind these trademark applications aren't free, so the park likely has some intent to use this name somewhere.

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While they are not free parks file for trademarks that they don't use all the time; see Centurion and Strat-O-Soar in Cedar Fair's case. Both of which were never used and are now inactive.

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Yes, but they were both still filed with intent to be used, they weren't filed "just because".


Centurion was suspended because another conflicting application was found during the process, forcing Cedar Fair to use a different name:

The effective filing date of the pending application(s) identified below precedes the filing date of applicant’s application.



And as for Stratosoar, I believe that name was changed when Cedar Fair decided to go with the Mondial Wind Seeker over the Starflyer.

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