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California Great America (CGA) Discussion Thread

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Vortex doesn't need to go anywhere. It's a ride that still gets a lot of riders, has a decent throughput and isn't excruciatingly expensive to maintain. From a business perspective, Vortex is just fine. Just because you guys got an owie doesn't mean the park should rip out a multi-million dollar ride.


Why all the sudden does everyone think GS is going to open in May now? I still say they are on track to open it with the park this year, or at least close to it. They station will shoot up like nothing and wooden coasters aren't overly complex that it will take long to get the computer up and running. We shall have to wait and see.

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I have a feeling we will see some time in April or early May. I had heard from an employee (conducting surveys at park enteance, got in conversation about 'the new attraction' when it was just leveled dirt) last season about Memorial Day weekend but to me that seems too far especially with the progress that's been made. Definitely wont be open on March 29th.

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^ Giant Dipper isn't that bad, id say they should invest ins chiropractic booth for when you come off of Grizzly.


That's why I said that Giant Dipper is excepted. It's remarkably smooth. Unfortunately, the rest of California's woodies hurt terribly (though, I haven't been on Apocalypse @ SFMM since its opening season, so I'm not sure how it has held up). And, yes, a chiropractic booth at Grizzly's exit would be welcome. That ride is both dull and painful.

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In my opinion it's less that Grizzly is physically bumpy, but more that there are a few spots in the layout that suffer from bad/weird banking that slam you into the side of the car/riding partner (bottom of first drop, sudden jerk into the second turnaround, the exit of the third turnaround).

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I think that the fact that Grizzly is dull compounds the roughness, making it doubly unforgivable. While Roar is indeed rougher, it's still a fun ride. Grizzly, on the other hand, would put one to sleep if it wasn't for the jerking and slamming.

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I wouldn't mind Vortex being torn out, as long as it was replaced by something better. While I'll only give it a courtesy ride when I visit, that park is lacking too many rides to just rip it out because it's terrible. I really hope that attendance picks up with GS so they are more willing to add more coasters in the future.

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Maverick clone anyone??? OMG the Invertigo/Vortex spot would be PERFECT!!! That's what needs to be next after Gold Striker. A nice Maverick clone. Now that would be SWEET!!! Grizzly is just plain BAD. Bad, bad, bad like Physclone. I've banged my elbow going around the corner on Grizzly & it is the most boring ride ever. Grizzly too needs to be GONE after Vortex. As long as Cedar Fair does some extra nice replacements. I have high hopes Cedar Fair can really turn this park around. By adding Gold Striker is a great start.

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Sorry to burst any bubbles but I don't see Vortex leaving anytime soon. Yes, it can be brutal and yes I wish it was a bit more comfortable of an experience...but yea, not leaving. I think I noted this before but what makes Vortex brutal to me is the restraints (man, I miss the "noodles" filter haha)...the rather high shoulders and little head space...not to mention how firm the restraints are.


I realistically don't see another coaster immediately following GS. I can see however something be added to the water park as it could use more slides and such, followed by a couple flat rides. In a few years I can see another coaster.

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Maverick clone anyone??? OMG the Invertigo/Vortex spot would be PERFECT!!! That's what needs to be next after Gold Striker. A nice Maverick clone. Now that would be SWEET!!! Grizzly is just plain BAD. Bad, bad, bad like Physclone. I've banged my elbow going around the corner on Grizzly & it is the most boring ride ever. Grizzly too needs to be GONE after Vortex. As long as Cedar Fair does some extra nice replacements. I have high hopes Cedar Fair can really turn this park around. By adding Gold Striker is a great start.


Maverick = $21 million. The likelihood of Cedar Fair spending that type of money on a park that does around 1.5 million a year in attendance is pretty much zero. Maybe if they get it back to it's early 2000's attendance where it was hitting around 2.2 million; but that could be years and a couple cheaper coasters later. Remember the most expensive coaster ever built at CGA was Stealth for $17 million and we know how that ended up.


I could see CGA doing well with a medium sized Mack launched coaster in the vain of Manta at SWSD.

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As far as coasters go I see plenty of room for additions without removing any existing rides. Could fit a compact coaster in the invertigarden area maybe a euro fighter or something similar to dare devil at sfog. There is room all over, they just have to be creative with layouts.

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^^You have to spend money to make money. Attendance obviously took a hit from Stealth being the last big ride since Gold Striker. I highly doubt we will see a Maverick clone at CGA, but if Gold Striker proves to be a hit, I don't doubt we will see another major investment in the next few years.


Also, forget tearing rides out, lets start with the small things: SHADE IN THE RIDE STATIONS!!!!

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^Agreed, most definitely need covered/shaded stations and queues. I guess you can say that Gold Striker will be the park's first coaster to feature a covered station since Grizzly (only counting the coasters that are still there at the park). I definitely think Gold Striker will be a nice kick in the rear for CGA to get back on its feet (which means I should avoid Saturdays especially during the summer)!

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^^^Amen to that! I'm happy they're paying attention to the details by painting a lot of the faded buildings and such, but covered stations and shaded queues would be a welcomed addition as, yes, it does get hot.


Also with the future finally bright and shiny compared to over a year ago, I'm just grateful CF is finally investing in the park and realizing it's potential with the addition of GS, and I look forward to future attractions, whatev(ER) they will be...


Nostalgia Corner:

Found this retro youtube clip of Top Gun (FD) on and off ride POV from 1996. Notice the regular wheel covers, no Pavilion/parking lot extending all the way to the fence of TG , Showtime Theater was still Theatre Royale, Small footers at the helix finale and the train in operation:


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I remember stumbling upon that video a couple months ago (Might have even shared it on here too!), definitely was neat to see! I love the ride op spiel in which he forgets what he was saying (at about 7:42). Also sounds like handrail-sitters were an issue back then too, sounds exactly what I hear today at the park


More throwback...I shared this a long while back but doesn't hurt to bring it back to share again!

Good old Schwarzkopf Shuttle Loop action! I don't know why the light post is shaking, and please excuse the extreme close up videography (and loss of where the train went....)

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