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Thank you very much my friend!


I had not heard that but was planning my trip as I write this and was wondering what was going on.


This update is a big help.


Now all plans can go full steam ahead





Peace, Big Mike

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Hey there my friends!!!


The Big Mike Road Show 2008 needed to visit a pair of parks and put in some publicity work for them, so I brought along my camera and I will bring you along on a day of fun, exclusives, and park promotions!


First off, I know there have been a few Dark Knight reports already, so The Big Mike Road Show 2008 was promised some exclusive pictures due to the fact that Big Mike was doing Great Adventure a favor later at 2pm.


Following that, just so it did not look like I was playing favorites between parks, I had to do some work for Sesame Place also later in the day.



I hope you enjoy!



Peace, Big Mike



PS - Stay tuned for the announcement of the huge Memorial day weekend trip, with lots of stops for The Big Mike Road Show 2008!


Oh, and the $13 I saved from parking... Buffet, drinks, dessert, and tip = $12.83! Yeah Baby! Till next time my friends!! Peace, Big Mike


Sesame Place wanted me to be their Grand Marshal for the parade. Like Santa at Thanksgiving, I was last to come. Look at the people to the right and left of me, they LOVE me!


Again, I ran out of time for more pictures as it was time to do some promotional work for Sesame Place.


Scott, tell Shannon that this is Penelope!


Big Mike had to try out the brand new carousel.




Hey, that rope climb looks like a lot of fun!


Big Mike on the Sesame Street set.


Shout out to Big Mike reader ErnieRocker.


Actually I don't want to fill the reports up with duckies when everyone wants to see bikinis, so here is enough for the next 50 trip reports!


For my friend, Mr Moose again.


Credit #584 for Big Mike!


Example #2


Example #1


And here is the only thing worse than Big Mike in front of a camera... Big Mike in front of a VIDEO camera!!!


Here is the whole train.


Here is one of the cars.


This coaster is 3 vapor locks. You spin through all three of them.


The lift of course too.


... and here is the back of the ride.


Here is the front of the ride...


Might as well get a coaster credit while I am here helping Sesame Place. Vapor Trail!!!


They have the theming going like Six Flags did today too.


Here is the back of that sign. There is a traffic light with a mall on the other side. Big Mike saves $13 and uses it later in the day :)


$13 to park?? Not for the Big Man!


Here are your prices! Thank goodness I was invited and didn't have to pay $47! Geeez! This is a kids park.


After signing and posing for 2 hours, I had another promotional event here at Sesame Place!


Thats all the time I had to take pictures before Six Flags had me do this Meet and Greet for them, but it did get me that EXCLUSIVE Dark Knight photo!


The weekly stupid hat picture too!


The weekly mascot photo, as Marvin the Martian rubs my belly for good luck.


Big Mike comes through with the Rolling Thunder request!!! "This is for Rich and Sue" I said as I was going over the bunny hops.


Big Mike fails at his first assignment as the giant tortoises have yet to make their 2008 debut yet, according to Big Mike's inside sources.


I had a request to honor from a Big Mike reader. Sue from last week asked me to take a picture of the giant tortoises and ride Rolling Thunder for her and Rich.


After the big 1/4k race, Big Mike needed a shower to cool down!


Here it is! They shut the ride down for a bit, let me get behind the barriers, and get an EXCLUSIVE shot of Big Mike and the rat! Thanks Great Adventure!


Pulling a favor as I was doing them a favor later at 2pm, I asked for a behind the scenes exclusive shot. They agreed and took me in the secret door!


After I exited, places 56th and lower in the 1/4k race had spilled the line onto the midway.


Credit #583 for Big Mike!


Being that I raced right by this on the way in, here it is, The Dark Knight!!


Got a nice closeup of the seats for you too! Big Mike is da man!


People started getting pissed, so I moved on to take a picture of the Gotham City Rail Car for you.


Some people say Big Mike has a big head, but this is exagerated! (Wait your turn people behind me!)


Practicing the front and back shot for bikini picture taking later!


Big Mike loves the camera.


I was waiting for this part :) There is only one worse thing than putting Big Mike in front of a camera! (find out later what that is)


Big Mike puts up all these Ha Ha signs in honor of pulling off the master plan un-noticed!


And these idiots could not figure out that it was Big Mike who was hacking into the tv signal!!


Little do all these dopes know that it was Big Mike turning off the light switch!!


Oh No!! The lights have gone out and the tv screens have been hacked and everyone is blaming the Joker!!!


Big Mike ran his ass off and came in 55th and making the 1st preshow of the day!


I picked up this handy Race Cam last week when I was visiting ESPN, and they allowed me to wear it today. Damn I am getting gray!


... GO!!!! Big Mike quickly got stuck behind a wheel chair and a stroller :(


Here at the starting line... Get ready, get set...


I was reading Nay's thread about the 5k race through Disney, so I went and entered the 1/4k race through Great Adventure!


Looks like they added some theming since my last visit, pretty cool!


The Reason: The Dark Knight is now open! (Plus some publicity work)


I'm back!!! The Big Mike Road Show 2008 makes another stop at Six Flags Great Adventure!

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Nice pictures! I had no idea tickets were $47 for Sesame Place.




And it's nowhere near worth that price, even for a regular family especially since about half the attractions are water park type rides that you can't use all season (though they have them open even in the 60's), and many attractions are playground type ones with a handful of flats and the coaster thrown in.

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Just to clear things up, that was a mom.



But, just so I don't offend the family of friends that we have built during The Big Mike Road Show 2008, if anyone else has a problem with hot bikinis, just speak up and say so.


I have no problems banning all bikini pictures from the updates, its no big deal to me.


The 3rd person just is an easier way to tell a story, I am sure you can live with that.



Love all the input, keep it coming!



Peace, Big Mike

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I've always taken your trip reports as tongue in cheek and full of humour but well done for being such a good sport and not taking offence when some of your humour hasn't come across as intended!


Your reports are always good fun and I have always enjoyed them, it's a shame other people don't always see the funny side but I can understand how those pictures might not have been seen as appropriate!


But don't be disheartened Big Mike, keep up the good work! I am looking forward to the continuation of the Roadshow and the next hilarious installment!


Nice Kingda Ka picture by the way!



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I sooooo wanna go to Sesame Place. I'm such a product of Sesame Street. I used to pronounce 'Z' in the American way and spell things like colour the American way too! My teacher used to get so frustrated!! Lol


Good job Big Mike!


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No offense taken.


Thats cool with me.



If 3 people thought it was creepy, then you did the right thing.



Peace, Big Mike


Mike, FWIW, your TRs are entertaining and its always nice to see people having fun with this hobby. However, I am sure that more than 3 people thought you posting photos of junior high girls in bikinis was creepy.


But a grown adult visiting a park aimed at children ages 3-12 alone and taking photos of girls in bikinis there is just creepy. And if you were there on behalf of TPR for some sort of media job then its only worse.


I've said my peace and am not some kind of overly sensitive person when it comes to tongue in cheek humor either. But to post a photo trip report with 70 photos of yourself and then connecting your face to these bikini photos may gain you attention, just not the kind of attention you probably want.



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I did not see the pictures. But, I guess, from the sound of things, it was the right thing to delete them. I have taken the other ones as jokes, but you don't really want to cross the line Big Mike.


^ And I'm pretty sure Mike was kidding about being on a promotional adventure, so you don't have to worry about TPR taking a hit.

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Dear Mark,


I apologize for doing a lackluster job at photo taking this time. I accidently had a kid run into the picture when I was taking a picture of a mom.


Sorry if I offended you or anyone else. I walked in that area, took a few quick pictures and left. That is all the material I had to use and should have not used any in retrospect.


I will discontinue all bikini pictures from now on in respect to your feelings and concentrate fully on coasters and theme parks. You are right, I don't want that kind of attention.


The bikini shots were just a skit anyway resulting from friends on a TPR trip calling me out from a Big Mike self promotion blitz last year with make believe photos of the TPR girls at the water park.


The bikini aspect has run its course and now is a done deal.


I visited the kids park because I wanted that coaster credit. If you really think I was at these parks to do media events, then you are pretty gullible. It's all make believe dude, just a different kind of trip report compared to the 1000's that are all the same.


I checked out all your photos on that mug thing and after viewing them, I think if you put your mind to it, you can probably figure out where I get that 3rd person comedy from. The hint is in your pictures.


I hope to see you Mark on one of my stops on The Big Mike Road Show 2008. I will buy you lunch for the stress and grief I have put you through.


I am glad though that before I discontinued the bikini shots, I granted your request for the two side boob shots that you requested earlier in the thread.


That's what Big Mike does, takes care of his readers requests and feelings!




Thanks to everyone else for your support. I agree that sometimes things I do backfire and don't go according to plan, but its a live and learn process and I am man enough to admit when I have done wrong and adjust.



Coming tonight, a super coupon and discount update here on The Big Mike Road Show 2008, giving Big Mike readers first dibs before I post it in the appropriate thread in the main forum.


Also, the Memorial Day weekend trip is announced tonight!



Peace, Big Mike

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Thanks again Big Mike! I have come to look forward to your trip reports. When I am back in the states I hope to meet up with you somewhere. My wife has a problem with you though. Since I have been reading the Big Mike Road Show I tend to take way to many pictures of myself in parks.


Keep it up!

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That's the world we live in when everyone assumes the worst because incidents have happened. It doesn't matter if Big Mike goes to a kiddie amusement park, and no one is there. It just matters when there are people in the vicinity. I didn't see the postings of these pictures, but it was a picture of the mom as he as said. He likes coasters, and it just trying to rack them up as much as possible.


I don't go to Kiddieland because of the darn children. I go because I love the Polyp, Dippin Drop, Tilt-A-Whirl, Carousel (What a beauty!!), and the Scooters. The Scrambler is good, and the Little Dipper is good too along with the train which is quite better than any other big train at Cedar Fair, or Six Flags park that I've been on. Come on, the antique cars goes down a hill in which you can go a little fast compared to a boring antique car ride somewhere else.


People have different intentions, and they aren't always the worst case scenario as everyone thinks.

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The bikini aspect has run its course and now is a done deal.


Amen. Let's move on to more Big Mike TR's!


Quoted for agreement.


I think it's a fine line with the bikini shots. I personally don't like seeing them at all in ANYBODY'S reports, but we can't have one rule for some and one for others so I never bother commenting. I didn't see the pictures in question here but I think Mike deserves some props for not kicking up a fuss and being laid back about us removing them and about the criticism.


I think everyone's said their piece. Let's get back on track with 8000000 more pictures of Big Mike's mug and his yellow shirt.


Keep it up Mike, I'm impressed you're keeping this thread going so steadily!!

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