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1997 Water World slide collapse

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I don't understand what you guys don't get about overpowering the lifeguard!


I mean, come on 30 kids versus one teenage lifeguard...it's not rocket science who's going to win. Taylor, you might be a great lifeguard but you can't stop 30 kids! Even if you stop the water they will still run onto the slide. You can get on the phone and call for help, but by then it's over!

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I don't understand what you guys don't get about overpowering the lifeguard!


I mean, come on 30 kids versus one teenage lifeguard...it's not rocket science who's going to win. Taylor, you might be a great lifeguard but you can't stop 30 kids! Even if you stop the water they will still run onto the slide. You can get on the phone and call for help, but by then it's over!


Yeah, and these were high school seniors, not 5-year-olds.

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Was this a school sponsored trip? It said that the lawyers tried to shift the blame away from the students and onto school and water park officials because in my opinion even if it was a school sponsored trip it was the fault of the students who were not following the rules. They shouldn't have received any money at all, it was their own fault they got hurt.

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Was this a school sponsored trip? It said that the lawyers tried to shift the blame away from the students and onto school and water park officials because in my opinion even if it was a school sponsored trip it was the fault of the students who were not following the rules. They shouldn't have received any money at all, it was their own fault they got hurt.

Yes. It was an end of the year trip. Now unfortunately, in American legal system, everyone is entitled to lawyers regardless of how stupid their actions. And these lawyers used the trick of making people feel sorry for the "poor kids who suffered this horrible tragedy." This is the reason why so many lawsuits against parks win when it is clearly not their fault.


As perfectly said byChrisZer0:

I saw this and I have to say something: America is the largest sue-happy nation on the planet. It seems that we've thrown away our common sense when it comes to taking self-responsibility. To blame the park for the idiotic actions of a few dumbasses is beyond me.

There is no better way to describe this.

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There's no doubt that the teenagers in question were at fault.


But, we have all been "Young and Dumb" at some point in our lives. At that age you feel invincible, and I would imagine that in their minds it was inconceivable that their actions would have lead to this outcome.


I'm sure that some of those who were injured that day, are still suffering (physically and/or mentally) from the consequences of that mistake.


As for all of the lawsuits, that's why these parks carry insurance. (To protect themselves from the stupidity of others)

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This has been stated ad nauseum, but I'm going to reiterate it.


It's the kids' damn faults.


Surely not all of them thought it was a great idea, but take the perspective of a teenager about to graduate high school. "What's the worst that can happen? We're having fun with friends at a water park. Everybody does this every year." I mean, it's not even like all 30 kids on the slide decided to do this. I bet most of them were just going along due to peer pressure.


I'm surprised that more of them weren't killed. A 40 foot fall is usually enough to kill someone, even if they execute a roll at the bottom. Falling that length with an unsafe landing, even if you hit other parts of the slide on the way down, would surely kill all of them, I would assume.

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We always had an unofficial day at our high school for seniors we always referred to as "Senior Skip Day". It always took place at King's Island, and we always had a blast. I think the worst that ever happened was one kid being kicked out for linejumping.


This whole incident was just plain stupidity. What about this whole situation could these kids not see was a disaster waiting to happen. Were talking fiberglass/plastic slide pieces being held up by wooden beams, (which under that sort've weight may as well had been toothpicks).


I'm usually the type of person who is very compassionate, but this time, they got what they deserved.

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I also feel that this is in no way the fault of the park or lifeguard, but I wouldn't go as far as saying that the kids get what they deserve. Every single person on earth will make a decision at some point in their life that will be viewed by others as clear stupidity. This is one such event, but no 17 and 18 year olds deserve to be seriously injured or killed. Hopefully they have learned their lesson, but saying that a teenager with very little life experience deserves to watch their friends fall 40 feet to their death because of their actions is a little ridiculous.

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It's a pretty tragic situation. I can totally understand the motivation for the parents to sue the park as their rides should be safe, no matter what the case, even if it is overloaded by 500 riders. Still, I totally defend the park as many as you have. I could imagine a group of 10 piling up.. I could imagine that, but not 70 (it was 70 right?). Especially at that height! As if they didn't think something could go wrong.. well maybe they didn't think at all. There was bound to be people who were terrified at that height and clogged right at the top of the slide. One push from someone next to you and off the edge you go.


And sure we can defend the kids actions by saying they are young and they don't think and everyone has done something similar at that age, but what does that mean? What does that do? Excuse them? No way. It's sad and terrible news, but it could've so easily been avoided.

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It's a pretty tragic situation. I can totally understand the motivation for the parents to sue the park as their rides should be safe, no matter what the case, even if it is overloaded by 500 riders.


But why do parks have to follow crazy what if scenarios!?!? Car company's don't even have to make a car that will keep you alive in a 37mph crash! It's ridiculous to make parks make rides like that!

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It's a pretty tragic situation. I can totally understand the motivation for the parents to sue the park as their rides should be safe, no matter what the case, even if it is overloaded by 500 riders.


But why do parks have to follow crazy what if scenarios!?!? Car company's don't even have to make a car that will keep you alive in a 37mph crash! It's ridiculous to make parks make rides like that!


lol No I agree with you, I was just explaining their point of view. They almost need to introduce a personality test to determine whether people are allowed to enter parks or drive cars etc. Way too many clowns on the loose, endangering other peoples lives.

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It's a pretty tragic situation. I can totally understand the motivation for the parents to sue the park as their rides should be safe, no matter what the case, even if it is overloaded by 500 riders.


But why do parks have to follow crazy what if scenarios!?!? Car company's don't even have to make a car that will keep you alive in a 37mph crash! It's ridiculous to make parks make rides like that!


E, sometimes I forget why I love you and Robb so much. It's post like this!! Humorous but completely true at the same time. This whole situation is ridiculous. The kids are completely at fault for breaking the rules and the park's property. But, because we are such a stupid country who worries too much about the injured and not the circumstances, stupid crap like this seems ok and we just shift the blame. Just like the freaking "hot coffee lady," who sued McD's. I mean our whole nation is just ridiculous. I would have no problem standing behind an organization that said "You broke our rules and brought injury upon yourself and we're not paying for it." It's time to become uncompassionate and realistic if you ask me. In fact, I'm going to sue Robb and Ellisa for the hang nail I just developed while typing this message, I mean it's completely their fault!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, you gotta expect with name like "Quimby" this person was going to get killed at some point early in life . I am surprised more weren't Killed in an uncontrolled fall from 40 feet with 30 people all around you.



Once again, evolution tries to step in and is defeated by medicine.


better luck next time,



THe Fat Old guy

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"We didn't think anything would happen."


"We just wanted to blatantly ignore the rules cause we thought we were invisible."


Screw these kids they had what was coming to them:


1. Because they're dumb enough to think a tower designed to carry 1 person at a time could hold 70 people.


2. Because they're using excuses like "We didn't think anything would happen to us."


3. They ignored the rules.


No sympathy from me. These are the types of people that ruin privileges for people like us that follow the rules.

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^ I agree with the points made, especially about the rule breaking. It pisses me off when something like this happens due to their own stupidity, and then the park gets sued. Use your common sense people. Should there really be big signs saying 'This ride may collapse if overloaded'?. I really think people need to take more responsibility for their own actions.


If anything, I hope accidents like this only highlight the dangers of doing this sort of thing and stops others getting hurt, or at least trying retarded ideas like this.

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You know, comparitavely, this piece is really not all that bad. It's nothing compared to the crap ASO comes out with. For the most part, it's fairly objectve, but one thing REALLY bothers me. They act like it was no big deal that the students broke the rules. That's been pretty well implied throughout this thread, but I've just gotta say it straight out. They talk about the rule-breaking as a simple plot point; they stress it as much as they stress the layout of the slide itself. That's where this piece goes bad. If not for that and the remark of the guy interviewing the Premier rep ("Maybe you should..."). this piece would have absolutely amazed me in its level of sophistication and professionialism (comparitavely, of course).


I would have no problem standing behind an organization that said "You broke our rules and brought injury upon yourself and we're not paying for it." It's time to become uncompassionate and realistic if you ask me.

Even grocery stores do that. Not their problem if you destroy a cart with you SUV.

Parks really should put up signs like that. "Although the chances are literally millions to one, if you or a member of your party is injured or killed during his or her time at this amusement facility due to his or her own actions or because he or she broke a posted rule, we will not be held liable."

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Again, it's a bummer that this Dateline article and even the YouTube video seem to be all 'sad for the kids...are waterparks safe?'. Um, hello?!?! The kids did something stupid!!! Serves them right!


Serves them right...except for death. Who hasn't broken the rules once in a while? Sometimes when we want to have fun we break the rules and sometimes bad thing happen. That's how people learn, but I don't think it serves them right that one of their friends die.


That being said, People need to take safety seriously at theme parks and water parks. I am confronted by many people at work telling me "these rules are ridiculous" I sigh and explain to them the reason for the rules. It sad to know most ignore it.

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  • 2 years later...

I know it's been 13 years since the accident at Water World where the high school students "clogged" the water slide and it broke, but I am still completely confused over WHY those who knowingly broke the rules were compensated, and the water park, which was clearly not at fault, had to pay all that money (along with the school district and the slide's manufacturer). The park was completely blameless! And so was the slide's manufacturer! But a wrongful death suit was filed anyway-- "wrongful death" as in "negligent." How was the park negligent? They did nothing wrong. I remember at the time thinking that those who were involved in the incident couldn't possibly sue anyone because they caused it !! Yet... the water park and the manufacturer had to fork over the money. I know this may sound unsympathetic but those who were hurt are whose who were to blame.


Maybe someone can enlighten me.

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