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Shane's Amusement Attic

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We interrupt your commercials to bring you a picture. This isn't my picture, but I found it on the Web a number of years ago. It's an aerial view of the old Busch Gardens in Van Nuys, CA. Looking toward the northeast, you can get a very good view of the park.


For you locals, the north/south street running in the lower left of the picture is Woodley Avenue, and the street running along the top right of the picture is Roscoe Blvd. If I-405 could be seen, it would be in the upper right of the picture just beyond the brewery buildings.


That bluish track that goes all over the park was the Arrow-built Sky Trolley monorail. This park had another Arrow monorail (similar to the one that used to be at Busch Gardens in Florida) that took visitors through the brewery. (You can't see that one in this picture.)






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^ That is a great picture. The LA Busch park has always intrigued me. I visited it several times as a kid and really liked the log flume and the brewery tour.


Seeing the ariel view and the parks boundaries it is no wonder that Busch didn't pursue this theme park like they did the one in FL. It doesn't seem like it would have been able to expand to compete with the other parks in the LA market, there's no room for a Kumba or Griffon.


I still drive by the old park every now and then when I am craving a Tommie's burger and you can still see sections of the old monorail track winding through certain parts of the brewery.


Thanks for the post....and now a word from our sponsor.

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On page 54 you posted pictures of MGM Grand Adventures park maps. Thanks! Those brought back some great memories. I found this commercial for the park when it went to seasonal operations. I was also going through some of my shoe boxes and found my on ride photo of Over the Edge and Lightning bolt. I'll post those soon.




This is the 2000 promo for the park and the SkyScreamer.




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Magnum is such a classic, I can only imagine what people thought of it when it first opened in 1989.


I just saw it on coaster specials down here in Australia and never dreamed I'd ever get to a place called Sandusky Ohio...

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I was just rewatching that commercial for MGM Grand, and it just goes to show you what a strange park that was. The park admission was included with purchase of a Sky Screamer flight. So you pay for one ride and get the whole park free. Rather than pay to get into the park and then get the rides free.

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Top Thrill Dragster-


Thanks for adding to this post. Great Commercial, is that Keifer Sutherland at the end? lol


Anyone else have any commercials? Please feel free to add them and I will add them to the list on page 56



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No commercials for Riverside, but I do have some print materials, press releases and brochures from the park. I have not scanned any of it in yet and have quite a bit more to post before I get to it.


So the answer is yes...but you will have to be patient for me to post it. sorry


And if you think those are cheezy, you've seen nothing yet!

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Doesn't that Knott's Wacky commercial make you sad for the Parachute Jump?


That is such a great shot with the Soap Box Racers in the front and all the parachutes dropping in the background.


I love that footage. And yes, that's a sweet shot. Though I've riddden the Steeplechase at BPB, I missed the motorcycles on this ride. The Soap Box Racers were fun, but the lower center of gravity left something to be desired. Still, I wish they were there today. Removing this one-of-kind (at least in North America) attraction was not a very smart move, especially considering what replaced them.


Bring back the Arrow Steeplechase!



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No commercials for Riverside, but I do have some print materials, press releases and brochures from the park. I have not scanned any of it in yet and have quite a bit more to post before I get to it.


So the answer is yes...but you will have to be patient for me to post it. sorry


And if you think those are cheezy, you've seen nothing yet!


No Hurries, I was just curious if you had any.

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