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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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Disney has made no announce of any 24 hour party.


I dread how crazy the event will be if they do it this year with all those supplemental attractions down for construction. That has to reduce the theoretical park capacity by at least a couple thousand. Which means more angry AP's. It will be another fun night of reading tweets!


Pretty sure Disney said there would be no 24 hour party this year on one of their official Twitters.

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with this year's construction going on.


And next year's. And the next...


Once the river and train come back in about a year-ish (what ever timeline Disney gave), the park will be running on all cylinders. Star Wars wont affect daily operations anymore really after that.

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^ That will actually be a pretty cool time to visit the parks again. With the train back in operation,

and SWL busily going on....somewhere "Out There in the Galaxy" Some interesting photo

shots could be taken, around that time.


Looking forward to (hopefully) coming back, then.

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Anyone go to the Food and Wine event at DCA? I attended last Sunday. For the first time back in 5 years, I am glad they did it, and can only hope it improves going forward. The pricing on some items were way off for the portion sizes, while others were spot on. Pretty light on the retail side of the festival. Quality of the materials used for the Disney merch is extremely low end, the official food and wine dish towel felt like it was made out of burlap sack as an example. Skipped the celebrity kitchen, felt they vastly overcharged for those events. Although Guy Fieri sold out, so guess he has a lot of fans. Can actually have a great meal for 1/3 the price at Carthay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone looked into this rumor? It started last month in March, and has been gaining a lot of attention. Here is the Nerdist article.


According to WDW News Today, Disney is looking to opt out of their Twilight Zone licensing use and there’s a real possibility of a Guardians of the Galaxy-themed overlay of the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.


The change most likely won’t occur at the other ride locations in Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Florida, Tokyo DisneySea or Walt Disney Studios Park in Paris. Disney California Adventure is the perfect place for a smooth Marvel transition into the park, with the Hollywood Land providing the opportunity for a superhero overlay.
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Seems weird that they would opt out of the licensing agreement at only one of the parks....but anything is possible I suppose.


Isn't there a exclusive contract with Marvel & Universal (Islands of Adventure) to use the Marvel characters? That leaves WDW holding onto their Twilight Zone contract. If sure the Twilight Zone license is more costly than the latter, considering Disney owns Marvel.

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Seems weird that they would opt out of the licensing agreement at only one of the parks....but anything is possible I suppose.


Isn't there a exclusive contract with Marvel & Universal (Islands of Adventure) to use the Marvel characters? That leaves WDW holding onto their Twilight Zone contract. If sure the Twilight Zone license is more costly than the latter, considering Disney owns Marvel.

I believe that contract only extends to what Marvel franchises Universal currently uses, and the current iteration of Guardians of the Galaxy came to being long after IoA opened.


In fact the Guardians have appeared at WDW before.

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I hope that common sense prevails here. Sure, they can lose the license, alter the signage and the pre-show, and still have it be the more or less the same attraction. I would much rather see GOTG with a proper attraction unto itself, and not just expressed through paint and décor. The park could definitely use more attractions over the next decade, not altering the theme of a building and calling it "new".

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I hope that common sense prevails here. Sure, they can lose the license, alter the signage and the pre-show, and still have it be the more or less the same attraction. I would much rather see GOTG with a proper attraction unto itself, and not just expressed through paint and décor. The park could definitely use more attractions over the next decade, not altering the theme of a building and calling it "new".


I think you're confusing Disney with Six Flags Magic Mountain here.


If this comes to pass, I'm sure we'd see substantial changes other than just a "new pre-show" and sign.

Edited by cfc
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Has anyone looked into this rumor? It started last month in March, and has been gaining a lot of attention. Here is the Nerdist article.


According to WDW News Today, Disney is looking to opt out of their Twilight Zone licensing use and there’s a real possibility of a Guardians of the Galaxy-themed overlay of the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.


The change most likely won’t occur at the other ride locations in Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Florida, Tokyo DisneySea or Walt Disney Studios Park in Paris. Disney California Adventure is the perfect place for a smooth Marvel transition into the park, with the Hollywood Land providing the opportunity for a superhero overlay.


DisneySea doesn't use the Twilight Zone theme.


It would be interesting to see what the would come up with to make the whole ride mesh together with a new theme. Don't think it will happen though.

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Since all that's happening at the Star Wars construction site is dirt, I haven't been posting that often. But, there's been some more progress. Here's a photo from this Friday, the 22nd from the Mintcrocodile Blog. A second set of buildings has been demolished. Among them, the original Round House for the Train when the park opened. That building was roughly where the white water truck is in the foreground.


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Dumbest idea ever, really Marvel, in no way a Disney fan boy , really far from being a marvel fan boy ( the movies are all the same, fight amongst ourself, watch a city get destroyed, save the girl, save the world and repeat for the next one! )

Tower of Terror is fine the way it is or bring in the Disney Sea layover, problem solved.

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^WHAT?! How could you see possible accusations of racism if the Shriki storyline were brought to the USA?


Harrison Hightower pillages African villages storyline. You don't see the potential for bad optics there? Today's PC-crazed idiocracy would probably jump on it, especially if it came from Disney.

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I dont think it would be a problem, really. He's a villain, he steals things from all over the world. Its not like hes a real person, committing real acts and Disney is emulating that in a ride. Its all fake, and no one person or race, or anything is being singled out. So, no, personally I do not think it would cause an issue.


How is he any different then Indy stealing the same artifacts? Saying they belong in a museum doesn't mean hes's not still stealing, lol.

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I dont think it would be a problem, really. He's a villain, he steals things from all over the world. Its not like hes a real person, committing real acts and Disney is emulating that in a ride.

Not to mention his actions is what causes the hotel to get cursed to begin with and he gets his comeuppance when Shiriki hijacks the elevator. There's a difference between portraying terrible people in media and implicitly celebrating their terribleness, which the storyline of the ride doesn't.

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