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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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It just seems like their motivation is "Neil Patrick Harris is popular and a Disney nerd...lets put him in the show."


I just don't feel like a night time show at a theme park should be anything other than pyro, lighting, lazers, etc. Projecting a clipshow on water screens and adding some effects typical of a night time show isn't that exciting to me.

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It just seems like their motivation is "Neil Patrick Harris is popular and a Disney nerd...lets put him in the show."


I just don't feel like a night time show at a theme park should be anything other than pyro, lighting, lazers, etc. Projecting a clipshow on water screens and adding some effects typical of a night time show isn't that exciting to me.


But that's just it Joey. You don't like World of Color, whether NPH is in the show or not. I do not believe he was added to the show for any reason that they wanted him for a role they needed to fill. If you make a show, and it needs a host of some sort, you find one that fits the brand and the show...done deal. And NPH works perfectly for that. And are you suggesting they choose someone less popular? Someone who isn't a Disney nerd? How would that be better? It's not like Disney HAD to work with him so they made something to put him in. The show was created and then the roles are cast, that's the was ALL good productions work.

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I will admit I've never liked the show. Adding a famous "host" just makes me feel even more like it's nothing more than a glorified clip show. I don't see it as an improvement, but rather just a marketing gimmick.

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Well, we know this is a totally new take on World of Color, we will have to wait and see what the end product is to really say. But in the end, it still uses the same platform, and that's the part you don't like. But Disney cant please eveyone. OH WAIT! There is a Fireworks show across the way! Looks like they can

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It just seems like their motivation is "Neil Patrick Harris is popular and a Disney nerd...lets put him in the show."


I just don't feel like a night time show at a theme park should be anything other than pyro, lighting, lazers, etc. Projecting a clipshow on water screens and adding some effects typical of a night time show isn't that exciting to me.


My thoughts. Neil Patrick Harris is already on California Screamin', Neil Patrick Harris was temporarily voicing a very bad Mara in Indiana Jones Adventure...

I don't see the correlation between NPH and World Of Color at first. It's just like they need to put him everywhere. It's not like Disney had a century history of charaters already... Do they really need to hire a guest-star? I go to Disney to see Mickey, Donald, Goofy and friends. If I want NPH, I watch TV.

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I really don't see why this is an issue. Every (recent, new style) firework show has had a narrator, and this is no different. There is just a visual of the person as well. Also, I personally don't believe that was him as Mara.


Because you can watch clip shows with famous hosts on TV.


The difference between those shows is they don't advertise who the narrator is and their main focus is the content. NPH is being used in the marketing. If he was just a voice during the show and never mentioned by name, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now as it would really have no impact on the show.

Edited by Jew
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I will admit I've never liked the show. Adding a famous "host" just makes me feel even more like it's nothing more than a glorified clip show. I don't see it as an improvement, but rather just a marketing gimmick.

Agreed. But it's not like I would watch it even if I was going to the park so it doesn't affect me at all. As long as the line for California Screamin' is shorter while the show is going on, that's all I care about!

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^You have the right idea!


Julie Andrews is an official Disney Legend. It made sense for her to narrate an anniversary celebration, especially considering she had been involved with past anniversary celebrations. As a matter of fact, the press release didn't even mention her. It said Jiminy Cricket was the host!

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^That's OK...all the other websites are complaining about Annual Pass prices!


^^I think the host will just further emphasize what I don't like about the show, so of course I am knocking it. At least that's how I read the press release.


However, if the new version of the show includes more pyro, lazers, and fire and less repetitive dancing fountains with the clips...then it doesn't matter who is hosting. I'm all for a night time spectacular actually being spectacular!

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So instead of "Moving Pictures" NPH can sing about moving fountains! Moving fountainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnns....


I already got you covered



Or 20 minutes of him singing:


Check out

the color

the water

please no selfie sticks or twitter

and no ones drunk or bitter without an annual pass!


World of color

water and light

like a magic trick

done in plain sight

why do people love it

when it's really meh?

when it's just some projections

that aren't really there?


But then i think of Simba

and Elsa

and Ariel

and Tarzan

or when Scar made his brother take that nasty fall


*Spoiler alert*


Or something along those lines

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