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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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The problem with Disneyland and Southern California in general is they can't keep up with the huge amount of people that live, move, and visit here. The influx is almost impossible to deal with. They're building freeway expansions that are kinda catching up but will ultimately still fall short of what's necessary. Disneyland and the surrounding areas were not built to handle the kind of crowds they get. The transportation is abysmal, and there is no macroeconomic solution even in the works right now.


There are also a ton of political idiots in charge who only care about lining their pockets and being popular instead of taking care of huge problems that are only going to get bigger. The problems are not only with Disney in California, but with the entire SoCal region in general.

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Well, considering Disney basically re-built DCA and USH is transforming themselves to get ready for Potter (new parking garage, entrance road upgrades, restaurant upgrades, repaving all over the park, remodeling the entrance plaza...), I'd say Disney has the ability to give DLR the overhaul it needs.

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  dylanreich said:
Yes, downtime caused the crazy fastpass times on Saturday. I know this because I was given a readmission pass (issued from Space) by someone who was leaving the park and giving it away. Every readmission pass is for up to 6 people...


Sorry if this is a stupid question but is this a normal policy for both American parks? I've only ever seen a breakdown at TDS and I remember those passes being single admittance, one ticket for each person who left the line, and not even allowing you to go to the most popular ones since I thought I would finally get to ride Toy Story Mania but the small print said it was where I couldn't go.


It seems a weird policy considering what people said about the 120 minute wait especially with all the talk about overcrowding, long fast pass lines, and the attitudes of people. If you were in a big group, so in what happened to you (This isn't meant as a dig, so please don't read into it that way,) then now for one guy who didn't want to use his pass and gave it away, that's now 5 extra people taking the space of one. Could a family in line claim they are separate, get 4 passes and then they skip at 4 attractions together due to one breakdown? I mean when you think how many people left the line that number seems staggering.


Why wouldn't it just be one ticket for each person who leaves so numbers stay the same?

Edited by Garet
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^Re-ads are usually given out as 1 per group and the CM writes the group size and signs the re-ad. There are both single attraction (only valid for the attraction you got it at) re-ads and Resort wide (every attraction is fair use, with exceptions) re-ads. Haven't seen the Resort wide ones in a while though...


And Disney does need an infrastructure improvement. However I do believe as per the agreement with the city, they have to get started on the new parking structure by the end of 2017. Or maybe that was any infrastructure...


Right now the resort in its current state has found and surpassed its comfortable capacity limit. The first 24 hour party was a prime example. I do think that Disney will start working on fixing the multitude of issues dealing with capacity, but right now they can rest easy knowing that since demand is still so high they can just keep bumping prices to "influence" crowd levels. I just don't see Disney pumping any money into the Resort infrastructure until Star Wars is more than just concept art as they don't "need" any improvements yet.

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  MagicMountainMan said:
^Re-ads are usually given out as 1 per group and the CM writes the group size and signs the re-ad. There are both single attraction (only valid for the attraction you got it at) re-ads and Resort wide (every attraction is fair use, with exceptions) re-ads. Haven't seen the Resort wide ones in a while though...


CM's don't write group size on "Paper Re-Ads." They are defaulted for 6 as that's what it has printed on it.



Re-Ads are now issued electronically (via guests ticket/AP) in the event of a downtime or service recovery. 1 ticket can be used for an entire party as long as the party size doesn't exceed 6. CM's are supposed to refrain from issuing the pass for resort-wide use. It should be limited to the attraction that had the downtime or at most, that particular park. IE: Screamin should be issuing Re-Admission passes for Screamin or if needed DCA. "Paper" Re-Ads are supposed to be used when electronic system is down or if the guest in need of the pass doesn't have their ticket media readily available.

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  Jew said:
Well, considering Disney basically re-built DCA and USH is transforming themselves to get ready for Potter (new parking garage, entrance road upgrades, restaurant upgrades, repaving all over the park, remodeling the entrance plaza...), I'd say Disney has the ability to give DLR the overhaul it needs.


Upgrades, repaving, remodeling, doesn't increase available square footage for patrons to walk around on in the heart of Anaheim: there is simply not enough room. The only thing they can do is buy the properties around the resort, and they can expand, but to be realistic, I'd expect DLR to be a constant sh*tshow from 2 years past, until now and for the immediate future.


USH has a little bit more to work with because they're on that hilly outlining LA County border with not much surrounding it, which is probably an advantage in the long term.

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You mean, like all this land?


Disney has the ability to do the major overhaul. I have no doubt WDI could find a way to make it work if that is the route they chose to take.


Even if they don't end up moving backstage facilities to that new land, doing what they can internally absolutely can help. Increasing capacity wherever possible (food, retail, queues, etc.) absolutely can make an impact. It's not just about raw square footage...it's how the square footage is being used.

Edited by Jew
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  Jew said:
You mean, like all this land?


Disney has the ability to do the major overhaul. I have no doubt WDI could find a way to make it work if that is the route they chose to take.


Even if they don't end up moving backstage facilities to that new land, doing what they can internally absolutely can help. Increasing capacity wherever possible (food, retail, queues, etc.) absolutely can make an impact. It's not just about raw square footage...it's how the square footage is being used.


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Everyone is focusing on the fact that they certainly could update the park to improve traffic flow. There's no question about that. The thing I think is standing in the way is the legacy. Now, I've no qualms about it, but maybe there's someone high up in the food chain that flat out refuses to change Walt's original park.


Yes, it's way, WAY out of date and is having major issues dealing with crowds that are probably ten times anything Walt planned for, but all it takes is one Disney purist with influence to screw the greater good.

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  KBrylczyk said:
Everyone is focusing on the fact that they certainly could update the park to improve traffic flow. There's no question about that. The thing I think is standing in the way is the legacy. Now, I've no qualms about it, but maybe there's someone high up in the food chain that flat out refuses to change Walt's original park.


Yes, it's way, WAY out of date and is having major issues dealing with crowds that are probably ten times anything Walt planned for, but all it takes is one Disney purist with influence to screw the greater good.


Well, his brother certainly realized the errors (or lack of land inhibiting them) of the original Disneyland when he oversaw the development of Magic Kingdom...

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