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Lots of activity the past few days. I just wish ESPN would quit shoving the Pats and Jets down our throat. The rest of America doesn't care about them.


For the Saints, Reggie is going to Miami. I'm not surprised, but it seems this is just Reggie wanting to be "the man" and living in Miami because I have to think the Saints would have paid him about the same amount of $$. I'll miss him, and the Saints wouldn't have a Super Bowl without him, but I don't think the Saints offense will be that affected by his departure.


At least we're actually talking about football now.


We still have these guys.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Anybody surprised that there was violence at a game over the weekend, and that Raider fans were involved?


Anybody else surprised that Terell Pryor went to the Raiders? He's right where he should be.

see heres the thing,i have been to plenty of raiders games, and have sported my chargers jersey, yes they talk alot of smack and scream and yell, its not the raider fans, its the gang bangers that just wear raider jerseys that dont even go to the games, they just hang out in the parking lots before and after the games. there the ones causing the trouble, i have never had any trouble with a true heard core for life raider fans.

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*fight on hand motion*


Really impressive 2 minute drill by Tyrod Taylor and the Ravens backups to come from behind to beat the Skins. I only saw that part of the game though. And despite being a Steeler fan, I still give the Ravens props for a great drive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow...huge win for the Bills yesterday! Even though KC didn't look like the team that won the AFC West last year, I have to say that it was nice to see Buffalo show up for a road game against a decent team. Not gonna get too excited though...beat the Raiders next week and then New England then we can talk!


Also interesting to see Romo choke the way he did versus the Jets last night...that was pretty epic.

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I was able to take my youngest son to the Cowboys / 49ers game last Sunday. A great time was had by all. The way the crowd was cheering the Cowboys, you'd have thought we were in Texas. I almost felt bad for the 9ers, but not really.

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Holy crap...after the last 15 attempts, the Bills FINALLY beat the Patriots in yet another nail-biter!! Hard to believe we are 3-0, but a win is a win - I'll take it. I like the fact that we have so many young kids on this team that are playing hard right now...it is really nice to see the team finally moving in the right direction!


Guess they were gonna tear down the goalposts at the Ralph, but security knew beforehand and took them down themselves.

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Just in case anyone didn't know already, Tom Brady is really good.


Is he? lol. Sorry, cant stand the Cheatriots. Tom is the best Qb to ever throw the slant/out routes - ever. Considering that makes up 95% of all the pass plays they complete. It works for them but he rarely throws anything other than 2, maybe 3 routes.


But 4 INTs? I dont even want to hear about 2 of them being flukey, he shouldnt have thrown them or thrown them better. But I love that, in typical Brady/Patriots fashion, in the press conference no one assumed responsibility for that loss. Just "Sometimes the ball doesnt bounce your way"


No Brady, maybe throwing 4 INT's lost your team the game. Own up to it sir, stop passing the blame.




I cant talk about my team. We are down quite possibly one of the best QB's to ever live and could be beaten by a Junior Varsity High School Football team. My best friend is a Jags fan, we are trying to figure out if our teams will be combined 2-30 or not.

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I saw that. What is this, college? I can't believe they were even collapsible, or that fans of a pro team would tear them down...


When you have a record of sucking for so long and you have a rabid fan base like Buffalo, they just go crazy when they show any semblance of winning anything or breaking a long, horrible losing streak. However these days, the repercussions are too high and obviously, there would be lawsuits if someone got hurt during this type of craziness.



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