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New Amusement Park Movie: "Adventureland"

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Director Greg Mottola, who directed the current box office champ Superbad, will next helm Adventureland, according to The Hollywood Reporter.


Taking place in the summer of 1987, the coming-of-age comedy follows an uptight college grad who is forced to take a degrading minimum-wage job at the local amusement park when he realizes he can't afford his dream European tour. The experience helps him to loosen up a bit as he finds first love, forms new friendships and emerges with a newfound sense of maturity just in time to enter the real world in the fall.


Mottola also wrote the script for the movie, to which Jesse Eisenberg ("The Squid and the Whale") is attached to star. Production is set to begin in the fall in Pittsburgh.


Weird sidenote: I work at the factual Adventureland that this movie is based on, in order to pay for the TPR Europe trip.

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Woa! That's pretty ironic and cool. So have you recovered from the Midwest trip? After seeing the TRs, you had a humerous time.



Anyway, your situation is an amusing COINCIDENCE, and it looks like it could be an interesting movie. I highly doubt the amusement park will be used for anything other than "background" of the movie.

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Woa! That's pretty ironic and cool. So have you recovered from the Midwest trip? After seeing the TRs, you had a humerous time.

It's funny how much worse the pictures make it look. I was having a blast with all of it. I appreciate the concern though



Really? You're going to get fuming mad at someone for using a common misuse of a word?

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Not specifically at him, more at the dozens of times I've seen "irony" misused on this board. It gets really annoying after awhile. It's a pet peeve, just like "you're" being spelled "your", "they're" being "their", etc etc...

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Not specifically at him, more at the dozens of times I've seen "irony" misused on this board. It gets really annoying after awhile. It's a pet peeve, just like "you're" being spelled "your", "they're" being "their", etc etc...


You've taught me something new here that I wasn't aware of. If it makes you feel better, I take the Carlin approach to linguistics with similar pet peeves. Too much use of the prefix "pre", as in "pre-loaded" "pre-scooped", etc... If you look carefully, anything with an "ed" on the end means past tense. Putting "pre" before it, is redundant, but, because we love our media buzzwords, we use these terms.


Suffice to say, I agree with where you're coming from and understand. Bottom line, people must change thier own habits, good or bad. We can't really change them. You or I being upset a lot, only hurts ourselves. Trust me, I've learned this lesson the hard way.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Screamscape confirmed Kennywood as the filming location.

It has been confirmed that Kennywood be used as a primary shooting location for the film Adventureland, the next film from Greg Mottola (director of Superbad). Even better for locals… they are holding a casting call for a few supporting characters and extras for the film (details here) and expect to begin filming in early October.


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After seeing Superbad, I'm making this movie a must see for me.


At least this roller coaster movie will have me laughing instead of worrying for dear life (Rollercoaster, Final Destination 3).


I haven't seen Rollercoaster, but the crash scene in FD3 was one of the cheesiest scenes ever. I just laughed at how bad they did on realism and all.


And yes Superbad was an awesome movie and I'm sure this will be too. I wonder if this movie was inspired by TPR trips.

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Too much use of the prefix "pre", as in "pre-loaded" "pre-scooped", etc... If you look carefully, anything with an "ed" on the end means past tense. Putting "pre" before it, is redundant


No, it's not. "Redundant" is two instances of the same thing. Since the prefix "pre" and the suffix "ed" are clearly NOT the same meaning, it's not redundant.


"The Department of Redundancy Department" is redundant.

Lap bars and seatbelts are redundant safety devices.

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^Such as the topic: "Magic Mountain's 2008 announcement later in the future?" I cringe every time I read that.




"Its not really ironic, its more like a similie, just without the like as thing. There similar in a sorts...though there is no reason to fuse over this whole thing. Unless its someone who uses txt tlk then I'd be freaking fusing over the problem."


What? Perhaps you shouldn't have chimed in on a discussion about English and grammar.

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Meh, from what I've heard of the plot, it doesn't sound all that interesting. Of course, 3 sentences can hardly describe a movie that has yet to be filmed.

Anyways, it doesn't even sound like this movie will be all that much about theme parks as it is about another loser guy trying to overcome his problems and getting hooked up with a chick along the way.

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