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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Yes, there are aqua-blue supports on site in the employee parking lot. They're similar in colour to Wicked Twister's supports. They appear to be station/transfer track supports as they are I-Beams. They have the X-Works sticker on them that other B&M coasters have had recently.

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One more week! The 4D thoughts are interesting. If B&M ever did something like that, maybe the smoothness would come from sensors along the track telling the seats to rotate instead of additional rails. Ah, it's fun to imagine.


Maybe marketing is just having a lot of fun aiming this at non-enthusiasts, which are the majority. It's a coaster/ major machine--promotion has got to be at least a bit over the top. CW could get any type of B&M coaster and it would still be a one-of-a-kind and amazing ride in Canada.


I really like the teasers so far. Can't wait to see what this bird will be.

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August 10, 2011! More supports arriving via flatbed truck not shipping container..


That and terror of London is coming to Canada's Wonderlands 2011 Halloween Haunt!









you can see some aqua blue support sticking over the fence ;)











more supports


more supports inside the park


supports were arriving on flatbed, not shipping containers

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That and terror of London is coming to Canada's Wonderlands 2011 Halloween Haunt!


All they would have to do is ship a couple of thugs from London to CW to terrorise the park with riots! That, for now, is the Terror of London. On a more serious note, this is looking like a project to keep an eye on! It certainly has me intrigued. I cannot wait to find out what it is.

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Wow, I'm actually excited to hear what CW is planning to add for next yer, I might have to plan a trip up for this. Although there is that weird triangle footer, it'd be interesting if this turned out to be the world's largest flying coaster.

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Now that more pieces have been arriving on site, I am a firm believer that this is going to be a B&M coaster.


In THIS picture, it looks as if catwalk railings have arrived and the recent delivery of I-Beams suggests that they could be for the break-run or the lift. As to what type of coaster this is, I have NO idea. B&M uses the same type of catwalks on all of there coasters...


Here are some images of other B&M's for comparison to what we have arriving and what their purpose could be:








7 Days till we find out!

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It's more likely than not (a flyer), but to be honest I don't really think you want a flyer *Cough Cough Boring* but seeing as it is "Raptor", the only possibilities that really stand out are Dive Machine and a Flyer, but to be honest I don't see why Paul Ruben would want to ride either of those options for a whole year. But Dive Machines are so compact, and there's a huge straightaway....


And no, I can almost guarantee that it will not be a Wing Rider. That would mean for 2012 B&M would only be shipping out Wing Riders. Giga Coaster's and B&M don't work too well together too


But if you were talking about Intamin, it could be possible, but the fact that HP is making a Wing Rider hybrid still doesn't add up.


But the straightaway kills me!

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I need TPR'S help, I was browsing construction of Manta and realized how similar their construction was to ours, even the colour! lol


http://www.johnnyupsidedown.com/manta2.html anyways with all the I beams and the triangular footers in our construction could this be a B & M flyer heading our way? please help?


Probably not.

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With the introduction of magnetic breaks on their newer coasters is it possible that B&M might try the technology to launch a coaster? It seems like LIM technology is reliable enough/ been around for a long time for them to want to use it now.


Ans with all this speak of a possible flyer, something like THIS could be great for the park.

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B&M has made it quite clear they won't build any launch coasters after Hulk


Yes, but that was back in 1999; 12 years ago, when technology was not as advanced or as cheap to produce as it is today. With the reliability of LIM launches, I think that B&M might have the courage to try it out; you have to admit, a launched flyer would be AMAZING.


And Schotcher, what does a floorless have to do with Medusa? hahaha

Edited by Cyber.Fiber
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B&M has made it quite clear they won't build any launch coasters after Hulk


Perhaps, but things can change. Hulk was 11 years ago.


Same goes for this imaginary 230ish ft. height limit that B&M allegedly had.


Now it's 240 B&M doesn't specialize in launch coasters, and they don't really push the limit. Pigs will probably fly before B&M tries another launch.

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It's more likely than not (a flyer), but to be honest I don't really think you want a flyer *Cough Cough Boring* but seeing as it is "Raptor", the only possibilities that really stand out are Dive Machine and a Flyer, but to be honest I don't see why Paul Ruben would want to ride either of those options for a whole year. But Dive Machines are so compact, and there's a huge straightaway....


And no, I can almost guarantee that it will not be a Wing Rider. That would mean for 2012 B&M would only be shipping out Wing Riders. Giga Coaster's and B&M don't work too well together too


But if you were talking about Intamin, it could be possible, but the fact that HP is making a Wing Rider hybrid still doesn't add up.


But the straightaway kills me!


It says "MC" right? well maybe B&M are entering the giga coaster market with this ride?It can't be a flyer,invert or obviously a hyper & a DM is ruled out due to the busch parks contract for that ride.

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