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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Wow...so is it still around 160 spots or something like that they have fenced off?


The area that has/had room for 160 cars is the yellow are depicted in the image below. I have not heard word on whether is does or does not have a fence as yet, but it was marked for one the other day.




some have speculated that this is simply a holding area for supports and track in their opinion. Personally I think it is too far off the beaten path to be used as a staging area. Why would you take some of the most valuable customer parking area away just to store bits of a ride that is half a park away.


I think that this could be park of the ride itself. Time will tell.

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I think it will be a cool roller coaster but wither or not it's a Giga Coaster it will still probably be pretty amazing. I have heard a rumour about a B&M Giga, which would be really cool....but we'll wait and see.


I think it will be thrilling no matter what type of coaster it is.


I can almost 100% guarantee you the coaster will not be B&M, a total waste of money having 2 Out and Back coasters 100 feet apart made by the same company, and same elements for both rides.

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B&M wouldn't go over their current tallest coaster height by much anyway. I thought I read something saying their track style is way too heavy to be up much higher without a complex support system Plus just because it's a rumored giga doesn't mean it will be an out an back with constant camelbacks and bunny hops and maybe a helix. You can have more than one "hyper" or "giga" coasters in a park and still have two extremely different ride experiences.

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I think it will be a cool roller coaster but wither or not it's a Giga Coaster it will still probably be pretty amazing. I have heard a rumour about a B&M Giga, which would be really cool....but we'll wait and see.


I think it will be thrilling no matter what type of coaster it is.


I can almost 100% guarantee you the coaster will not be B&M, a total waste of money having 2 Out and Back coasters 100 feet apart made by the same company, and same elements for both rides.


Yeh, I am right there with ya on that one. Behemoth is fine, but we do not need another B&M in the park at this time. Yeh, I know they do have the ability to build things different than just out-and-back's but they have certainly built a lot of them. If they ever wanted to rip out flight deck and replace it with a B&M inverted I would not complain - that is after-all what was originally planned for the park at the time of Top Gun(flight deck).

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B&M if you haven't noticed, specializes in out and back non-inverting coasters. Only twister Hyper-Coaster that comes to mind is Raging Bull @ SFGA. All other Hypers are basically out and backs, so if they were to make a giga, it'd probably be...you guessed it! Out and back.

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If the giga thing is true, I'm thinking it might be a looping rocket coaster along the lines of ispeed, topping out at 300' or so for a top hat.


Maybe a loop at the top hat, but that would cancel out any chance of Lap Bars (Much better than OTSR), and that would probably be the only loop, really dangerous to invert at such high speeds of Gigas.

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B&M if you haven't noticed, specializes in out and back non-inverting coasters. Only twister Hyper-Coaster that comes to mind is Raging Bull @ SFGA. All other Hypers are basically out and backs, so if they were to make a giga, it'd probably be...you guessed it! Out and back.


Ummm Montu, Raptor, X-Raptor, Kumba, Kraken, Scream, Medussa, etc. Sure their popular model is Out & Back but its far from the only thing that got them on the map. Maybe the talks of their 4th Dimension prototype could be something to think of.


I don't have any guesses at this point...the logical would be a large scale Maverick type ride or an iSpeed style. Itamin is good with fitting great rides in spaces like this so, that makes the most sense, but I am far from an expert so come announcement day I will be on the edge of my seat like everyone else.

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Doesn't seem very logical IMO to place only 1 inversion (or 2 including the top hat) just at the end of the ride.


You won't need to. It all depends on bleeding off speed before you get to it, and you wouldn't need to wait until the end of the ride to do it. If you've ridden a hyper think of how fast you go over that next tall hill, usually not very fast so provided you don't start the inversion at the bottom of a big drop then you're fine. A designer can easily throw in a barrel row at the top of a hill which can then lead into a a big loop or whatever you want to do.

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^ Based on the positive reviews about I305's "strap" OTSR, then I'd pick B. It would stop the GP's whining about how lame everything is without teh loops. I, myself, would like the idea of having a quality coaster with inversions. Even without inversions, it's going to have OTSRs anyways.


I'm still having a hard time committing to a prediction. I'm still pretty doubtful about a giga, but I suppose anything can happen. They've already surprised me with the location of the footers. I've seen the parking lot filled to the brim so I'm really surprised that they'd go out into the parking lot. I also never thought they'd put any large ride in such a high traffic area (the only way in/out for seasonal employees).

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^ Based on the positive reviews about I305's "strap" OTSR, then I'd pick B. It would stop the GP's whining about how lame everything is without teh loops. I, myself, would like the idea of having a quality coaster with inversions. Even without inversions, it's going to have OTSRs anyways.


I'm still having a hard time committing to a prediction. I'm still pretty doubtful about a giga, but I suppose anything can happen. They've already surprised me with the location of the footers. I've seen the parking lot filled to the brim so I'm really surprised that they'd go out into the parking lot. I also never thought they'd put any large ride in such a high traffic area (the only way in/out for seasonal employees).


Erm...positive? Nowhere have I heard of a nice enjoyable ride on I305. Everyone says they're tossed around in their seat. >.<

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Having never been on I-305 my perspective is based on video and review. Looking at the layout it's clear the intentions were to have the riders tossed from sided to side and thrown around a bit, you can tell by how low everything is to the ground. I cannot wait to get a few laps on the thing and feel the speed through the direction changes etc. Just about every coaster is built with a certain type of thrill in mind. So why not have a giga monster installed that throws you around? It would give a completely different ride than behemoth and the GP wouldn't think much of it.

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