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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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No matter how much everyone hates Volares, as long as Time Warp is in the park, this can't be a flyer. (I personally don't hate Volares). The floorless rumor seems to make the most sense, I've heard it floating around for a while, and it would be a great fit for the park. I'd love to see an Intamin at CW, but a reliable B&M as a solid #2 for the park that the GP will like and enthusiasts won't hate sounds like a great idea.

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It says "MC" right? well maybe B&M are entering the giga coaster market with this ride?It can't be a flyer,invert or obviously a hyper & a DM is ruled out due to the busch parks contract for that ride.


Does it apply to Canada too? Remember we're talking about Canada, not US.

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I don't think I would like a launched flyer, I'm not a big fan of them. I think they are a little uncomfortable in regards to how your neck is a little limited as to how much you can see. That being said, I did enjoy Tatsu the most out of the 3 I have ridden because of its height. Looking down on everything gave me that freedom of movement a little better.

On a side note why does everyone say that "after Hulk" B&M wouldn't do a launched coaster. Maybe there was some sort of animosity because Universal did the launch but is there any one of us that thinks Hulk sucks? I love Hulk. Must ride Hulk. Leaving right now to drive to IOA to ride Hulk....I think... I think... I think its gonna work this time!

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the only possibilities that really stand out are Dive Machine and a Flyer, but to be honest I don't see why Paul Ruben would want to ride either of those options for a whole year.


Because they paid him.


They could build a kiddy coaster and he would happily tout it as his new #1.

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the only possibilities that really stand out are Dive Machine and a Flyer, but to be honest I don't see why Paul Ruben would want to ride either of those options for a whole year.


Because they paid him.


They could build a kiddy coaster and he would happily tout it as his new #1.



Ahahahahaha "NEW FOR CANADA'S WONDERLAND 2012! BATHROOMS FROM HELL!" Paul Ruben: "If I had to choose where to do my business, I'd do it here!"

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Now it's 240 B&M doesn't specialize in launch coasters, and they don't really push the limit. Pigs will probably fly before B&M tries another launch.


Schotcher, its been so long since B&M made that remark about the launch, and recently, they HAVE been pushing the limits of their designs. Look at Starry Sky Ripper and the new invert at Parc Asterix. They are trying new things out; although, while not as risky as some other manufactures out there, they are expanding off their older designs and creating new things.


Also, nothing has been announced yet and everything that people are posting is simply speculation as to what the ride COULD be. With the teasers that have been released so far, something like a Launch from B&M seams like a possibility, because honestly, with B&M having made this past statement about never doing launches, it would be quite a feat of engineering for them to incorporate a launch into one of their rides... or for them to break their TREND of only building coasters under the 240' height. And guess what, this only applies if the ride DOES end up being a Beemer which currently no one is 100% certain of.


Basically, until the official announcement on the 18th its all speculation.

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When I say push the limits I mean something that hasn't been done before, or risky business that could make or break a new era of coasters. They usually hide in the shadows and wait for someone to find something, and then add their own twist to it. If they don't think they can eat what they take, they won't take it at all.


Starry Sky Ripper isn't really considered "Pushing the limits". It is for B&M, as they have never had a full loop in any of their flyers, but it's not really "Pushing the limits" of coasters when it comes to the whole business.

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Starry Sky Ripper isn't really considered "Pushing the limits". It is for B&M, as they have never had a full loop in any of their flyers, but it's not really "Pushing the limits" of coasters when it comes to the whole business.


What do you call a pretzel loop?

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I think a Dive Machine over 90 metres would be an amazing feat for B&M, but that said I still can't see it happening. I think we'd be lucky to even get any coaster over 90 metres.


I actually think I'd enjoy an Intamin, but CW's attendance is much too high to make up for much downtime. I guess we'll have to wait for the announcement, but I hope it's something that makes it worth coming back to my home park next year!


- MixedDrink

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CF, Starry Sky Ripper is the unique B&M flyer at World Joyland in China. Not only does it have a vertical loop but has some wicked looking zero-G roll in it as well.




I think B&M is totally out of the loop, pardon the pun, by not offering a launched coaster of some kind in their portfolio. Intamin has pretty much dominated that market since Xcellerator debuted.


When I say push the limits I mean something that hasn't been done before, or risky business that could make or break a new era of coasters. They usually hide in the shadows and wait for someone to find something, and then add their own twist to it. If they don't think they can eat what they take, they won't take it at all.


What's so wrong with waiting for someone else to come up with something and then add their own twist to it? You don't think Intamin took the idea for their Wing Rider or Zac Spin from Arrow's 4D concept? All rides have the capability to be improved on even if it's not by the manufacturer who first introduced the idea.

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When I say push the limits I mean something that hasn't been done before, or risky business that could make or break a new era of coasters. They usually hide in the shadows and wait for someone to find something, and then add their own twist to it. If they don't think they can eat what they take, they won't take it at all.


I don't think the idea of, for instance, placing seats on the outside of the track, or placing riders in a "flying" position is some sort of ingenious idea reserved only for the first company to construct such an attraction. I'm sure lots of companies at various points in time have considered this but didn't feel like they could develop the product, and if they did develop the product, it would seem that the results were predictable in some of these "risky" ventures with rider deaths, significant periods of downtime, maintenance problems, terrible rides, and so on. They've made it a point to build things that have seriously refined and generally bulletproof designs and they've effectively removed the one style they offered that didn't match that (standup coasters). I can't fault them for that. Yeah, putting seats outside of ride's center of balance was done 10 years behind Arrow and several years behind Intamin and Moser. But they got it right.

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I actually think I'd enjoy an Intamin, but CW's attendance is much too high to make up for much downtime.


Intamin's downtime is way exaggerated. You'd need to see what type of ride it is before speculating about that. Sure the rocket coasters have issues, but a giga wouldn't be a problem.

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Look at the pictures - obviously it is an intamin - the cables are already here!!!


Seriously - I have no idea what it is, but having been on 2 more Intamins this week at East Coast Bash - I hope it is from Intamin! Farenheit was good, but storm runner was just awesome! I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

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I actually think I'd enjoy an Intamin, but CW's attendance is much too high to make up for much downtime.


Intamin's downtime is way exaggerated. You'd need to see what type of ride it is before speculating about that. Sure the rocket coasters have issues, but a giga wouldn't be a problem.


MixedDrink, yes, you would


Thank you Paul, exactly. I've been to Busch Gardens when Griffon and Apollo were down for half a day and an hour or two respectively on a 4th of July weekend and they had no idea what was wrong. I haven't heard of any major non hydraulic coaster, Intamin or other, having material reliability or capacity issues. I can definitely see the park getting an Intamin one day.


If a new attraction goes down, I think the park can handle it considering it doesn't exist yet. People can enjoy one of the many other attractions, as they do now, including the awesome Behemoth and 'maybe' from time to time Sledge Hammer....

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Except if a new ride is built, the general public expect it to be open. Telling them to go ride the rest of the rides just isn't acceptable. Do you not remember the public backlash about WindSeeker not opening on time?


When you look at Canada's Wonderland's track record, they've opened almost every single ride on time. I can't remember a single instance where there was such an extensive delay as WindSeeker. I guess we're just spoiled up here... Although very few attractions have been built that would justify a delayed construction time-frame.

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Except if a new ride is built, the general public expect it to be open. Telling them to go ride the rest of the rides just isn't acceptable. Do you not remember the public backlash about WindSeeker not opening on time?


When you look at Canada's Wonderland's track record, they've opened almost every single ride on time. I can't remember a single instance where there was such an extensive delay as WindSeeker. I guess we're just spoiled up here... Although very few attractions have been built that would justify a delayed construction time-frame.


Nope, been four times and it's been down every time, with Sledge Hammer, with no riots or major complaints at the rides or in the park. If you're referring to a few people on Facebook, there were a good number of people (thank goodness) who countered with the 'I'd rather wait than die because it's not ready and working" type comments.


Anyone who thinks some downtime or a late opening is unacceptable is a bit spoiled, yes (this is not directed at you). Being disappointed makes sense and is reasonable. I think the majority would get over it and realize that things happen.


But I do agree completely that since we hardly experience downtime or delays up here, Windseeker sure was a different experience and frustrating for guests and the park.

Edited by rollin_n_coastin
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Having visited the park over 30 times this season, I can definitely tell you I consistently heard negative comments towards the park in regards to WindSeeker. I've also spoken with Reps from the park that echoed that statement of negative comments towards the delayed opening. This includes other media (other than Facebook) such as the Toronto Star and other publications.


Of course everyone wants to ride a safe ride. But they also see it sitting there, testing, etc and expect it to open when the rest of the park opens (especially when that's the precedent set by previous attractions). I understand things happen, especially with prototypes. I have a season pass to go over and over again but a lot of people make one trip a year and are understandably disappointed.


Whatever it is Wonderland builds for next year needs to have excellent operations and excellent capacity to keep up with the busiest seasonal park in North America.

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^Agree, we're gonna need it and I think we're going to get it from the looks of things so far


Can't wait to see more of your pics!


With respect to Windseeker, at least the Toronto Star let everyone know that it wouldn't be open on time for opening day at the beginning of May. Plus it was all over Facebook and Twitter so hopefully not too many people were disappointed when they showed up to find it closed. The park did a great job of keeping everyone informed through media up to it finally opening.


Not to dwell on this but it's a good example of how unreasonable and ridiculous people can be sometimes. I'd hate to see what happens if this coaster is delayed. Windseeker opened the first week of June and was delayed a few weeks in May, if that? The fact that you are still going and hearing people complaining seems to mean that the complainers will always be complainers and that it couldn't have been all that bad since they're still going back after three months of the ride being open.


The Star article and Yorkregion.com articles, by only using one negative quote from one tool (to be polite) and only one Facebook quote from another tool, respectively, worked in the park's favor I think. It was obvious they were trying to add more drama than was really there. Like the park can control nature and problems associated with a prototype.

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Ok, so I posted this finding on CWMania a few days ago, and was ignored, so I thought I'd see if anyone here might have any ideas about what it was that I saw on my last visit to the park. I found blue spray paint on the far south end of the parking lot (behind Behemoth) which looked similar to photos I saw of orange spray paint in the parking lot north of the front gate, along with two wooden stakes painted a reddish orange (like the one seen at front gate) behind the fence in that area where there are some old trailers. I was just wondering if anyone might know why these would be way over there, or if they were there before and are unrelated.


The photos can be seen here 100_2642

Wooden stake: 100_2639


I highly doubt the new coaster will be travelling that far, but I was just wondering if anyone might know what those were all about...


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