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Cora's Midwest Sketchbook TR!

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I'll scan the one of me dancing when I get home. It's really amazing, I'm going to frame it I love it so much.


These are awesome Cora! Best TPR artist by far!


YAY! That picture was the first and probably nicest done. I'm waiting on Casey to give me the pictures of the sign language so I could draw that too.


You had too many awesome moments to draw them all.

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^ Thanks Chris! The night parrot is definitely my favorite, but the hardest to explain to people. I was telling my roomate the story and she just kinda blinked at me and was like "That's supposed to be funny?" I was like, "yeah...kinda had to be there for that one..." But I'm glad it happened on my last ride, so I have a great memory that lasts longer than that huge bruise the Beast gave me on my ribs.


Though to be fair, it's lasting a pretty long time too.



And I must say THANKS to all the kind words I've got from this. It makes me tempted to draw some more things that happend on the trip, but I don't know if it would be the same as it would be done post-trip. But there will be some art for the raft incident at Mt. O.


I just want to keep drawing the Midwest trip, I dun wanna let it go yet!

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I don't know if its just me, but your sketch's have brought back more memories than most of the pictures in the other trip reports!


Awesome job!


Actually, I'm feeling that a little bit too. I dont know how but the sketches seem so much more..memorable, I think thats the right word...than actual photos of the parks. Oh, and I love the one about the power outage @ CP, I couldave sworn I saw those twin girls in one of the hallways, saying:


"hello, tex.....come play with us.....come play with us, tex! forever....and ever....and EVER"


eww...I just creeped myself out by typing that....


but yea, Cora you've made some great sketches that bring back even more greater memories, cant wait to see the A-Team "family" Raft Ride of Death!

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I can't really say it brings back memories for me because except for the cedar point balckout I wasn't present in any of these, but Cora, you should DEFINATELY draw more midwest trip stuff! I intend to make some lil' robby rob comics about it, too

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Christiana! Bestest roomate evah! I seriously need a poster of that Casey picture, such a great one! It can go along with the Brittney Spears Wes one!


And it was an intentional misspell of "too" to be "two".


It was serious business.

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