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What are you wearing???

Sir Clinksalot

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As of right now....


- Blue Indianapolis Colts t-shirt with the big white horseshoe on it. And I've owned it for a few years, in case you're wondering.

- AE shorts

- Hanes Classics underwear (I'm a little cheap. It's underwear!)

- No shoes or socks. Remember I'm on the computer in my bedroom, not long from bedtime.


Shortly, I'll be wearing at most the t-shirt when I go to bed.

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Before I Got Home.

Shirt :: Abercrombie & Fitch olive green/white striped polo.

Shorts :: Abercrombie & Fitch beige cargo shorts.

Shoes :: DVS black/white special editions.

Sunglasses :: Dolce & Gabbana black.

Underwear :: Calvin Klein boxers.


After Changing.

Shirt :: Hugo Boss black T-Shirt.

Shorts :: Modern Amusement light blue board shorts.

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