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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

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I'm going to the park in 2 weeks, and I'm so excited! I haven't been since February when I turned into a massive tourist by buying a wand, butterbeer mug, and WWOHP t-shirt. But can someone tell me how to use this nonexistent single-rider's line? I would really appreciate it since it'll probably be really crowded when I go.

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For Forbidden Journey I presume?


Right, go inside the castle, then take the first left. The corridor has a sign of a silhouette person with 1 hand and finger in the air.

It's pretty obvious but could be missed if your not thinking, just take look around (in the dark ) and you should be able to see it!


It's pretty awesome, I never wait more than 5 minutes, even when the queue is a couple of hours. Yay!



EDIT: If your looking for the singles line for Dragon Challenge, there... kind of isn't one but...

You can miss the long walk (themed line) by walking up the exit of the ride (behind Ollivanders), taking a left along the corridor when you get 'into the castle' and there is a metal door on the right hand side, it's usually open as it's a "chicken escape" so you can go through there and skip 3/4 of the queue.

I usually go on second row on fire and the middle / back on Ice, they seem to have the lowest queue lines for some reason. It's rarely very busy though. Hope that helps!

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...there is a metal door on the right hand side, it's usually open as it's a "chicken escape" so you can go through there and skip 3/4 of the queue.


That open door comes in real handy for re-rides. This past Tuesday I was able to ride Fire 6 times and Ice 5 times in about 65 minutes. Of course, it was when the park first opened. ...So while everyone else went to Forbidden Journey, I went right to DD. They were also running 2 trains on each side, so I was getting off one train and getting right back on the same train when it pulled up to the loading station.

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@kidcoaster 2


It'll be very quiet this time of year, especially on a Friday (i'm pretty assured of that but, you NEVER know).


I still suggest you turn up for opening to get the credits in real quick but, as a single rider, I can do BOTH parks in one day and get every credit more than once, it's awesome.

I think the fast passes would be a bit of a waste unless your in a big group who pay for their own tbh imo...


And yes alpengeist04, that door is awesome. It also scares people walking along the line when you pop in from the side which is awesome haha.

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My school's Harry Potter club did! If they allowed Freshmen to join the club, I would've had tons of pictures for you guys. But no, upperclassmen only

it's kinda pathetic that a club about kids books has a minimum age limit. You should totally go anyway and crash their party...or nerdfest...or whatever it is they're doing there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It is only a rumor, but I wouldn't be surprised or sad to see it go, then again I'm not one of those people screaming TAER IT DOWN either.


I have mixed feelings on that ride, on a leisurely day I'll enjoy it, but when I'm with my family and we're all being uptight and they're all screaming "how do we get here" at me, well, we end up skipping it.


Also if they were to replace it with anything, I'd assume they'd just gut the entire amity section.

Edited by doublestufforeo
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I'm hearing rumor that Jaws is closing for good in January??? Anyone else hearing this?


Time to start the "Save Jaws" Facebook page!


Seriously, I would be sad to see this ride go; then again, I'm a sucker for cheesy rides like this.

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^ Agreed. And Universal Orlando just doesn't have many rides like this. Dare I say a "classic", outdoor, ride that can accommodate a whole family as it has no height restriction. But then again, I'm not exactly sure what Universal Orlando is doing these days, so who really knows what's going on....

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I like the Jaws ride, but if this is were they are going to put Orlando's version of transformers in that spot, than I am perfectly okay with it.


Also with Jaws you have the mostly unused Fear Factor arena right next to it and if you combine the two would be a massive plot of land for expansion.

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^^I kinda doubt they'll get rid of the Fear Factor theater since they use it for Bill and Ted show during HHN but I could be wrong.


I like Jaws, but it seems like the only time I ride it anymore is during HHN. If they remove it and install something new and awesome I probably won't miss it that much. I've said this before and I'll say it again, I do admire Universal for not being afraid to remove fairly old dated attractions that are still fairly popular in exchange for something new. I wish Disney would do the same at times, I feel like there are about 5 or 6 rides at Disney they should just completely remove, free up the space, and start from scratch, but they never seem to do that.

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I like the Jaws ride, but if this is were they are going to put Orlando's version of transformers in that spot, than I am perfectly okay with it.

So wait...let me get this straight. You would be "ok" with them to take out a ride, that they don't have anything else like it in either park, for them to put in Transformers, which they pretty much have the same exact ride at IOA?


Sorry, that makes absolutely no sense to me.

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I've heard everything from Transformers to a second Potter area.


I didn't understand the Potter rumor at first, but if you think about it, it's GENIUS! Put more Potter in the other park so guests are FORCED to buy at least a two day, two park ticket. I don't know much about Potterverse, but I'm assuming there's at least another 'area' other than Hogsmeade or whatever it's called at IOA that they could portray.

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It's official, Jaws is closing!


From Universal Orlando Resort facebook:


Hey fans, we want you to be the first to know… JAWS! and the Amity area will officially close on January 2 to make room for an exciting, NEW, experience we’re planning for you.


We know you love JAWS! and we do too. It has been an amazing attraction and after terrorizing the waters of Amity here at Universal Orlando for 20 years, it’s a VERY important part of our history. So, we’ve got a couple things planned to ensure we always remember and honor it. We know it’s hard to say goodbye, but we can’t express how EXCITED we are about the new, innovative & amazing experience we’re going to be bringing you.



Link: http://www.facebook.com/UniversalOrlandoResort

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It's official! Jaws will be closing FOREVER on January 2nd, 2012.


Hey fans, we want you to be the first to know… JAWS! and the Amity area will officially close on January 2 to make room for an exciting, NEW, experience we’re planning for you.


We know you love JAWS! and we do too. It has been an amazing attraction and after terrorizing the waters of Amity here at Universal Orlando for 20 years, it’s a VERY important part of our history. So, we’ve got a couple things planned to ensure we always remember and honor it. We know it’s hard to say goodbye, but we can’t express how EXCITED we are about the new, innovative & amazing experience we’re going to be bringing you.


Let the speculation begin!


I've hear many possible expansion rumors:


- Transformers - Does this make sense as they've already got Spiderman next door?

- Another Potter expansion? Even thought Potter is also at IOA, it's the biggest thing Universal has ever done. Would making it so guests HAVE to buy a two-day, two-park pass make financial sense?

- A completely new experience? There are rides like "Space Fantasty" which have been very well received, but never made it to the USA parks yet.


What do you all think???


Getting rid of Jaws gets back a lot of land...and if they get rid of the Fear Factor Live stage and Disaster next door...that would be a HUGE expansion. Maybe more Potter?


Bye, bye Jaws.... It's been said you are "Old and Stupid" - do you agree?

Edited by robbalvey
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Terrible news. This ride is total cheese, but it's totally fun cheese. It really shouldn't be replaced with more places to buy wands, but I'm sure that's what's coming. Ah well, hopefully the Jaws ride at the Japan park will never go anywhere.


All I can say in tribute to one of the best experiences I've ever had at a park is SHARK SHARK SHARK SHARK SHARK SHARK SHARK SHARK SHARK. I will never forget that night.



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