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I got a 73% on my castle project, and I think it was a big part of my grade. CRAP!!!


Hey, at least it's a new trimester for my school! (we do it in trimesters, not periods or quarters)


I also have trimesters...kind of weird but still cool.


Hmm...something bad about school...


My Art teacher is extremely mean...and she has a mustache

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I now officially hate the college application process. Rejected from 4 out of seven schools, wait-listed at one. It's been a great week (especially since my acceptances came months ago).

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Well, the castle project along with a crappy Formula Book for math dropped both grades (which puts my final grade for the 2nd trimester in pretty big CRAP!!!), but overall better than the last. Sitll, I've always been an A student, and my grades need a lot of improvement for my reputation to stand. I got second honors (usually get principal) but I'm fine as long as I have any honors. I'll edit this post once I have my grades handy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not really about school itself, but my spring break. My spring break was a week before all of my close friends spring break (this week). Pretty much every person I would want to hang out with during spring break had school last week while I was sitting at home with nothing to do, and now they're having loads of fun this week and I have to sit in school. Bleh, Tustin High sucks.


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