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Smoker or Non-Smoker

Smoker or Non-Smoker  

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  1. 1. Smoker or Non-Smoker

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^ There's been some chatter recently about a smoking ban in "work establishments" in TN, but some tobacco shops and cigar clubs raised hell since their entire business revolves around smoking. I certainly think shops like that should be exempt from a ban since it's pretty clear that you should only get a job there if you don't mind the second hand smoke!


I also almost think it's a bummer that smoking has been banned in bars and nightclubs. I dunno, but the smell of a smoky club is almost synonymous with the feeling of having a good time to me. Eventhough I don't smoke, I think the smell of smoke adds to the atmosphere in certain places. I'm definitely all for restaurants being non-smoking though.



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Luckily, here in England, there will soon be a smoking ban in public places. Even pubs! That is already in place in Scotland and I am glad.


I'm a non-smoker as I'm only 12 and I plan on stying that way as I find smoking pointless and just stupid. It smells and your lungs get harder the more you smoke due to the tar hardening in your air pockets so you can't breathe easy and you get cancer just from sticking a burning stick in your mouth so you can blow out some smoke with other effects that I can't be bothered to mention because there are too many. Stupid isn't it if you put it that way.

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I also almost think it's a bummer that smoking has been banned in bars and nightclubs. I dunno, but the smell of a smoky club is almost synonymous with the feeling of having a good time to me. Eventhough I don't smoke, I think the smell of smoke adds to the atmosphere in certain places. I'm definitely all for restaurants being non-smoking though.


Yeah, the problem is that many bars/clubs never installed proper ventilation, like smoke eaters or whatever. When I was ~22-24, I'd go out 3-5 nights per week, and some of those places were intolerable. Dancing + heavy smoke inhalation = bad. I'd start choking on the smoke, and have to leave. The clubs that paid some money to ventilate were absolutely fine.


You don't need smoke to have a nightlife. Many have tried to claim that banning smoking would kill bars, which is absolutely not true. California and NYC have vibrant night club scenes, and have both banned smoking for a while (especially California). By banning smoking you attract people to come out that wouldn't come out before due to not liking the smoke.


Also, in some areas under an indoor smoking ban the bars have chosen to install outdoor patio areas, which is a really nice solution, at least in the warmer months.

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As someone with a chronic lung condition, I can very well tell you that being in an enclosed space with the presence of lots of smoke causes me to get short of breathe and in some cases triggers a coughing spasm.


California has had a ban on smoking in restaurants, clubs, and bars for some time now, and I cannot begin to tell you how much better it is. Really, the only thing I have to worry about is walking out of a crowded venue and hitting the wall of smoke from the people who stepped outside.


People should be allowed to do what they want to their bodies, but it still depresses me that individuals would willingly ruin their lungs for something so insignificant.


I totally agree, and I am all for smoking bans in public places. Outside I don't care so much, but it's just not fair to non-smokers in a small, enclosed area like a restaurant. Just like people can eat a horrible diet and clog their own arteries, but they're not clogging the arteries of the people around them. When people smoke, they're damaging their own lungs and the lungs of those around them.


(needless to say, non-smoker here!)

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While I agree that smokers have a right to destroy their health as they see fit, I don't think that smoking indoors in public places is necessary. Despite what Penn & Teller claim, there is decent empirical evidence that second-hand smoke is harmful. A person's individual rights only extend so far as to not harm others.

I just think the bar owners and such should have the choice as to what to do. They could choose to allow smoking or not, or maybe a combination of the two. Obviously no workplace or government institution or mall etc will allow smoking, which is why I think this basically boils down to the bars and restaurants. It's their business that is already regulated enough. If someone feels that they have lost business, then let them get that business back. People have a choice whether or not to eat somewhere, and if smoking isn't something they want to tolerate, then they won't eat there and that business owner will lose them. As for the employees, just going to apply for a job should give you an idea of what the environment is like, if you choke on smoke then don't even apply! Of course now that practically everyone has banned smoking, there are people working in bars that never would have done so 10 years ago, and they are most likely to complain should bars go back to being a choice.

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I'm a non-smoker. I don't like the smell of it and think it's annoying. Unfortunately a smoking ban in public places over here is not that common yet, but it is in its beginnings. Even some friends of mine who do smoke don't like the smell of their clothes after having a few beers in a bar. But yet they don't quit, this is something I don't get. I just can't believe that smoking is addicting that much.

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I just think the bar owners and such should have the choice as to what to do. They could choose to allow smoking or not, or maybe a combination of the two.


Let's be honest about this; it wouldn't really be a choice. They'd all go back to being smoking establishments, except for maybe a select few of the really upscale places in major cities.

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I disagree. I think you are more likely to have non-smokers be against going into a smoking establishment, then for a smoker to be against going into a smoke-free environment - especially since most places have been smoke-free for years now. Therefore more business potential would be lost for a restaurant to go smoke-free, at least that's how I see it

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I disagree. I think you are more likely to have non-smokers be against going into a smoking establishment, then for a smoker to be against going into a smoke-free environment - especially since most places have been smoke-free for years now. Therefore more business potential would be lost for a restaurant to go smoke-free, at least that's how I see it


Well, I'm not really talking about restaurants. Smoking around food is just disgusting. But, as for the bars, I still think the majority of people who drink in bars also smoke. If they aren't full time smokers, then they are the types who only smoke when they go out. I spent years in those places, and was by far in the minority as a non-smoker. Not that I would know, but apparently nicotene and alcohol is a good combination.


Smoking bans are also a relatively recent thing in most places, except for California. NYC only did it a few years back (2003).

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I agree. Smoking around food is disgusting. I'm a smoker, but I never smoke in restaurants and not even in my apartment. I don't want the next owner to come in and have to deal with the old cigarette smell. I always smoke outside away from non-smokers, because it's just good manners.


My problem is with people acting like we as smokers are the plague. As a bisexual, I feel it's a lot like hatred of a different sexuality. You know, they use those lines like "hate the act, not the person", but it's always said with such disdain, so that you know they actually dislike the person.


People being so rude as to try to make smokers feel like they are gross, unwanted second class citizens just makes me want to be mean to them as well. Thankfully there aren't many of those types down here in North Carolina.

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Non smoker here, never have, never will. Just the thought of it turns my stomach I can't wait for smoking to be banned in enclosed public places over here in the UK later this year. If people want to smoke, then thats up to them, just don't blow your smoke into my face

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I agree. Smoking around food is disgusting. I'm a smoker, but I never smoke in restaurants and not even in my apartment. I don't want the next owner to come in and have to deal with the old cigarette smell. I always smoke outside away from non-smokers, because it's just good manners.


My problem is with people acting like we as smokers are the plague. As a bisexual, I feel it's a lot like hatred of a different sexuality. You know, they use those lines like "hate the act, not the person", but it's always said with such disdain, so that you know they actually dislike the person.


People being so rude as to try to make smokers feel like they are gross, unwanted second class citizens just makes me want to be mean to them as well. Thankfully there aren't many of those types down here in North Carolina.


Yeah, I agree that attitude is unfortunate. I've tried to avoid appearing judgmental while making my points here. I just like being able to breathe clean air. I'd be fine with allowing smoking in bars as long as smoke eaters and good ventilation are present. That may have been a better solution than outright banning smoking in bars, requiring that they install smoke control systems. The poison is in the dose, and if they can get the amount of smoke down then there is no health issue.

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No, I don't smoke cigarettes. I'm all for the smoking bans. I'm not going to say that it makes me gag, or it disgusts me, because it doesn't. It merely makes me cough a bit, but nothing too bad to hold in until I get to a fresher area.


Smokers are still normal people, and I think some people just might be exaggerating a bit.

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I smoked since I was 16, and (finally) quit, what? Some....... 32 years later???



The great news is, I quit (New Year's 2000/2001) cold turkey when cigs were (here in BC) over $5 Cdn a pack! Now? Up to .... $9.00 some places!!!


Sooooo much money saved, hmmm? I think so, lol.



And - nothing cancer-related after all those (cough cough) years of...


I was (and am) very lucky, all things (and time) considered.

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As someone with a chronic lung condition, I can very well tell you that being in an enclosed space with the presence of lots of smoke causes me to get short of breathe and in some cases triggers a coughing spasm.


California has had a ban on smoking in restaurants, clubs, and bars for some time now, and I cannot begin to tell you how much better it is. Really, the only thing I have to worry about is walking out of a crowded venue and hitting the wall of smoke from the people who stepped outside.


People should be allowed to do what they want to their bodies, but it still depresses me that individuals would willingly ruin their lungs for something so insignificant.



I agree,I also can't stand that "But it's so hard to quit" sh!t you can quit anything with a little time and effort.

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I do support any one's right to smoke. BUT, as a father who has a son that is asthmatic, I can tell you that even smoking in a public area "outdoors" can cause other people health problems. My son is highly effected by cigarette smoke. If he were to be walking down an open midway at a theme park, and happened to catch a breath of smoke, we would almost definitely be getting out his inhaler within a minute or two. I think this is something that most smokers (heck even non-smokers) don't give any thought to.


I think as far as bars or pubs go, they have always been places where smoking and drinking are excepted. They are a place to socialize, and smoking is a part of that for some people. If you don't like being around smoke, don't go to a bar. Just like if you don't like being around people who are drunk, don't go to a bar.


Even though I think it is great that a lot of public places have banned smoking, such as many restaurants, theme parks, malls, movie theaters, etc., I would still be against any law prohibiting smoking. Almost nothing in life is cut and dry, white or black. If someone wants to smoke, that is there right. I only wish that some smokers would be a little more considerate towards those like my son when lighting up.


Oh, and as someone who has many close friends that do smoke, I couldn't agree any more with what Wes said...........

People should be allowed to do what they want to their bodies, but it still depresses me that individuals would willingly ruin their lungs for something so insignificant.
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I'm sort of on/off at uni.


I never crave cigarettes and I haven't had a whole one for about a month. I had a few drags on one saturday night and it calmed me down alot as I majorly stressed. I smoked alot last december when I had some pretty harsh exams on, and this week i'm starting to feel the need (3 exams in 5 days).

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