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^ You got it! Your turn...


Actually, it was Airtime&Gravity's turn anyway, when you posted out of turn. Just to reiterate the simple rules of this thread:


1. You can only post a pic if you've successfully guessed the previous one (assuming it was properly posted itself), and the person who posted it has confirmed that your guess was correct.


2. You can only guess once for each photo. No "it's either one of the Disney parks or King's Island or King's Dominion." (The exception to this is that you can guess again if the pic poster has posted saying that your previous guess was wrong.)


3. You have 24 hours to confirm that a guess was correct, and the correct guesser then has 24 to claim their turn by posting a new pic.


These are all traditional rules of this thread that already exist. I didn't make them up. Not to say everyone must follow them...but if you like the thread and want it to continue, you should follow them.



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probably not, but how about Knott's Berry Farm???


I wouldn't make it that easy. (It would be really funny, though.)


Anyway, nope, it's not Knott's.


So who would have a plaque for another park in their park...? Hmmm....

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