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Best Looking Park From A Distance

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Just wanted to bring this back up. I was about to post a new topic about skylines, but I was a good little boy and used the search function


My personal input on this topic is, yes, Cedar Point. My first trip I was just waiting and waiting to see my first glance, but time passed by so slowly as we kept going through all these roads that seemed to never end... finally, everything opens up and you see the skyline in all it's glory. Millennium Force, in my opinion, is the most massive looking from the causeway.


I also love seeing people's reactions to it when they see it for the first time. My parents were in shock.

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^^^I agree with the Dorney claim, as I stayed at that hotel this summer and had a room facing the park. The lights on some of the attractions at night make it look amazing, and waking up to an amusement park across the street is incredible.


I still think the best is seeing Cedar Point for the first time from a distance. simply incredible.

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I'm one of those sentimental people who often gets all emotional upon spotting a park or carnival.

Two of my favorite skylines are those of Six Flags Discovery Kingdom and Six Flags Magic Mountain.

Of course, I always enjoy being greeted by an impressive woodie. Who doesn't love a wooden coaster?

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Well I'm a bit biased, but I do really love seeing Behemoth, Drop Tower, Xtreme Skyflier and Wonder Mountain while driving up the highway towards Canada's Wonderland. Driving to the parking lot beside the lake Behemoth runs along is even better, giving you a great view of all the rides and the waterpark, so I'll give my biased answer of Canada's Wonderland .

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I'm going to also go with Cedar Point and SFMM as the best for reasons everyone else have mentioned.

However, I'd give honorable mentions to La Ronde, Dorney Park, Worlds of Fun, and Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.

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I know most people have already said it, but Cedar Point's skyline is second to none! I nearly drove off of the causeway cause I couldnt stop looking at the park during my first visit!


Never been to SFMM but it does look impressive!


My old home park of Jazzland/Six Flags New Orleans had a nice skyline driving on I-10...with MegaZeph along the service road...man I miss that ride!

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This is easy: Cedar Point. When I first saw the park driving up the causeway for the first time this year, I started jumping for joy and couldn't believe how beautiful the park looked. That is the only park that has honestly made my jaw drop in excitement and awe.

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Indiana Beach looks great from across the lake, although this is the only time as you can't see the park when you drive up to it until you are already there. Dollywood is also nice in the fact that you can't see the park, even when you are at the entrance, and SFGAM is also cool as the park goes right up to the Tri-State(especially true for American Eagle).


Indiana Beach



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