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Great, a just say "Hi" thread


My name is Jens and I'm from Germany near Cologne. My English is not so god as i hope and it might be better...

I've read this site so many times before so I though this might be a reason to register.


My favs are also coasters, some parties and the geman website onride.de (same Nick).


See and read you in time

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hiya!! Debbiedoo here -- from the Southeast of the United States, and I enjoy going to Theme Parks and having a great time!! I would say how many coasters I have been on -- but I do not know!! LOL


Thank you so much for the website!! I have come here for a long time and I enjoy TR's --- look like cool people and a trip to travel with!!

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Just came across this site and wanted to say hello. I'm from Baltimore originally, and am currently living in Northern Delaware. I lived in various cities on the East Coast including several in Florida, and I really miss being close to some very good parks.

Also, I love seasonal haunted houses as much as I love amusement parks, so I'm always looking for some good suggestions come September and October.

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Hi everyone, my name is Patrick and I live in South Jordan, Utah. My home park is Lagoon, but I was born in Dayton, Ohio, so my real home park is PKI. I work in the electrical industry and sell to S&S, Interactive Rides and Setpoint. I am usually a good source for rumor control regarding any of the three companies installations. My coaster count is around 125 or so and I make a trip out to MM at least once a year.

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Hi everyone, my name is Patrick and I live in South Jordan, Utah. My home park is Lagoon, but I was born in Dayton, Ohio, so my real home park is PKI. I work in the electrical industry and sell to S&S, Interactive Rides and Setpoint. I am usually a good source for rumor control regarding any of the three companies installations. My coaster count is around 125 or so and I make a trip out to MM at least once a year.



Wow, that's really cool that you have a proffessional relationship with S&S and Interactive Rides, hopefully you'll keep us informed

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Hi all !




My name is Vincent, I'm French but I'live in Italy for two years in order to study architecture.


In France I live close to Paris and so close to Disneyland Resort Paris. In Italy I'mquite close to Gardaland.


My favorite Rollercoaster is Expedition G Force, the well known German Intamin Hypercoaster ! I do like Stunt fall in WBMWMadrid too !


I would like to go to the USA for 3 week or more but I don't where and I'don't know when ! Waiting for this moment I can try to improve my english on this Forum !



ciao !

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^Good to have you here!


Will you be going to the Ride World event at SFMM Sunday, March 12? It's free if you have a season pass and Robb and I are having a party afterwards!


I would like to go, but it just depends on my school situation. I also need to update my season pass to a 2006 one.

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^^Bonjourno / Bonjour Vince!


This is a great way to improve your English, we have a lot of international members that have really gotten better in thanks to reading and posting here.


As for a USA trip, I think you'll find a lot of people here willing to help!

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Hi. I am Kyle. I to suffer from the need of thrill rides and the enhightened sense of weightlessness. I also love video games (Lineage 2, RCT3), Music (Blink 182, Angels & Airwaves, and so on and so on), movies and odd ball sodas mixed with jagermeister. I'm looking forward to spending to this summer going on trips to see six flags parks all over the US. Wich is part of why I joined up here to talk with people who love theme parks and rollercoasters.

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Hi my name is Griffin. I really like bolliger and mabillard coasters(even though Ive only been on 3 of them). I have been on 26 coasters total. I have only been super into roller coasters for about 9 months. I live near SFA, somewhat (3 hours) close to SFGadv and PKD. Really like video games(RCT3, PGR3, Halo, Halo 2).

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Hi all,


My name is Liam, I'm 14 years old and I love Rollercoasters (started with the local fairs) since I'm three years old.

My favorite Rollercoaster is Air, and my favorite park is Alton Towers!

I play RCT2 a lot, so you will see some nice parks of me in the future!


edit anno 2010: I hate 14-year-old me.

Edited by Liampie
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I'm Chris(28) and I live in Delaware (one coaster state!!) but I'm close to Hershey Park and Great Adventure. Hersheypark is my favorite one. I have been to Cedar Point, Kings Dominion, Dorney, NJ Beaches, Worlds of Fun, Vegas and a few others.

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I have been a member for quite a while and I visit all of the time. I was even supposed to hook up with you guys in Epcot last October (Hurricane Wilma came through so I don't know if you guys even made it down).


Anyway, absolutely killer site!!! My wife and I are way jelly that you guys got married at WDW. I could only propose to her there...I had Cinderella bring her the ring in glass slipper at dinner in the castle.


My avatar is in honor of you two. TWO BIG NUTS!!



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Hi. I'm Deej. I'm in California and frequent SFMM and Knotts. I took a road trip to Cedar Point a while ago, and wasn't really impressed, so I've been sticking with California. I was at MM last Saturday and my boyfriend absently said "....That guy has a donkey on his shirt..." while we were waiting in line for X.. And I was compelled to look, of course. I noted the URL on his shirt and decided to join up. So here I am. Cheers!



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