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Magic Mountain Parkway to Change Name!!!!

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Saw a great letter today from the City of Santa Clarita to all residents/business owners who live on Magic Mountain Pkwy. I will retype some of it below:


Subject: Potential Street Name Change


Dear Magic Mountain Parkway Resident:


Our records inidicate that you are an inhabitant...on Magic Mountain Parkway. The City of Santa Clarita would like to inform you that we are currently exploring the possibility of changing the street name of Magic Mountain Parkway east of Interstate 5 to Santa Clarita Auto Center Parkway.


One benefit is a potential increase in sales tax dollars which the City reliese on to fund community needs ranging from parks programs and road maintenance to sheriffs and other safety costs. New auto sales account for the largest percentage of sales tax revenue received by the City.


There's a community meeting on January 10th to further discuss then it will be on the March 2007 Council schedule for a vote. 30 days after that, no more Magic Mountain Parkway!


In the FAQ section there's this little nugget:


Local auto dealer's simply proposed this idea. The City is the entity responsible for making final decisions on street names. The City is encouraged by the potential to increase sales tax revenue, bring more people into local businesses as well as utilize the funding for the community want and needs.


I guess SFMM doesn't contribute too much!


I'm glad we moved, I sure wouldn't want to live on SC Auto Center Parkway!

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I don't think too many residents will be pleased with the street name change. It's just too much of an inconvenience --- having to file address changes with the DMV, newspaper/periodical subscriptions, family/friend contacts need to be alerted, etc.


Plus, "Santa Clarita Auto Mall Parkway" just sounds soooo tacky. Magic Mountain Parkway has a nice ring to it, plus, there is no way people heading to the park can miss their exit considering it's the name of the park that's on the road sign.


Six Flags' CEO Mark Shapiro wasn't too pleased to hear about this either.


I quote the L.A. Times -


The effort isn't playing well at Six Flags' New York headquarters.


"We're shocked by this. Here's Santa Clarita calling us for months and saying they'll do anything to keep the park, and now the city manager is thinking of changing the name of Magic Mountain Parkway," Shapiro said. "Some love."


* Whole article here: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-sixflags13dec13,1,5142892.story?coll=la-headlines-business&ctrack=1&cset=true

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I totally agree that the new name sucks...but...


1. Money talks.

2. The people that live on MMP are all in apartments (no homes) so therefore don't have as much pull.

3. People are lazy...the Auto people will all be at the meetings in full force, I wonder how many 'residents' will show up.


Maybe I'll go and do a Photo TR!

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there is no way people heading to the park can miss their exit considering it's the name of the park that's on the road sign.

I think that's the whole point. Santa Clarita would rather people know about the Auto Center Businesses when getting off the freeway rather than Magic Mountain. Direct them to the buisness that are giving the most tax dollars to the city!


The amount of dealerships that have gone up in Valencia in the past 2 years is staggering! It's starting to rival the likes of Cerritos Auto Square!


So the more $20,000 cars that are sold with a few thousand tax dollars going to the city each I'm sure is more profitable in the eyes of Santa Clarita than whatever SFMM gives to the city, which I'm assuming isn't as much as the dealerships.


The park has plenty of icons you can see from the freeway, the car dealerships don't.


I don't like the name either, but I can totally buy off on their reasoning!



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The solution is obvious--change the name of the park to "Santa Clarita Auto Center Magic Mountain," then start selling used cars in the parking lot under Scream. This would give that coaster some much-needed themeing.


Hell, they could theme the coaster to those classic So Cal auto dealers from the 1940s. How would you like to ride "Madman Muntz's Wild Ride" or "The Smiling Irishman's Screamin' Studebaker"?

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That new name is:

A. Too long

B. Not cool sounding

and C. As Elissa said, another nail in the coffin.


But in the 12/12/06 conference call thread, apparently they are not delling it for real estate, they will sell it to another park company and keep it running right? What if they took off the Six flags name and still left it as "Magic Mountain"? Then it wouldn't have much point in changing the name. IMHO, they should wait until they see what happens with Magic Mountain (If it's sold, names is changed, etc.)



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The solution is obvious--change the name of the park to "Santa Clarita Auto Center Magic Mountain," then start selling used cars in the parking lot under Scream. This would give that coaster some much-needed themeing.


Hell, they could theme the coaster to those classic So Cal auto dealers from the 1940s. How would you like to ride "Madman Muntz's Wild Ride" or "The Smiling Irishman's Screamin' Studebaker"?


LMAO! Carwash Coaster!

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Subject: Potential Street Name Change


Dear Magic Mountain Parkway Resident:


Our records inidicate that you are an inhabitant...on Magic Mountain Parkway. The City of Santa Clarita would like to inform you that we are currently exploring the possibility of changing the street name of Magic Mountain Parkway east of Interstate 5 to Santa Clarita Auto Center Parkway.


The name change is for East of the Freeway not West towards the park. The signs on the freeway would still be Magic Mountain Parkway.

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^Exactly. And plenty of streets have different names in different directions. Even theme park streets! Universal Hollywood Drive is Campo De Caheunga Way in the other direction.


Although I think just "Auto Center Parkway" is a better name for the street if they are going to change it...

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Subject: Potential Street Name Change


Dear Magic Mountain Parkway Resident:


Our records inidicate that you are an inhabitant...on Magic Mountain Parkway. The City of Santa Clarita would like to inform you that we are currently exploring the possibility of changing the street name of Magic Mountain Parkway east of Interstate 5 to Santa Clarita Auto Center Parkway.


The name change is for East of the Freeway not West towards the park. The signs on the freeway would still be Magic Mountain Parkway.


Thank you! I was just going to point that out as it seems like everyone missed that litlle bit of info and are all going nuts like the whole street will be changed. You really only need the section from the freeway to the park to have the MM Parkway name anyway.

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Yeah, name sucks, but like others, I see the Logic.


I also think Auto Center Parkway is a better name than Santa Clarita Auto Center Parkway.


I've seen plenty of other city's with "Auto City Drive", but I'm not sure if people actually live on those streets.


Another thing, aren't the stores at the mall, that Target shopping center, etc also on that street??? They may not want the name change and may fight to keep it the way it is.


EDIT: I wonder if the Auto Mall places are all chipping in and buying SFMM. And the park will now be SCAMP (Santa Clarita Auto Mall Park). I mean, they already have parking lot coasters. All they need to do it put the newest models around Scream (the parking lot lines are still there after all) and people can see new cars and ride coasters.

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The solution is obvious--change the name of the park to "Santa Clarita Auto Center Magic Mountain," then start selling used cars in the parking lot under Scream. This would give that coaster some much-needed themeing.



You mean that the "bleach stain of death" isn't considered themeing!?



Anywho, the new street name sucks. BOO!


Laura "hahah the DUI check was funny" Huls

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Santa Clarita Auto Center Parkway... what the heck?! That's similar to when the Orlando Magic sold the naming rights to Orlando Arena, and it became the TD Waterhouse Centre. No one in the general public wanted to call it that; they still call it the O-Rena. And in Baltimore, everyone calls the Ravens' stadium Ravens Stadium, whether it's actually called that or it has PSINet or M&T Bank's name on it.


Even though I'm on the East Coast, I recognize the name Magic Mountain Parkway - because I've heard of Magic Mountain. Not many people outside Santa Clarita and the immediate surrounding area care that there's an auto dealership on that road. Car dealerships are in every decent-sized city; well-known amusement parks aren't. If anything, I would have thought that the name Magic Mountain Parkway would have given the car dealership more business. (People that live in the area probably would say, "Oh, we can just go over to the dealership by Magic Mountain to get our new car.")


It sounds to me like they will just need to raise the sales tax rate in order to get more sales tax revenue off of this.

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