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Walt Disney World Epcot Discussion Thread

P. 119: Test Track closure announced, new concept art released!

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  Homer said:
The main question for me is, will there be a border crossing scene in which the boat is submerged in water and speeds up a little, to simulate crossing the border while being chased by border partol?

I wish!

Thanks everyone who answered my questions so far, but I have a few more.

1. Will they be animatronics or just the plan old dark ride figureenes?

2. I have only been on the ride once so where will they be putting them?



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I heard they were retheming the Rio del Tiempo because Disney purchased the 2nd T-rex for River Adventure from Universal and they wanted to incorporate it into the Mexico ride since everyone knows how closely related dinosaurs and Mexico are. At least that's what my friend from Mexico told me, but he's not an Imagineer or anything like that.

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  jedimaster1227 said:
Now El Rio del Tiempo's storyline will be changed to accomodate the Three Cabalerros, which is fine because those street salespeople never had their voices properly synced up.


Never synced up? Really? In 1982 they seemed to work OK. Along with many other visits I've made in the following years. Don't make generalizations.


Disney did confirm the Three Caballeros remake. From what I understand, Jose and Panchito are trying to find Donald as you go through the ride. It's mostly animation added to the live action movies. I still don't like the idea, as it's Mexico and they're adding a bird from Spain and South America, it makes no sense.

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I still don't like the idea, as it's Mexico and they're adding a bird from Spain and South America, it makes no sense.


It absolutely makes sence to add them to the ride. Because Pancho Pistolas is a mexican fight rooster and I think its the only mexican Disney character. The other bird is called Jose Carioca and its Brazilian. for me it makes sense to put them in the ride and ill be glad to ride it when I get to WDW.

panchito.bmpFetching info...

The only mexican Disney character.

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