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I just played three of the five chapters in Portal 2's co-op campaign in one sitting.


All I have to say is that my brain hurts like hell now. Those puzzles are a HECK of a lot more challenging than in the normal campaign, even with a friend we were stuck in some test chambers for upwards of 15 minutes. But once you finally solve that puzzles you convinced yourself is impossible, the satisfaction is just awesome.


UPDATE: And in my second sitting, me and Mr. Sily Willy Muffin Cakes beat Portal 2's co-op mode. The ending is weird, let me put it that way, but dammit, the feeling of finishing that last set of puzzles was awesome. I'm a bit disappointed with how short it was, since it only took 4-5 hours, but hey, there are still a bunch of achievements to get.


Also, I'm downloading APB: Reloaded, since the open beta was released today. I'm pretty pumped about it, this is a game that had serious potential before its failure. Let's hope the free-to-play re-release lives up to those hopes and dreams.

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Found something interesting earlier for us LittleBigPlanet players...the page reads as follows:


No doubt that there are plenty of theme park enthusiasts in the world who enjoy dabbling with roller coaster games.

An independent games studio, Team Kaizen Games, are currently developing a Little Big Planet 2 pack dedicated to roller coasters and thrill rides. The pack, called Discovery Inc., will be live to play - for free - on the Sony Playstation Network in a few weeks time. Nearly 60 rides are included!Don't forget to check out the related links for more information.



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I've made LBP theme park rides in the past (to...er..."moderate" success) and I know right after seeing most of those how to build them, but I'd love to know how they did the Zipper, the "claw" type ride, the swinging ship, and the Zamperla Power Surge knockoff.


Will definitely check it out!

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So far, LA Noire is a VERY good game. It looks fantastic and seems to be a nice break from "normal" 3rd person shooters. However, I need to work on my interrogations as it seems I am far too trusting of other people. X(


At least I haven't royally screwed up any cases. Yet.

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Looks like it might actually be an improvement over Modern Warfare 2's mediocre campaign. What will make or break the game, though, is whether or not it will have Spec Ops (the best thing about MW2, in my opinion), and the multiplayer. If it's ANYWHERE near as unbalanced and tedious as the last few games have been, I'm renting the game only for the single-player content.

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I'm looking forwards to MW3. I haven't played any of the previous MWs, but that will change soon. I need to get Black Ops in my hands again, though. That's pretty much the only game that's only hooked me. Right now I'm kind of half-playing Conduit 2, but it seems kind of tacky to me. Maybe it's the lack of blood.

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I did a brief search back through the forums for anything about the SSX (Super Snow Cross) games (by Electronic Arts - EA). Various SSX titles popped up in numerous lists... but, with little discussion about the actual game(s). This was slightly surprising considering the appeal of this particular series of games directly correlates to the simulation of, appreciation for, and study of rollercoasters in numerous ways... huge drops, fast speed, massive air-time, twisted rails to ride (that sometimes form coaster-style loops and hills), corkscrews (around rocky overhangs), blasting through (ice) tunnels, and more! So, seemed there might be legit cause for a topic discussing all that is SSX (good and bad)... AND talk about the upcoming entrant to the line-up... the "new SSX", coming out late 2011 (or sometime by Q1/Q2 of 2012).




For me, EA's unique arcade-ish approach to snowboarding has always adrenalized my being with positive tingles in the same neural neighborhood shared by coaster and theme park nerdiness. Ever since seeing the smooth colors and open feel of the first SSX on PS2, then carving my way through the creative rail-riding jump-fest of SSX Tricky, and personally resting my fix with the 3-peak mega-mountain in SSX3... I've been a fan (although I didn't go on to purchase or play "On Tour", or "Blur"). There's so much more I could say about the tracks, characters, music, sense of speed, replay value, environmental audio and mixing... it's just all a nasty, fresh blend of yes-ness! If you are also a fan, or remember watching someone play the game (well), then you know what I'm talking about.


(A screenshot from SSX3 ... that's a huge drop... makes me want to hurl joyful expletives in my freezer)


So spazz moment aside... there's a fresh title to EA's boarding franchise coming out in the not-so-distant future. Previously known as, "Deadly Descents"... the new, simply put, "SSX", is already shaping up to (potentially) be a mind-blowingly strong re-envisioning of the series. It's going to have 7 mountains from around the world... massive levels... multiple routes... huge hits... and so much more. Initial reviews based on the trailer that came out late last year criticized it for looking like a mash-up of snowboarding-meets-CoD: Black Ops. However, subsequent months have passed unveiling something much different.


(Early concept art for the new SSX... can you see how some confusion might exist? Is there a martyrdom perc?)


The design team has been shooting development featurettes/videos from the production offices and updating fans via the main SSX site and facebook page. For now I'll end this with a still from the new game, followed by the official game site link. Go there to find more artwork, screen-shots, and videos.




The "new SSX" official site


Discussion welcomed!

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I never thought I would see the day, but I am now downloading the demo for Duke Nukem Forever on Steam. I'll report back once I play it.


Update: THAT.


Actually rather underwhelming. It was the same demo that has been put out for the press for months now, so if you follow any gaming websites, expect no surprises whatsoever. The shooting felt really bleh to me, there was a bit of lag between moving the mouse and seeing the consequences, but that might just be me. The driving section was abysmal. Also, I'm kind of bothered that the shotgun requires no less than pinpoint accuracy, which is extremely difficult for the small enemies toward the end of the demo.


Overall, meh, it was okay. I guess it was fun, but it just wasn't of good quality at all. I'm disappointed.

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Sony's 'Welcome Back' promotion is now live! Go get your free games PS3 owners!


Thanks for the tip, went and grabbed inFAMOUS, WipeoutHD, Pursuit Force, and LBP PSP, along with Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on Playstation Plus!


Sony really impressed me with all the free stuff they're offering!

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Been watching E3 stuff to procrastinate on work, and it basically confirmed that my favorite contenders for awesome new games coming out (Forza4, Battlefield3, and Driver: SF) will indeed be awesome.


Now, if only NoLimits2 would make it out of the gate come winter...then this year would absolutely rock for games!

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Since PSN+ is running a promo of free games, and I have a Plus account for 30 days, I snagged a copy of Oddworld Abe's Exoddus. I bought the game ages ago, lost the discs, so this was a must download for me, I love every bit of the game. You guys should check it out if you haven't played it before, or if you have and loved it. Nothing more funny than Abe's "Oops" when his fellow Mudokan friends are accidentally killed by him (when you're supposed to free them). Also playing (and smashing people) on Mortal Kombat's online mode. Any TPR members want to duke it out? Hit me up!

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In a sea of imitations and copy cats, Skylanders: Spyro's Adventures stood out when we hit the behind-closed-doors demo at E3. It's also rare that we get excited about a game targeted at a younger audience. This one managed to make us ready to collect toys again.


Here's the deal. There are a bunch of small plastic characters that function in a unique way. The game comes with the Portal of Power, which is a small platform. You put your character figurine on the portal and poof! He appears on the screen ready to play. When you want to switch out to someone else, simply take him off and put on someone new. The little guy will remember how many hit points he had left, what level he's at, his achievements, what he has to work with and even what hat he's wearing! (Hats give you bonuses. We saw an anvil hat and a fez. As any good "Doctor Who" fan knows, fez's are cool.) Even better? The game is available for the Wii, the PS3 and Xbox 360, and the figures can be played on any system at any time. Nothing changes if you play on the Wii at your buddy's house and then at your own on a PS3.


The game comes with three Skylanders, including Spyro, Trigger Happy and Gil Grunt. There are more than thirty characters to collect and play with. There is single player and co-op, which involves putting two characters on the Portal at the same time. We got to play both single player and co-op on the Wii version, which we were told is their main platform. Game play was pure fun and actually got me excited to go out and get characters to check out their individual abilities. The game retails for $69.99 with the portal and the three figures and the individual figures are $7.99 each. We were also told that the figures had been put through the ringer and were super sturdy. “They did everything short of putting them in the microwave,” they said.


We were also told that kids playing the game had commented on how, even after the game, they were thinking about the story. “It's a real, interactive toy. You play the game, but when you're done for the day, you can continue the story of this character with your friends, in other locations, etc.”


Yeah, we're in love. Skylanders: Spyro's Adventures will hit stores on September 27th, 2011.

E3: Taking Flight with Skylanders: Spyro's Adventures


Even though this game is aimed at kids, it sounds really cool.

Can you imagine what they could do with a Pokemon game? Collect the toys (and make a huge fortune) and you could essentially have a virtual pokemon fight by physically putting in and taking out your creatures during battle.

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