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Concept for Jeep Safari

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And what about those helicoptor tours? What's that about?


I still hope they don't make a jeep tours ride, since


1) it's conceptually very similar to the idea for the boat adventure. As in, let's go look at all the dinosaurs. Sh*t! Everything goes wrong!.


2) there is a very similar attraction now at Animal Kingdom.


Makes me wonder though. I know a lot of IoA's designers came from Disney and did do a lot of work on Animal Kingdom. Is that the reason IoA never got this ride? Because Animal Kingdom went for it first?

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The artist of those is Scott Sherman. His page, www.scottshermandesign.com, has full info on his work. He has worked with both Universal and Disney, and helped plan several attractions.


As for the Jeep Tour - it used to be listed on his web page, which is where these images came from. A couple years back when I discovered those images his site made it clear that he had designed that ride while also working on other Jurassic Park attractions, such as The triceratops encounter.


A year or so ago, all traces of the images and that project were removed from his site. Has the attraction come alive once again? Did Universal just dislike him showing off something they never built? Who knows.



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  ECZenith said:
"Dino Encounter" was what ended up being "Triceratops Encounter" and since they just recently closed it I doubt they have plans to reopen it. Maybe they'll use the land it opened up for part of a new attraction?


Im sure they will either reopen it or use it for a future attraction.Maybe put some kiddie rides there?For an extension of Camp Jurassic.Like the ones in Dragon Land.

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all i know is that there are huge lots of unused land on both sides of JPRA. The lot inbetween the flying unicorn and JPRA is the largest, and could house another Spiderman building! (thats hot big it is). The other lot inbetween JPRA and ripsaw falls is probably large enough for a cat in the hat sizd building.


So if they are going to build the jeep tours...it would most likely be between JPRA and flying unicorn. one can only hope


source-google earth

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I think the flyer is more likely, nowadays. If either is in the works.


For one, Florida doesn't have one. It'd be a unique attraction, whereas the jeep tours would not.


And, yeah. I notice that there's no mention of the River Adventure in the concept art (correct me if I'm wrong). I get the idea that maybe it was going to be an either/or on doing jeeps or boats. They went with the boat ride -- perhaps because it had proved sucessful at the Hollywood park.


Just a hypothesis, of course.

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I think a flyer would totally ruin the atmosphere of the Jurassic Park area. It's so tranquil and nice... I'm more in favor for the Jeep Ride, however, I don't believe it will ever happen. But I think there are tons of possibilities for the Jurassic Park area, and hopefully Universal will put something in there.

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Both the Jeep Safari and Helicoptours were part of the original plans for "Isla Nublar," with the Jeep ride located between River and Ripsaw, and Helicoptours between River and Dragons. Both were allegedly cut (or delayed) for budgetary reasons (i.e., that the park was crazy over-budget).


My understanding is that Helicoptours was based on the technology that later came to be used on Disney's Soarin' Over California.


As for Journey to Atlantis: That was Poseidon’s original name, but SeaWorld wanted the name for their new ride. Legend has it that Universal agreed to let SeaWorld have it in exchange for not challenging the name "Islands of Adventure" (for being too much like "Adventure Island.")

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  Three said:
Not to the GP.


The parks are close. Most people who visit IoA have been to Disney. And no matter how much better IoA's version might be, it'd still be considered a rip-off.

Do you have some factual data to prove that? Where are you getting your information from? Or is this just another example of presenting your "opinion" as "fact?"



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