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Chainsaws & Toasters???

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Perhaps Robb's paying homage to the Tobe Hooper's obscure first-draft of his infamous cult classic--"The Arkansas Toaster Massacre."


"Tobe, baby, we love the script--but can you move it to Texas and make it chainsaws? We just got a sweet product-placement deal from Black & Decker and the Texas construction industry."

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Hi Joe:)


Yes ladies and gentleman it is a slot machine...it is not texas chainsaw massacre or people who hate toasters and want to take there chainsaw to it......


Okay blatent company plug. Yes this is where I work, and you can see what we actually do:)




Casey"Yes the game actually makes chainsaw sounds"Childers

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^Actually the names are not random at all, we don't just pull the names out of a hat


I beleive this machine was in development for about 6-8months and was really scrutinzed by alot of people. It is actually really popular. I believe it was a Nevada release only. There are certain games that are released in certain areas due to different states juristictions.....Like there is a south park game but it is only on the east coast and southern states. So yes things are not random, I mean a great example is Damn Lumber Jack Beavers...yes this game went through about a year or so of devolopment, one of the funniest games out there....we even did a type of Ren and Stimpy knock off......that was interesting too....


But yes Chaninsaws and Toasters was a good one, and It made the Forums TITLE...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I feel so special:)


Casey"Elissa and Robb are AWESOME"Childers


PS.....hamsters are comin'

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Well those are some really great ideas:) Donkey slave Mermaids...well that is pretty darn close we have a mermaid machine...but I do not think we have a donkey on a machine....I cannot think of any unfortunately I am trying to think, But seriously I mean we come up with some outrageous stuff, but I tell ya what its the stuff that doesn't make it which is the funniest. We actually had a machine called, "When the Fat Lady sings" Yeah that was pretty funny, I wonder why it didn't make it.....


But the game designers we have are interesting folk:)


Casey"Gotta love those crazy ideas"Childers


PS Robb hang on to what you got, I just found out today WE no longer make that game!!!!!

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