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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Well on SROS the reason for the bi-rail instead of quad rail system for the ending turns its a less stress factor area than say the first drops bottom half so less stress areas don't need quad track, it just means slower speeds in that given area.






We have the first drive through coaster!


http://www.pointbuzz.com/Gallery.aspx?i=5478 the small flat section by the building its a stop and order area! "Just drive up to the second window and pick up your order!"

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I think that he meant on different tracks.


I would say 4 because the Italian Job coasters have 3 launches.


You know, it says on RCDB that they have 3 but after riding one I can tell you there's only 2, the initial one and the one after the helicopter shoots at you.

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I don't like the two-rail-track either. And I also don't like the transitions between 2 and 3 rail track. Same goes for the 4-rail-track. But the most important thing is that the ride's good. If I want to see a nice looking coaster I'll take a look at a B&M-coaster



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Well on SROS the reason for the bi-rail instead of quad rail system for the ending turns its a less stress factor area than say the first drops bottom half so less stress areas don't need quad track, it just means slower speeds in that given area.






We have the first drive through coaster!


http://www.pointbuzz.com/Gallery.aspx?i=5478 the small flat section by the building its a stop and order area! "Just drive up to the second window and pick up your order!"


In that picture, you can see plates for mounting LIMs or some other sort of equipment.

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^^The one as you exit the tunnel is just more of a booster, but I guess they can count it because it "boosts," or launches out of the tunnel. But I don't feel the boost, so I coudn't tell ya if it was on.


--Tyler "Hey, can I get a large fry..." H.


*EDIT: Now, is anyone able to tell what type of launch it will be by the track placed? Just curious.

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First off, just FYI, the phrase is one-trick pony, not trick pony. That out of the way, There's only a week left, so all the fanboys will be dissapointed soon enough. The most inversions or not, it'll be good.

-James Dillaman


EDIT: Everyone beat me to it, damn slow internet cafe connection!

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