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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I was at the park yesterday and the longest we waited for any coaster was 20 min and that was Maverick and TTD. I am a larger rider. I took my first walk of shame and it was on Mantis. My shoulders and chest did me in. I didn't mind that much though, because I find that ride unpleasant. I got on every other coaster in the park. I only needed help on the front row of gatekeeper and MF. The bigger row 4 rumor on gatekeeper is true I found out. Is there a row on mantis or raptor? I don't mind missing the mantis as I have been on it many times and don't like the headaches that come with it. However, if I go back I


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^Do you mean Route 4? Route 2 connects Cleveland and Toledo and doesn't go to Dayton.


That being said, as a country road, it's going to be 55mph or higher for most of the trip, except when it passes through town. Don't worry, there will be gas stations! It's not all farmland, only mostly farmland Your car should be able to make it all the way on a tank of gas, I regularly drive from Cincinnati to Cleveland with no issue.


I like direct routes so I always take back roads when I get the chance. Keep in mind that there is a lot of construction along I-75 toward Lima right now, so you'd probably hit traffic if you took 90W to 75S.



yes, I meant Route 4, sorry, and thanks for the info. i was looking around street view on google maps and saw nothing but farmland, which made me ask. thanks again for the info!

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I really wish they would make up their minds with the rain policy.


It looks like now there is a very light drizzle in the park with light winds that aren't even strong enough to shut down the Skyride or Windseeker. Based on the webcams it looks like Dragster (makes sense), Gatekeeper, Pipe Scream, Raptor and Blue Streak are closed. MF and Gemini look like they're closed but you can't really tell. Maverick and Mantis are open.


The biggest problem with this rain policy isn't even that it's completely stupid and reactionary, but that there is no consistency at all. Mantis seems to be the only coaster that never closes due to rain (unless it's a complete downpour). Is there anyone that understands the reasoning behind this (and I'm not talking about the page on the Cedar Point website that's totally wrong about the rain policy).

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My only guess is that wind is a bigger factor than rain. I'm not one who specializes in geography, but since Cedar Point is located on a peninsula, wind is a big player on shutting down certain rides. Power Tower, Windseeker (ironically), Dragster, and maybe a few others are understandable for shutting down in high winds, but not nearly every attraction. I understand that the policy is very frustrating and unorganized. Maybe someone can email the park about the issue.

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My only guess is that wind is a bigger factor than rain. I'm not one who specializes in geography, but since Cedar Point is located on a peninsula, wind is a big player on shutting down certain rides. Power Tower, Windseeker (ironically), Dragster, and maybe a few others are understandable for shutting down in high winds, but not nearly every attraction. I understand that the policy is very frustrating and unorganized. Maybe someone can email the park about the issue.


That would make sense, but the problem is that the Skyride and Windseeker were open while all of those rides were closed and they always close before anything else when it's windy.

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This Sunday and next Sunday (22nd and 29) platinum pass holders can get up to 6 people in for $19.99 each!


We will be there this Sunday for Coasting for Kids so we could get 12 people discounted prices if anyone was planning on going


Hopefully it doesn't rain! we are planning on testing out our new tent at the campground



Are you staying at CP's Camper Village or the nearby KOA?


Just wondering because if you are staying at CV, they don't allow tents...even with motor homes.

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This Sunday and next Sunday (22nd and 29) platinum pass holders can get up to 6 people in for $19.99 each!


We will be there this Sunday for Coasting for Kids so we could get 12 people discounted prices if anyone was planning on going


Hopefully it doesn't rain! we are planning on testing out our new tent at the campground



Are you staying at CP's Camper Village or the nearby KOA?


Just wondering because if you are staying at CV, they don't allow tents...even with motor homes.


KOA, we know:)

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^ Kay...just checking!


I assume that you have stayed at Bayshore Estates KOA before?


If so, I'm curious to know how loud the trains are there?


We stayed at the Motel 6 last weekend (being on a limited budget after recent trips, I settled for it despite the fact that I don't care for the room layouts & designs) and there were trains rolling by just about every 15 minutes....all night long!


Even with the a/c & fan blasting, there was no way that you couldn't hear the trains rolling by. Being that there is a road intersection very near the hotel, of course they blew there horns every time one went through.

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I know its a little far away, but I planned a trip up to Cedar Point on August 20th & 21st, which is a Wednesday and Thursday, and I was wondering, what should I expect crowd-wise considering it's in the middle of the week in late-ish August? We are staying at Castaway Bay so we get early entry - hopefully that will help us to get on more rides... Thanks guys!

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^ Kay...just checking!


I assume that you have stayed at Bayshore Estates KOA before?


If so, I'm curious to know how loud the trains are there?


We stayed at the Motel 6 last weekend (being on a limited budget after recent trips, I settled for it despite the fact that I don't care for the room layouts & designs) and there were trains rolling by just about every 15 minutes....all night long!


Even with the a/c & fan blasting, there was no way that you couldn't hear the trains rolling by. Being that there is a road intersection very near the hotel, of course they blew there horns every time one went through.


We really don't like the selection of hotels around CP so we decided to try the campground:)

It was our first time staying there so we didn't know what to expect.


Overall we loved it! We both love to camp and this place was really cool! You can choose from a site with an electric box or none and we got the one with electric to charge our phones. They have a cool playground for kids and a pool as well. They had showers and restrooms as well, and each site has a fire ring and a picnic table.


As for the trains, we could hear them, but it was barely there. I think I only noticed them before we went to sleep and when we woke up. (nothing to keep you up at night) Plus the crackling of campfires was nice to sleep to:)


I think we found our place to stay when we go up again! We loved it!

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I'm thinking about taking a return trip to the point this Thursday and Friday. My wife and I were planning on going to KI, but it looks like it will be jam packed with people from the Spirit Song Festival. Are there any special events going on in the park that are going to pack it full like KI?



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^On the topic of the Breakers...

Do any if you think the Breakers is just really overpriced? Yes, I understand it is all about location and convenience, but I would imagine most people staying for less than a few days aren't going to be spending much time in the hotel anyway. I recently booked a two day/two night stay at Breakers Express for three people under $450, which is significantly less than what I would pay at Breakers. Also, the last time I went to the Point, I also stayed one night at Breakers Express on July 4th weekend- it was not very crowded at all. I would have expected it to be nearly sold out that time of year. I don't know, maybe people value the ability to walk to the gates rather than drive a half mile more than I thought. What do you think?

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So what does everyone think of the Breakers renovations so far? The outside seems to look very good! The renderings in the lobby seem to show a lot of improvements coming! Can't wait to see what happens within the year!


I'm surprised how much work on the outside of the building still remains and is occurring now with guests in the hotel. Typically, I'd expect a hotel in the midst of renovation with scaffolding everywhere to have lowered prices or at least warn guests that the rooms may have obstructions and things of the like. Cedar Point is gonna Cedar Point tho'. End results of those sections they've done look good. Improvements look solid, but I'm surprised by how many rooms they're ditching. Also, with just concept art, I have to wonder - will employees still be living in what could be choice accommodations in the rotunda?


Do any if you think the Breakers is just really overpriced? Yes, I understand it is all about location and convenience,


You answered your own question. No one thinks Breakers is really worth the money as a hotel. Because of its location though, the convenience factor ends up being worth it for me simply because everything else is terrible in Sandusky. I'd stay at the Fairfield Inn out on 250 if it wasn't $180/nt before taxes, but since Breakers is actually cheaper and far more convenient, that's where I end up staying. The only alternative in my mind is not going at all and visiting somewhere else.

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I would never even consider staying at Hotel Breakers just because of their price point in relation to the price points of other hotels in the area but a lot of that has to do with how I visit parks. If you're the type of person that likes to take breaks from the park and hang out by the pool for awhile then Breakers is great. We usually get to the park for Early Entry and don't leave until about 11:00 since we usually get in line for something with a long line right before closing. When we get to the hotel all we do is shower and go to sleep. In the morning we get up, grab a few things from the continental breakfast and go.


Because of that we always stay at Super 8 Milan / Sandusky near the Ohio Turnpike. It's clean, the beds are comfortable and since all we do in the room is sleep we don't need anything more than that... because of how affordable hotels are in the area it's $43 a night (2 adults 1 room) on Kayak. Hotel Breakers is $250 a night for the same room with no lake view and it's not like it's a luxury hotel either. That's over $200 more per night and over the course of a 3 day weekend when we normally go ($129 versus $750... are you kidding me?) A 15 minute drive isn't that big of an inconvenience.


When we go to parks we're always exhausted afterwards. Because of that my only requirement with hotels is that they're clean and that you can get a good night's sleep.

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