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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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WOW... I never thought this would happen. But what can you expect? Its a new ride, there are going to be things happen that the park did not plan for... like having to replace... why would they have to replace track? Is it like broken? "Based on these discussions, it has been determined that three sections of steel track following the launch tunnel should be replaced. " <- Thats what the thingy said. So yeah... why would they have to replace the track?


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Who wants to take bets on whether it'll be open for Non-German Tom? I think he's gonna be at Cedar Point on June 8th!


First X, then Matterhorn, now Maverick! Oh and the Pinfari invert at M&Ds!


Poor guy.

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I'm pissed....My CP trip is this Sunday & Monday...I was looking forward to riding Maverick. I don't even know if i'll be able to hit CP again this year...this blows major a**!

All I will say is, and don't take this the wrong way, if you read what Elissa and I always say about "going to a park for the opening of a new ride" our general rule is "don't."


Especially if it's something "new" or a new variation on technology.


One more thing I want to point out. It's very easy for us to "blame Intamin" because as we are all roller coaster enthusiasts that's what we see.


We have no idea if the reason these track pieces need to be replaced or modified could have nothing to do with Intamin. For example, could be stress fractures based on who was contracted to put the ride together or who poured the footers.


I have no more information than you all do about the delay I'm just saying don't be so quick to point the blame finger until there have been more details released.



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It looks like the 3 track pieces being replaced are the ones that make up the heartline roll.


Cedar Point spokesman Bryan Edwards said Maverick was tested over the past few weeks with water-filled dummies aboard, but no people have made the trip, which includes a 105-foot opening drop that goes five degrees past vertical.


The ride element where the track is being replaced is a tight, 360-degree spiral called a heartline roll. Asked if that element is being changed or removed entirely, Mr. Edwards said, “It might be. It could be. A decision hasn’t been made yet. I have not heard what plans there might be to correct it.”



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It looks like the 3 track pieces being replaced are the ones that make up the heartline roll.


Cedar Point spokesman Bryan Edwards said Maverick was tested over the past few weeks with water-filled dummies aboard, but no people have made the trip, which includes a 105-foot opening drop that goes five degrees past vertical.


The ride element where the track is being replaced is a tight, 360-degree spiral called a heartline roll. Asked if that element is being changed or removed entirely, Mr. Edwards said, “It might be. It could be. A decision hasn’t been made yet. I have not heard what plans there might be to correct it.”




Dang, that was just what I was coming here to post.


Back on topic, I'm devastated. I live 11 hours away, so it's not like I can just drive up there to ride it any time, and It's too late to cancel my airline reservations. But on the slightly brighter side, I might be able to make a second trip in October.


Looks like Screamscape was right again. Whoever they have as an informant for CP info is really good.

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I TOTALY saw this coming! I dont know how many times I said that the heartline roll was going to be wicked painful. I mean given the speed and the tightness of the roll, it looked brutal. If I were to make a guess, I'd say its getting removed completely, but we shal see.

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I was wondering was your body in the center of gravity through that heartline roll on the Maverick?






I am really disappointed now, i was counting down the days to actually get a POV and see the ride live in action.

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I find it odd that it involves the riders feeling. You can calculate the exact forces put onto the riders at any point during a ride. I suppose it could be an odd shuffle that the trains make in the maneuver, but from the sounds of it all, it was a mistake from the drawing boards that made it's way here.


Somebody didn't do their math right.


I suppose it stinks yea, since I had a two day trip planned for the 2nd and 3rd of June, but the park still has 16 other fantastic coasters. I'm not complaining. I half expected it to be down for a few weeks by the time I went there anyways.

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I find it odd that it involves the riders feeling. You can calculate the exact forces put onto the riders at any point during a ride. I suppose it could be an odd shuffle that the trains make in the maneuver, but from the sounds of it all, it was a mistake from the drawing boards that made it's way here.


Somebody didn't do their math right.


Sounds more like they underestimated the stress put on the train in that element. Not that the element was too intense for the riders.


But that's just my guess, I'm not an engineer.

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This ride should have been an Aqua Trax. We'd all be riding it already if that was the case. Probably.


So... who wants to bet that the heartline roll in question gets replaced with "humps" like Great Adventure did with Chiller this year? I know that was a different coaster with a completely different problem... but just throwing that idea out there.

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This ride should have been an Aqua Trax. We'd all be riding it already if that was the case. Probably.


So... who wants to bet that the heartline roll in question gets replaced with "humps" like Great Adventure did with Chiller this year? I know that was a different coaster with a completely different problem... but just throwing that idea out there.


Absolutly not. Chiller's rolls where in a position where the humps made sense. Maverick's roll is low to the ground, and a high element just after it, if the roll does get replaced, it will be with just a flat change of banking section.

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Cedar Point fanboy rage explosion in 5...4...3...2...


Hey Wes, you made Pointbuzz.




Hahaha, that is fantastic. I wonder if I can offend them more?[clears throat]


I wonder if the Pointbuzz fanboys will use their tears as lube as they masturbate tonight to the pictures of the heartline roll.



Let's see if that gets on there.

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In a way I say kudos to Cedar Point for fixing the situation before it becomes a problem...whatever the case may be. Not much point in spending $21million on a coaster that could develop a bad rep for snapping necks (figuratively speaking) during that heartline and then fixing it in the future.

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