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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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I wonder how many "OMFGZ CP IZ BUILDING COASTER NEXT YEAR!!" threads we're gonna have to lock on Thursday?


lol, I was just thinking that...and I bet that RTFT acronym will come into use real fast, . I bet you mods get alot of that on like a regular basis everytime a press release rolls around huh?

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Yes, but there's a handy feature that let's you know if there's been posting since you last read the thread, and before posting so called "News Flash" items, I always read the thread if there is one pertaining to the subject, or if there is no thread that I can find, use the search function just to be sure. I don't like to be rude, but if you read back just ONE page ago, this was stated by several people, and it just goes to show the poster couldn't even read a couple pages ago to realize that the screamscape article was already posted AND talked about in depth in this thread.





-James Dillaman

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Initial reaction to the concept art?


Wow... Glad to see the ride will most likely have magnetic lift hill like Cali Screamin', the beyond vertical drop was definately a surprise as well.


I'm glad to see the park is building something DIFFERENT and not trying to beat height/speed records.

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personally, not impressed. combining a bunch of small elements from certain coasters and putting them all in one doesnt make it a great coaster (i.e. launch, but not a fast launch, steep drop, but not a big drop, inversions, but only three, an airtime hill, but hypers do it better, twists and turns... wohoo....) Sure, it'll be fun, but its too extreme for a family ride, and too simple for a really intense coaster. This is the first coaster they have annouced in a decade that I havent been excited about


So, basically, because they spent MILLIONS of dollars on a ride and put in hundreds of hours designing it, you have to complain because it isn't the biggest or the baddest??!! Honestly, that is the STUPIDEST thing I have ever heard. Ever. My bet is that this is going to be one of the best rides at the park (none of their rides are amazing, and only a handful are very good. The rest are mediocre). And all you do is sit and complain. PATHETIC. Really mature and thoughtful too. You have no idea how it is going to feel, but you decide to complain anyway.


Now, this isn't directed just at you, as I'm 100% sure more will complain. Your post was just the first one that I saw, and that's the only reason I quoted it. It's the same with Griffon.


People complaining about million dollar rides really annoy me.

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^ Which is why all you can do is mutter under your breath, and go on ejoying what is going up. there will always be whiners, thats just how life works . Not every person on the planet can be pleased by one coaster, but if you honetly believe its a winner, just stick to that belief and dont give a dam what anyone else thinks. Yes, some people are foolish and rude and annoying and ineducated about certain rides, but thats just the way it is, and you gotta live with it.


Just tryin to shed a little light...



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the secret is out on screamscape.com!!!! YAAAYYY! 95degree drop!!!!


When I first heard that the drop would be 95 degrees I was like: "NOOO why can't it be a 100 degree drop - that'd be the steepest drop on a coaster so far, a good record for Cedar Point to take!".


Seriously though, it looks and sounds like fun, but we still are not sure if it's an Aquatrax or just a California Screamin' like ride. Going into a 95 degree drop when the train already has a lot of speed from the uphill launch sounds like an exhilirating experience.


I think I'll make it out to CP sometime in 2007. Most likely on my Holiday World/SFGAm trip. Can't wait.

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the secret is out on screamscape.com!!!! YAAAYYY! 95degree drop!!!!


When I first heard that the drop would be 95 degrees I was like: "NOOO why can't it be a 100 degree drop - that'd be the steepest drop on a coaster so far, a good record for Cedar Point to take!.


What about Screamin Squirells? They have a technical 180 drop..small but still. One portable coaster with pink support and yellow track also does that and drops into a 90 degree drop, a loop and turns around.


So technically on a "Regular" coaster its 97 right now I think.

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