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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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^the golden ticket awards will rank it high because it's at Cedar Point.


Maverick looks like an awesome ride, and it appears to be the best ride at CP. I don't think it is a top ten coaster world wide, but it sure seems better than MF.


You can tell this guy is a hater!!! To claim that not one CP coaster cracks the top ten, you are nuts!! Don't be jealous of CP.

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It's a Wednesday, so I wouldn't expect the lot to be full... and 100% definitely not at 9:00.


...Do you have a Maxx Pass or Joe Cool Pass to get in an hour early to run to Maverick? 'Cause otherwise I can't see the point of waiting the extra hour and watching everyone else go ahead.

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^ No, I don't, CP is the only Cedar Fair park I go to yearly, and this is the first year ever that I will have gone to CP more than once, so it would be a waste to buy a Pass. The only other park I go to yearly is Kennywood. I don't mind waiting around until 10. I just want to leave enough time because this will be my first "real" drive (3 hours). I have never driven more than an hour yet and I've had my license for about a year and a half. It'll be easy though, I'm not worried about it, it's practically a straight shot. Just get on the PA Turnpike, which will turn into the OH Turnpike, then, 3 hours later, get off the Sandusky/Norwalk exit and follow signs to CP.

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^the golden ticket awards will rank it high because it's at Cedar Point.


Maverick looks like an awesome ride, and it appears to be the best ride at CP. I don't think it is a top ten coaster world wide, but it sure seems better than MF.


You can tell this guy is a hater!!! To claim that not one CP coaster cracks the top ten, you are nuts!! Don't be jealous of CP.


Actually its called "Getting out and riding other rides other than only visiting CP in your lifetime and realizing that majority of CP's rides are not that great"


MF is a borefest compared to Maverick. Honestly, Id rank MF higher if all it did was go up the hill, come down, go through the overbank and end.

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MF is a borefest compared to Maverick. Honestly, Id rank MF higher if all it did was go up the hill, come down, go through the overbank and end.


That made absolutely no sense...


He was saying that the rest of MF (after the overbank) is boring and is a waste and that if they got rid of that, or had built MF without it to begin with, it would have been a better ride and ranked higher. Which I completely disagree with, but whatever, people have different opinions.

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At least someone understood...


Really, you think that the rest of the ride which probably averages 2G's and 65-75mph featuring very little airtime or positive G's is that great a layout?


If I wanted to go really fast Id go ride Dragster. The only real thrill to MF is that drop and the overbank is rather nice.



What puzzles me is how people like Mf over a ride like Maverick. Maverick beats it in every single category other than height and speed. Airtime, amount of airtime, transitions, intensity, positive G's, lateral G's, list goes on. Mf's drop is good, but the rest of the ride is typical of a large ride - uneventful. Its not even a top tier ride in my eyes. I cant think of a single good moment coming back into the station other thant he bunny hill by the station but that lasts 1 second at most.


Plus, considering I could build probably 2 Mavericks with all the steel that MF gobbles up...

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What puzzles me is how people like Mf over a ride like Maverick. Maverick beats it in every single category other than height and speed. Airtime, amount of airtime, transitions, intensity, positive G's, lateral G's, list goes on. Mf's drop is good, but the rest of the ride is typical of a large ride - uneventful. Its not even a top tier ride in my eyes. I cant think of a single good moment coming back into the station other thant he bunny hill by the station but that lasts 1 second at most.


Plus, considering I could build probably 2 Mavericks with all the steel that MF gobbles up...


Well, I haven't ridden Maverick yet, so I can't compare them yet. Maybe it will be better, maybe it won't, I'll find out for sure tomorrow.

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He was saying that the rest of MF (after the overbank) is boring and is a waste and that if they got rid of that, or had built MF without it to begin with, it would have been a better ride and ranked higher. Which I completely disagree with, but whatever, people have different opinions.

Exactly. It made no sense. Like he said.


Just kidding, dude. I respect your opinion.

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Some of you posters need to get off of your number crunching high-horses. Who cares how many G's or exact mph, or how many milliseconds of difference in airtime you get or how many stengloozal dives or watever the coaster does. Its about the ride experience!


I've ridden many, many coasters, and about 90% of the time I notice no difference between the "official" stats of coasters. Favorites is all about personal preference.



I have heard so many people talk about the argument over which is better MF or S:ROS. The majority of people that argue this have not been on both coasters. The ones that have been on both each have their own opinion.

S:ROS fans will say how much better airtime their coaster has.

MF fans say their coaster has more speed and is much taller with the better turns.


Conclusion: If you prefer more airtime you will prolly like S:ros better. If you like speed and height better you will prolly like MF better.



I don't get the whole airtime thing. I don't ever seem to notice any of these outstanding airtime elements. It feels the same as the rest of the ride. I do not notice any of those superb airtime elements that people talk about on S:ROS. The layout for both S:ROS and MF are kinda similar, and IMO S:ROS is just a slower, smaller version of MF. Don't get me wrong its still prolly one of the top 3 rides in the world, but IMO MF is heads and shoulders above S:ROS. I think a more fair comparison would be S:ROS and Magnum XL200.....they both are about the same speed, height, distance, and people seem to think they both have the best "airtime." Personally I think Magnum XL200 is far too uncomfortable to enjoy, and can't rate it properly. If Magnum XL200 got new trains that are more comfortable and roomier, it might deserve its spot in the top 3.


When I rate rollercoasters or try to do polls of the best I use two simple scales.


1=Fun Factor.......How much fun is the ride experience? 1-10

2=KYOYA factor.....How much does the ride Knock You On Your A$$ because of intensity/crazyness? 1-10


and when I rate I try to imagine that Its my first ride on the rides in question. (EX: If I were to goto CP today and ride MF and Maverick today for the very first time, which would I think would be better? In which I think MF would be better.)




MF: FF=10, KYOYA=10+

Wicked Twister: FF=9, KYOYA=7

Top Thrill Dragster: FF=9, KYOYA=9+

Magnum XL 200: FF=8, KYOYA=8

Mantis: FF=8, KYOYA=7

Raptor: FF=10, KYOYA=8

Maverick: FF=10+, KYOYA=9+

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Some of you posters need to get off of your number crunching high-horses.




MF: FF=10, KYOYA=10+

Wicked Twister: FF=9, KYOYA=7

Top Thrill Dragster: FF=9, KYOYA=9+

Magnum XL 200: FF=8, KYOYA=8

Mantis: FF=8, KYOYA=7

Raptor: FF=10, KYOYA=8

Maverick: FF=10, KYOYA=9+



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haha I meant as far as "official" stats/facts go, like exact mph, exact hill height, how many seconds of airtime, the exact degree of inversions, and whatnot. And I never tried to use my ratings to defend or argue over anything.


The numbers I gave were just my own personal ratings and scales, and in no way reflect anyone besides myself. therefore no one should quote my own opinionated ratings, and I would never try to use my ratings in an argument over rides against someone else. The only reason I used numbers to rate with was to show that there was a degree of separation between the rides because honestly they are all extremely great rides.


My reference of number crunching referred to facts/stats; not opinions

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You argue that elements like airtime, forces, and speed don't matter, but don't all of these implement into your "fun factor" and "KYOYA factor"? You say its all about the ride experience, but "how many G's or exact mph, or how many milliseconds of difference in airtime you get or how many stengloozal dives or watever the coaster does" IS the ride experience!



On a side note, I may be heading up to the Po!nt on Friday, June 22nd. Is it bad to go on a Friday or should it be okay? I will most likely be staying at Breakers Express to get the early entry deal, and I already checked and there are no events scheduled on that day. Should crowds me light or are they going to be your "standard CP" crowds? I would like to be waiting less than an hour for everything.

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As many people have said on this thread, "Maverick is better than Millennium Force."


Add me to that list. Maverick really does offer a lot in its course. The fact that CP finally realized "taller =/ better" is good enough for me!


Yeah, I'm glad that they finally put in a coaster that will continue to thrill and be fun for years and years to come. Rather than the "one hit wonders" they've been putting in, that will get old and dull after a period of time. When that time comes, they will be stuck with a very expensive "has been".

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yes it all does contribute to the ride experience, but don't look at them as numbers or stats, just think of how the entire ride experience was and then compare.



As far as going on a friday.......... Your lines should not be too bad. I went the 10th which was a Saturday, and the longest I waited was 1hr, 15 min for Maverick. Also, I arrived at 11pm and had ridden everything but the kiddy rides by 6pm. Everyone we talked to said that the lines were much shorter on Friday, and the longest they waited was 45 min. Given that the 22nd is closer to peak season, I'm gonna say you'll prolly be waiting around 1hr maybe a little more for Maverick and MF. TTD will prolly run you around 45min to and hour. Magnum will prolly be 45min. Wicked Twister will prolly be about 30min. Mantis will prolly be 30-45min


Any more ? I'll try to help

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I'm going on the 20th with a few friends, mainly to ride Maverick a couple times (hopefully), and hit everything else worth hitting. Any suggestions on what times to ride Maverick for minimal waits, I personally don't care about waiting but my friends do.

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