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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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OMG. You can see this clearly from high rollers lift hill! Look out too the left and you will see it. I saw this a while back but I didn't think it was anything important. But I guess it is! Oops. And definetly looks like a new haunt structure maybe. Can't be sure though.


Good to see that this is probably the location of the new Haunt structure because it means that the park is willing to use the land behind High Roller for expansions. As you can see in the photo below, they have a good amount of room to play with back there. I also heard some talk a while back about moving the maintenance building to a different location, so that could open up even more room. If you ask me, there's probably enough room back there to fit a decent size B&M.


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Let's talk Water Park. I know we are probably going to get a new slide complex in the IMAX plot, but what else do you think we will get with it? There is a nice chunk of land on the HrdroHill, but what could go there?


Following Cedar Fair's water park expansions, Valleyfair could get one of two options:


1) The standard drop capsules slide complex similar to World of Fun's or Dorney's

2) What Carowinds got this year

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^ It was last used in 2009 and that must be a picture from the last concert there. Garyman6 spoke to VF GM Dave Fraiser about it earlier this year and he said it cannot be used because it was not up to building code standards anymore. This is why I was hoping they would use that space for a new flat ride of two. VF needs more rides like Xtreme Swing or a Huss giant frisbee.

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A HUSS Giant Frisbee would be awesome for the park. We do need more rides like Xtreme Swing. An another topic, does anyone know how I could get in contact with Dave Frazier? Like does anyone have his email, or do I have to talk to him in person?

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A HUSS Giant Frisbee would be awesome for the park. We do need more rides like Xtreme Swing. An another topic, does anyone know how I could get in contact with Dave Frazier? Like does anyone have his email, or do I have to talk to him in person?


Cedar Fair has been ordering rides from Zamperla recently. Do you think Valleyfair might go with ordering a Zamperla Midi/Giant Discovery instead of a HUSS Giant Frisbee?

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A HUSS Giant Frisbee would be awesome for the park. We do need more rides like Xtreme Swing. An another topic, does anyone know how I could get in contact with Dave Frazier? Like does anyone have his email, or do I have to talk to him in person?



I'd write valleyfair a letter or try to find him around the park, If you work there like I do you see him pretty much everyday!

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Let's talk Water Park. I know we are probably going to get a new slide complex in the IMAX plot, but what else do you think we will get with it? There is a nice chunk of land on the HrdroHill, but what could go there?


I could see some mat racers, similar to Dragster H20 at Cedar Point (hopefully a little more intense). I also want one of those slides where the floor drops below you, and a Tornado Bowl Slide. I've never been to a nicer water park than Cedar Points, so that level of expansion sounds very appealing to me.


^^^ Does pushing for something unique mean that he is trying to get cedar fair to let us build a unique new Rollercoaster? If so that's great!! I REALLY Hope We do get Something unlike any other coaster. That would be amazing for VF. And also I am excited for the waterpark expansion. He might as well just tell us now because we all already know it's coming lol.


Of course WE do, but most don't. Let speculation and hype continue to build until they are reading to blow our minds.

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Hopefully when the expansion is announced it is something that we can really look forward too. I would love a complete overhaul on the waterpark, with new slides, pool/water areas. And a longer and more fun lazy river. Something like Dragster H 20 would be nice, and I really hope Valleyfair doesn't disapoint with this expansion. Route 76 was a hit, so let's keep up with these great expansions VF.

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A HUSS Giant Frisbee would be awesome for the park. We do need more rides like Xtreme Swing. An another topic, does anyone know how I could get in contact with Dave Frazier? Like does anyone have his email, or do I have to talk to him in person?



I'd write valleyfair a letter or try to find him around the park, If you work there like I do you see him pretty much everyday!

I am not at liberty to give out Mr. Frazier's information but I would be willing to pass questions on to him. Also, he does read every post on facebook and valleyfairzone. If you want to say something to him that would be a good way to do it!

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Ok I am really confused. I just saw an article on Valleyfairzone that really caught my eye.  "The Dining Patio — including our beloved Subway franchise — will be removed in the immediate future to make way for a new 1/4-mile long sun-tanning location." Is this true? Or is it just a made up rumor?

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