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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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I don't think Dorney has made an announcement either.


The best things in life are worth waiting for. I can hardly Stand the anticipation. I'm sure whatever they announce will send Shockwaves through the coaster community.


Thank you, I'll be here all week.

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I am now starting to think that whoever tweeted from the VF account "Announcement coming tomorrow!" was a mistake and they thought it was Friday instead of Thursday when they tweeted that response and the announcement will be tomorrow as planned. I easily could be wrong but it just does not make sense when half of the news day cycle is already done today to make an announcement. Hopefully I am wrong and we do get an announcement though, very curious to see what the park is getting for 2016.

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^ But the line above that under SUB TYPE it has 'Razing' and the line below it under Description it has 'DEMO AMPHITHEATER BLDG". And for Permit Type: Building (It is a building) and Work Type: Remodeling/Alteration it is a BIG alteration...as in getting rid of the defunct thing. It is just a limitation of the form. Plus it has not been on the park map for three years running now. And GM Dave has said it is not up to code for use so it has to be for demolition.

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Final Thoughts


I am still going with the frisbee in part of the new amphitheater space, and the flyers either in midway stage, next to frisbee, or somewhere else.


Mad Mouse

Mad Mouse has been shut down for the rest of 2015.


Dollar Days

I am told that more than the listed games may be $1. Valleyfair needs to get rid of virtually all of its prizes because it doesn't have the games staff to run many during Sep/Oct.


Coasting into 2017

I personally believe VF is 1 of 2 CF locations to receive a coaster in 2017. Most of the bigger paramount parks have received coasters in the past 5 years, and I am told CF will give each "small park" a coaster by 2019. Humorously, I was told that MA's GM and her husband absolutely crave Zamperla diskos and Larson Loops, both able to be called coasters.


That's it!

I'm pumped!


Miller Insider


MN Screamscape Correspondent

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I've never seen so many people excited for a new family ride announcement before!!


But in regards to the tweet..Eggs to hatch?


Sounds like a Larson Flyers hint. Canada's Wonderland named their new Larson Flyers "Flying Eagles," so perhaps they will use the same name..

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