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New shuttle coaster for Conny Land for 2007

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^ No, I know that...I guess what I'm saying is...that isn't very much stopping the train!!!


it appears to be all-one-piece with the track section ties it sits above


5$ says the brakes on that spike are unnecessary, and the wheels are only to make sure the train gets enough reverse momentum to complete the course

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Pax, Means peace in Latin, but this coaster looks anything but peaceful. I guess I can't pass complete judgment though due to the fact that I have never ridden one. It's a good concept, but It looks very intense. Overall, a challenging looking credit. Has anyone ever had a chance to ride a Pax Coaster?

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It looks so much cooler in action than I expected. I don't think the train making it to the end of the hanging spike with too much speed would ever happen. It needs the help of the motorized tires to make it to the top of the spike in a similar way that the Mr. Freeze needs the extra set of LIMs just to make it to the top of the spike.

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^^Both on the same coaster actually... Brake fail first time, ejection from the ride the second. The second may have been the fault of the park (Parc St Paul) for letting a....Guest of extraordinary size ride... Both of these were on Formule 1. The reason I say at least that number since 2005 is due to the number of Pax coasters in rural areas of Russia...and Russian news in general being somewhat disconnected from the western world. They probably wouldn't want anyone knowing their home-country-made coaster in their own country killed people.

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I kinda like the cartoonishness of their coasters. I wish I could ride a Cobra one like this one. One thing about them though, I couldn't see them design a serious big coaster. I'd like to know if they've installed a Pax Screem anywhere in the world? They would look awesome to see in action judging from the pix on the site.

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I kinda like the cartoonishness of their coasters. I wish I could ride a Cobra one like this one. One thing about them though, I couldn't see them design a serious big coaster. I'd like to know if they've installed a Pax Screem anywhere in the world? They would look awesome to see in action judging from the pix on the site.


I haven't heard of one yet...start a TPR Pax Screem fund to build one here? Anyone have a good size piece of property to put it on?

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Sorry but I have to ask... what the hell is this thing??


That would be a Cobra-1... There is a REALLY messed up cobra-2 in a park in Saudi Arabia. RCDB has it incorrectly listed as Cobra-1...




One thing I'd love to know on these cobras...how many G's do they pull going from a 90 degree incline to a tight loop!?

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Sorry but I have to ask... what the hell is this thing??


That would be a Cobra-1... There is a REALLY messed up cobra-2 in a park in Saudi Arabia. RCDB has it incorrectly listed as Cobra-1...




One thing I'd love to know on these cobras...how many G's do they pull going from a 90 degree incline to a tight loop!?


a LOT, especially in the front on the reverse


it's on-par with Mindbender @ WEM, just a wee bit slower


Wager? 4.5-5 g's or so, my neck hurt for a while after the one at Attractionmania (I must go there again...and practice my russian better )

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To be off topic, Ive been to St Petersburg Russia as well, never made it to the parks there or Moscow however. AWESOME place though.


Devious, you may be the only one on here to have ridden a Cobra-1! you should share some pics and review in a long delayed TR, if you have any! Would be awesome.


Anyhow back on track now...


Since I called out the Alveys on their possible plan they may have brewing on the Europe trip to ride this Connyland death contraption (if it is running reliably at the time), since it is a Russian design, would it be too much to request that a Russian trip may be thought of... since we know there are some messed up Pax rides there...

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Devious, you may be the only one on here to have ridden a Cobra-1! you should share some pics and review in a long delayed TR, if you have any! Would be awesome.


Probably, Was there on a trip with family, i'll have to dig through the trip photos and see what i can find, i SHOULD have a few hiding on a card somewhere

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