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Spam Threads - Respond to them and be BANNED!

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Bump, I actually got about a 3rd of the way through the post before my brain suddenly gave my eyes a kick to stop reading spam


805Andrew wrote:"I prefer Jet Stream, Roaring Rapids, or the former Log Jammer for water rides as they are more interesting, even if they don't get you as wet. "


Talking about the jammer, i would like to recommend the jammerall ,this is the good place to buy the jammer, i have bought one and it have the excellent quality,you also can have a look at.

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I've literally bumped into a spam post for the first time last night (it was in the form of a reply to an existing thread as well), so I have to congratulate you guys on doing a great job on getting rid of them. I virtually never see them whenever I'm on here.

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Hi Guys,


If you just see spam, flag it and move on. This thread is reminding people not to respond to spam and doesn't need to be bumped if you just see a spam thread/post.


Thanks for continuing to report spam, but we don't need this thread bumped each time you see it.



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Hi Guys,


If you just see spam, flag it and move on. This thread is reminding people not to respond to spam and doesn't need to be bumped if you just see a spam thread/post.


Thanks for continuing to report spam, but we don't need this thread bumped each time you see it.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know how many times we need to help this thread for people to understand how important it is NOT to respond to spam threads.


I just had to temporary ban someone because they thought it would be "funny" to respond to a spam thread with a joke.


When you respond to a spam thread, that sends a message to spammers that they are getting a response to what they posted, and then they spam us MORE!


In short, if you see a spam thread:


- Use the report post button.

- DO NOT RESPOND to the post!


This should be common sense.


Thank you.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
Hi Guys,


If you just see spam, flag it and move on. This thread is reminding people not to respond to spam and doesn't need to be bumped if you just see a spam thread/post.


Thanks for continuing to report spam, but we don't need this thread bumped each time you see it.



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