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If you could go back in time to visit..........

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I changed my mind:


real Conney Island

Fake Conney Island

old Canobie Lake Park

old SFNE

old BGE

Old California beachside Parks

Whalom Park

Nara Dreamland 1980

Old Diseny

Old rye Playland

Crystal beach

Paragon Park

Mountain Park

Mt. Tom park

Revere Beach

Linclon Park

Rocky Point

Riverview Park

and that's it.

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^ Opryland was an OK park, it wasn't great or anything. But I wish it was still around.


I'm pretty much happy to stay in the present.


Sure it would be cool to go back and see the openging day of the Coney Island Cyclone or other cool old rides.


But rides in general weren't very safe back then, and a lot of people died on coasters and flats back then.


Maybe it wasn't more than today, but it seems that way.


I'll just pretty much keep the DeLorian parked for now.


<-- 300th post

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HAHA! I have the map from when it first opened, and a souvenir video, and a souvenir video of WDW Aswell. HAHA!


(Btw, I might record the video on my DVD Recorder later on, and take some piccys of the map too!)


I would DEFINATELY visit coney island when it had dreamland, luna park, steeplechase park and others!


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1. 1955 opening of Disneyland

2. 1950s, the heyday of the Long Beach Pier, complete with Cyclone Racers

3. Ride the Crystal Beach Cyclone just to see how it stacked up.

4. Coney Island parks in their 1920s heyday

5. 1971 opening of Walt Disney World

6. Knott's Berry Farm back in the early 90s... simply because I have really fond memories of the park back when it didn't totally suck ass.

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I would ride all three Giant Cyclone Safety Coasters, the Aeroplane, the Cyclone at Riverside Park when it first opened, the Mauch Chunk Scenic Railway, all the Flying Turns, the Revolution BEFORE the OTSR's, Thriller, The Beast (before the added trims), The Rattler (before the reprofiling), the Extremeroller, the Riverview Bobs, Colossus when it opened, the Coney Island Cyclone when it opened, the Switchback Railway at Coney Island, the Flip-Flap and the Loop-the-Loop, the Cyclone Racer, The Bat at PKI, TTD with the themeing, and Weiner Looping. And, of course, attempt to get POV of all of them! That would be a sweet DVD.

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I would go too BGW in 1992 to ride Drachen Fire, Riverside Park 1983 for Cyclone, SFMM 1978 for Revolution without OTSRs and Collossus, Kennywood 1991 for Steel Phantom, Nagashima Spaland 2000 for Steel Dragon 2000, and if I was feeling daring, Crystal Beach 1920s for the Cyclone. I'd probably chicken out on Crystal Beach Cyclone though. Atleast I can ride it in NoLimits and noT get my ribs smashed too death.


Oh, and maybe Cedar Point 1991 for Mean Streak running as it was intended to.

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Speaking of Playland Park, I went there yesterday and the Dragon Coaster is incredibly smooth for an old woodie and I love the floater airtime in the back on the first drop.


As for coaster eras, I would go back to Playland and ride the Airplane Coaster. It looks like it kicked your butt, in a good way that is.

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Wow. Alot more DF fans than I would have thought. Even though it was a 'challenging' ride to say the least, I certainly loved working on the ride (maintenance-wise). I really miss those trains at nite being lit up and going up the lift and so on. Good times indeed (despite the roughness in latter years).



I've also seen several posts regarding the CBC. If I recall correctly, that was one of the coasters that had a nurse stationed at the unloading platform. I would have loved to seen that and ridden that 'beast'.


I already posted my time era earlier, but most of all, I would love if we "all" could go back in time and somehow change what we know now (with today's technology/accident-history/ride modifications) and mostly just have some sense in eliminating the frivilous lawsuits that occur in today's day in age. Also, pay yester-years prices within today's parks.

Good Topic indeed.

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Damn, and I the ONLY person who wouldn't go back and visit a park???




Just using this opportunity to point out to you how disappointed I am that you didn't use this thread as an excuse to insult Jeff, and now I have to do it instead!


There is no time I would like to go back to, it's completely unnecessary, as Jeff Johnson has told me everything about life since the Earth began.

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I would DEFINITELY want to go back to chicagos Riverview park and ride the Bobs. My Grandpa rode it all the time. He once said he rode it like seven times in a row. When he got off the 7th time his legs where all brused.

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Hmm...I can think of a few.


I'd like to go back to try Drachen Fire. I'm sure there were perfectly logical reasons for removing it, but I still would love to have ridden it for myself....just to see what all the fuss was/is about.


I'd like to see Chippewa Lake Park and Idora Park too, in action.


I'd really like to try Old Chicago too.


I'm sure by today's standards, these parks/rides would be blah....but i'd still like to try.

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