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I was at SFA and these people were cutting us and i was like, "UHM...." and they turned around at starred at us, and i was like.... . It was like silence for about 45 seconds, and we were just starring at each other. it was SO weird.

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I was in line for Superman at SFDL one night and there were these idk hispanic or sumthing girls that came up to us and said that we cut in front of them, when we really didn't. so we weren't gonna move. And the whole time we listened to them, AND THEIR MOM, call us hoes n stuff like that. One of the girls turned to me and said, "Hey, you pick boogers in the night?" I thought it was hilarious, so I simply replied, "Yea, and I eat them too."

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exactly a week ago at magic mountain me and 2 of my friends were in line for the bumper cars just for the hell of it when some ghetto ass black girls are next to us and just talking loud as hell. Then one of the ghetto girls says to my friend hey you like her? pointing to another ghetto girl in the group and my friend says "i dont even know her" and then after that they start spontaneously dancing then thats when i said "hey can you do the lindey hop?" and all of them turned to me and said "shutup whiteboy" i just started laughing. Then it was time for the bumper cars. Me and my friends were gonna team up against the leader of the group. So the bumper cars start and the leaders bumper car isnt working! so me and my friend all go at once and ram right into her the fastest we can and everytime we hit her she just starts cussing at me and my friends. and after everytime we'd all high five each other. it was great.

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exactly a week ago at magic mountain me and 2 of my friends were in line for the bumper cars just for the hell of it when some ghetto ass black girls are next to us and just talking loud as hell. Then one of the ghetto girls says to my friend hey you like her? pointing to another ghetto girl in the group and my friend says "i dont even know her" and then after that they start spontaneously dancing then thats when i said "hey can you do the lindey hop?" and all of them turned to me and said "shutup whiteboy" i just started laughing. Then it was time for the bumper cars. Me and my friends were gonna team up against the leader of the group. So the bumper cars start and the leaders bumper car isnt working! so me and my friend all go at once and ram right into her the fastest we can and everytime we hit her she just starts cussing at me and my friends. and after everytime we'd all high five each other. it was great.


You do know that that is illegal right. That is considered assault and if she filed a lawsuit against you you would be in big trouble.

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I was at SFKK waiting to ride Twisted Twins, and when I got into the station some lady started yelling and lecturing me about how rude I was for cutting in line. She had actually been standing behind me the whole time, but she was just so determined to prove that she was right and make me go to the end of the line. Finally, I was like, "OK, you can get in front of me then." We still ended up getting on the ride at the same time, and I had to sit next to her.

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I have.. just A FEW:


Hersheypark PA (probably like 9 years ago when I was a 'tot)

We were waiting in line for the Comet and some hispanic girl was like "Hey! Who fahted?!??" it was really funny... idk. Maybe not for people now, but when I was 4, that was HILARIOUS!




1. We rode Viper in the rain and lucky us, the track was too wet for the other train to make a circuit. So, we sat out in the pouring rain for about 6 minutes. When we got back everyone waiting in line was laughing at us. It really sucked.


2. We were waiting in line for Demon and everyone had to get out of the train. The ride ops acted like the ride was going to explode or something. They ran a train through, but it went through fine so I don't know what the problem was... then they let people get back on.


3. Superman: Ultimate Flight had to E-Stop.


4. 3 Birds tried to kill us.

a. One flew at us from the Demon sign (creepy!)

b. One flew at us while we were eating

c. I can't remember.


^ oh yeah. Those all happened on the same day >.<

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I learned to never feed the ducks at Epcot center. A french fry fell out of my meal, and a duck came by and ate it. A few seconds later, a flock of ducks came flying from out of the lake, and landed right next to us. Then my sister spilled her fries, and, ya. They followed us from Canada Land (at Epcot of course ), to Test Track.

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Oh yeah one more...me and my friends were on S:UF. As we came into the station the charis wouldnt go down for a good 10 minutes. I still laugh at the sound everyone made as the ride op said, "We are having technical difficulties we will bring you down shortly."

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