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Heide Park Discussion Thread

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put that work start in October and the novelty open in June, 8/9 months in what you can build a "big attraction ". I fear in a Derren Browns Ghost Train.


Say what? And in a proper sentence, please?

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Heide-Park has announced Ghostbusters 5D - Die ultimative Geisterjagd 5D dark ride for 2017!




Ghostbusters 5D - the ultimate ghost hunt draws in the coming season as the Germany's first interactive Ghostbusters attraction to Heide Park. The 5D Dark Ride was created in collaboration with its partner Sony Pictures Consumer Products Inc. and Ghost Corps and is based on the successful movies around the Ghostbusters.


Fearless Ghostbusters from six years experience a unique adventure of the fifth dimension with numerous special effects, which aims to save the Heide Park. Equipped with Laser Proton guns, ghost trap and 3D glasses they drive the patrol car Ecto-1 through a haunted warehouse and fight in 8-team on the side of the famous Ghostbusters against flying slime ghost. Here all the senses are needed, because the ghosts appear suddenly and are sometimes only felt or felt.


"Even in the season 2017 are our Heidepark families at the center. According to Train Your Dragon - The island and the Kids Driving School desert racer we do with Ghostbusters 5D, the third adventure in a row for the whole family, "says Sabrina de Carvalho, the Heide Park CEO. "With a total of 7.2 million euros, we also make the biggest investment in recent years in a family attraction and build the first dedicated indoor ride our parks." The interactive ghost hunting occurs inside the former Spencer hall where until the license expires in summer the Hallo Spencer Show took place.


In addition, other innovations are planned. For example, the loving design of the Heide Park Adventure Hotel is advanced and the offer supplemented by new room.















Edited by jedimaster1227
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  • 4 weeks later...

Concerning report from Looopings.




Looopings said:

Future of giant wooden roller coaster uncertain


The future of the spectacular wooden roller coaster Colossos in the German Heide Park amusement park remains uncertain. The sixty meter high rollercoaster was closed in late July for work. Whether the job is running again in 2017, the park can not say.


"We know it yet," board member Sabrina de Carvalho said in an interview with fansite. "We are working hard, but it's looking a complex issue. There are many measurements and computations."


Heide Park consults own words with "dozens of experts" on the issue. Colossos, opened in 2001, the last season was fifteen years old. The track is 1344 meters long, with a top speed of 110 kilometers per hour.


Incidentally, in Europe even more impressive wooden roller coaster stopped until further notice: Wildfire is closed on Swedish Kolmarden park due to problems with the license.

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  • 2 months later...

According to a press release from Heide-Park Ghostbusters is set to open along with the park on April 8th. The new hamburger restaurant (replacing Piratenburger) is set to open in May.


[quoteAm 8. April startet das Heide Park Resort mit neuen außergewöhnlichen Abenteuern in die Saison 2017. Highlight ist die Eröffnung der interaktiven Attraktion Ghostbusters 5D – die ultimative Geisterjagd.

06. März 2017 - Der Countdown läuft: Am 8. April öffnet das Heide Park Resort wieder sein Abenteuertor. Die Saisonvorbereitungen laufen bereits auf Hochtouren, denn gleich mehrere Neuheiten warten dieses Jahr auf die Gäste von Norddeutschlands größtem Freizeitpark. Wie in den beiden vergangenen Jahren auch stehen Familien im Mittelpunkt.

Neue Attraktion Ghostbusters 5D – die ultimative Geisterjagd




Mit Ghostbusters 5D – die ultimative Geisterjagd eröffnet die erste Indoor-Attraktion des Heide Park Resort, die unabhängig von den Wetterverhältnissen nutzbar ist. Der sogenannte Dark Ride entsteht in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Partner Sony Pictures Consumer Products Inc. und Ghost Corps und basiert auf den erfolgreichen Kinofilmen rund um die Ghostbusters. Kinder ab sechs Jahren werden zu furchtlosen Geisterjägern und erleben ein einmaliges Abenteuer der fünften Dimension mit zahlreichen Spezialeffekten, dessen Ziel die Rettung des Heide Parks ist. Ausgestattet mit Laser-Proton-Pistolen, Geisterfalle und 3D-Brillen fahren sie im Einsatzwagen ECTO-1 durch eine spukende Lagerhalle und kämpfen in 8er Teams an der Seite der weltberühmten Ghostbusters gegen fliegende Schleimgeister. Dabei sind alle Sinne gefragt, denn die Geister erscheinen plötzlich und sind manchmal nur hör- oder spürbar. Während der vierminütigen Fahrt geht es auf eine spannende Reise durch Piraten-, Orient- und Maya-Welten bis nach New York City. Die exklusive Kombination von prominenter Filmgeschichte mit den Heide Park Abenteuerwelten ist einmalig. Ein neuer Shop mit zahlreichen Merchandise-Artikeln bietet individuelle Erinnerungsstücke für zu Hause.


Neues Restaurant Piratenburger


Außergewöhnlich Speisen können alle Abenteurer ab Mai im neuen Burgerrestaurant mitten im Herzen des Heide Park Resort genießen. Der bisherige Imbiss Piratenburger mit Blick auf Deutschlands einzigen Dive Coaster KRAKE wird vollständig erneuert und erweitert. Das Themenrestaurant ist im Stil einer kleinen Hafenstadt gestaltet, in der Seeräuber nach ihren Beutezügen, die Taschen voller gekaperter Goldtaler, einkehren. Es erstreckt sich über zwei Geschosse und bietet bis zu 150 Sitzplätze im Innen- und Außenbereich. Vom veganen Burger bis zum klassischen Cheeseburger gibt es alles, was das Herz großer und kleiner Burgerliebhaber begehrt.

Neu im Abenteuerhotel


Auch im Heide Park Abenteuerhotel wird 2017 erneut investiert und das Angebot für Kurzurlauber erweitert. Bis zum Saisonstart werden ganze 26 Piratenzimmer überarbeitet und mit zusätzlichen Seeräuberdetails ausgestattet. Zudem entstehen passend zu Ghostbusters 5D vier neue Ghostbusterszimmer für bis zu sechs Personen, in denen die Ghostbusters ihr Hauptquartier eingerichtet haben. Kurzurlauber finden hier die passende Ausrüstung, um sich auf ihren nächsten Einsatz als Geisterjäger vorzubereiten. Der Barbereich verwandelt sich in einen gemütlichen orientalischen Marktplatz und ein Laserspiel ergänzt das bereits vorhandene Programm für die Kleinen rund um Kinderschatzsuche, Indoor-Spielplatz und Spaßbad. In einem U-Boot durchklettern die Kids verschachtelte Laserstrahlen, möglichst ohne sie zu berühren, und sammeln Punkte.

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The park has confirmed that Colossus won't open in the 2017 season.


Quick Google translate:

We are very sorry to inform you that Colossos will not resume its operation in the 2017 season.

BUT our whole team does everything to make sure you have an unforgettable adventure at the Heidepark Resort. In addition to old friends such as KRAKE and Flight of the Demons, our new interactive Dark Ride Ghostbusters 5D - Die ultimative Geisterjagdt awaits you. Of course we will keep you up-to-date on Colossos news.



Wir bedauern sehr, Euch mitteilen zu müssen, dass Colossos seine Fahrt in der Saison 2017 leider nicht wieder aufnehmen wird.

ABER unser komplettes Team tut alles dafür, dass Ihr trotzdem unvergessliche Abenteuer im Heide Park Resort erlebt. Neben alten Bekannten wie KRAKE und Flug der Dämonen wartet unser neuer interaktiver Dark Ride Ghostbusters 5D – Die ultimative Geisterjagd auf Euch. Wir halten Euch über Neuigkeiten zu Colossos selbstverständlich auf dem Laufenden.



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If something happens to Colossus, I will have no desire to ever visit Heide Park.


Exactly. Other coasters are not exactly bad, but Colossos is just king of the heide park and I wouldn´t be afraid to say one of the better coasters in entire europe.

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I was just wondering what happened to it? I rode it for the first time in 2015. Then in 2016 (a month before it closed) and the ride was significantly more rough and I was surprised it got that bad just within less than year... I know it´s a wooden coaster, but I don´t think 15 years is that much...

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I was just wondering what happened to it? I rode it for the first time in 2015. Then in 2016 (a month before it closed) and the ride was significantly more rough and I was surprised it got that bad just within less than year... I know it´s a wooden coaster, but I don´t think 15 years is that much...


There were huge woodworm problems which were literally eating away at the supports and track and they spread a lot before there were noticed.

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I was just wondering what happened to it? I rode it for the first time in 2015. Then in 2016 (a month before it closed) and the ride was significantly more rough and I was surprised it got that bad just within less than year... I know it´s a wooden coaster, but I don´t think 15 years is that much...


There were huge woodworm problems which were literally eating away at the supports and track and they spread a lot before there were noticed.


Isn´t expectable for woodies? I think oher woodies suffer the same problems? I could imagine maintenance crew could check this more deeply from time to time. Maybe that would help to solve the problem before it got wide spread.

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I was just wondering what happened to it? I rode it for the first time in 2015. Then in 2016 (a month before it closed) and the ride was significantly more rough and I was surprised it got that bad just within less than year... I know it´s a wooden coaster, but I don´t think 15 years is that much...


There were huge woodworm problems which were literally eating away at the supports and track and they spread a lot before there were noticed.


Isn´t expectable for woodies? I think oher woodies suffer the same problems? I could imagine maintenance crew could check this more deeply from time to time. Maybe that would help to solve the problem before it got wide spread.


I think colossos was left a bit neglected, normally the park will catch them before they spread I believe however clearly not at Heide.

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I was just wondering what happened to it? I rode it for the first time in 2015. Then in 2016 (a month before it closed) and the ride was significantly more rough and I was surprised it got that bad just within less than year... I know it´s a wooden coaster, but I don´t think 15 years is that much...


There were huge woodworm problems which were literally eating away at the supports and track and they spread a lot before there were noticed.


That stupid rumor that has been around long before the closure of Colossos. It has been debunked by the CEO of Holzbau Cordes who is responsible for the wooden parts, in an interview January 2015, where he also named several counter measures.

German Source


Edit: Unless you have any other sources, which have not been named on german coaster forums???

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Heide did have a lot of issues with their coasters back in April of last year. Colossos was a disaster, Flug started jolting horribly in the final turn and Bobbahn was like a trashcan rolling down a hill (but that in part was why I found it so immensely enjoyable). I think the only two coasters I didn't find any issues with were Krake and Desert Race, even if the latter has that Kanonen-like restraint that the track clearly wasn't meant for and it hurts my shoulders and needs to die. I guess I should consider myself lucky that Limit was closed.

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