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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^ Um, like ya.


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In the Terminator thread, I shared a link to the construction site of Terminator, but I didn't mention that Mr. Six is now on the main page of that site, replacing that Asian guy, but keeping the "More Flags, More Fun" slogan.


My guess is that Mr. Six is indeed back and the Asian guy is out?


If so, thank you Six Flags. That guy was...annoying at best.



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Yes I'm glad they brought Mr. Six back my little ones always would scream and dance when the Mr. Six commericals came on. They pay pretty much no attention to the new SF commericals with the asain dude, except when Tatsu comes on and they scream daddy daddy I want to get on that ride and my reply asusual is your to little for that one

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Just an opinion, but I think it would be nice to continue offering Xtreme passholders the paper FlashPass tickets until the Q-Bot version is up and running.


I almost went out there today, but the impending rain made that decision for me.



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Went on Saturday as it wasn't raining at the moment in LA. It was raining pretty hard while on the offramp to exit to the park. I was amazed to see X2 going even with the flames! Asked the parking guy about closing. And they told me only in large wind storms and lightning. So we go in thinking its going to rain the rest of the day and people are leaving. Go in and the lines are short!! We rode X2 twice in a row. Didn't even have to wait the 2nd time. So obviously it was so slow that they were kind of waiting for more people on some of the rides. I got a picture of Riddlers Revenge with no one in the queue area. And tatsu was only filling half the train. We weren't the only ones talking about the rainy days around this time in SoCal are the best times to go to Magic Mountain.

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I can only hope it is rainy/cloudy when I get there in June , as I refuse to wait more than about 30 minutes on any ride... yet I read of 2 hour waits on some of these.. crazy ....


Even though the coasters are rubbish in Australia at least I only have 3 minute waits on most of them

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^ Remember that June is the start of summer in our hemisphere, so most likely, June will be quite hot here. If you can go during the week it won't be too bad, but you might seriously consider getting the Q-Bot.


Since that isn't up and running yet, I don't know how much it is. No doubt you'll find out if you keep an eye on this thread.



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Very true. I am tempted to now get season passes for hurricane harbor. But I was about to move to Sydney last year and our weather doesn't turn awesome until May-June.


Since that isn't up and running yet, I don't know how much it is. No doubt you'll find out if you keep an eye on this thread.



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I was told by the worker at X2 to go opposite around the park. Meaning Goliath first and make your way around and end at X2. I haven't attempted that path yet. But it kind of makes sense. The part that bothers me if X2 breaking down at the end of the day.


I will definitely be going on a weekday, if I am there before opening could I get straight down to x2 and tatsu and get them over with in the first half hour ?


what would be a good order to do the main coasters ?

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I will definitely be going on a weekday, if I am there before opening could I get straight down to x2 and tatsu and get them over with in the first half hour ?


what would be a good order to do the main coasters ?





Deja Vu




Riddlers Revenge







Canyon Blaster

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^ No disrespect to you, but getting that list done in 3-1/2 hours is possible on an uncrowded day, but between crowds and walking to each ride, that would be quite a stretch. 15 coasters would mean riding five an hour, more or less.


(Note: I say 3-1/2 hours because the park has been opening at 10:30 more and more as of late.)


I've gone on days where there was hardly anyone in the park and couldn't ride all of those in that short a timespan. And I walk pretty fast, too. Maybe five or six hours would be more reasonable.


But to make a long story short, yeah, you can ride all of SFMM's coasters in one visit, provided they're all open.



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I will definitely be going on a weekday, if I am there before opening could I get straight down to x2 and tatsu and get them over with in the first half hour ?


what would be a good order to do the main coasters ?





Deja Vu




Riddlers Revenge







Canyon Blaster

Your list is out of order...






Deja Vu


Superman The Escape

Gold Rusher

The Riddler's Revenge

Batman The Ride




Canyon Blaster



^I think it should go like this, otherwise you'd be backtracking too much.

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