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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Hmmmm I wonder which already green coaster in the park is closed until Spring...


For some reason I think you just called it.


Although I can't even begin to think what they'd do to the ride to make it more "superhero" like.


I wouldn't mind if they passed on the infamous SF cardboard cutouts or audio.

Edited by kf2010
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Maybe they'll turn Deja Vu's train around so you'll experience it backwards then forward instead of forward then backwards.


Deja Vu could well be in for a retheme, or it is closed to allow for construction of something. It would be interesting if Deja Vu is in fact getting a Green Lantern makeover, but it seems sort of out of place for that being where it is.


My guess is that sometime before the end of the year, SFMM will finally announce their 2011 plans.



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^Does that really matter? Terminator certainly is missing that cyclone bay vibe to it...


Deja Vu train redesign? I certainly wouldn't complain about that!


Yeah, with Battlestar Galactica "ejector" seats.


Perhaps they will transform Deja Vu into a coaster that works.


Some people just have outrageous expectations.

Edited by Calicoasters
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How does Deja Vu being in Cyclone Bay have any theming to begin with?? You're all complaining that a transformation into Green Lantern wouldn't make sense because of its location? Um, isn't there a Terminator themed ride next to it also in CYCLONE BAY with no other theming as well!?!?


SFMM is not a Theme Park, it's an Amusement Park...some rides may be themed, but don't go expecting crazy amazing lands and areas and for them to stick to strict theming within those zones.

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I do think at some point SFMM should reevaluate their alcohol policy. I mean if Knott's can get away with selling alcohol surely SFMM's clientel isn't that much worse!!!


Plus the money they could make from alcohol sales could buy roughly 89343 Intamin Megalites!

Especially when KBF with the no-readmittance policy for Haunt forces you into buying $10 beer. I got suckered into a $17 beer since I got the collectable cup with the lights.

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^That's just dumb. You can get a 12 pack of any type of beer at that price, and I'd bet you'd enjoy it a lot more too.


Its funny how one person guesses about Deja Vu turning into Green Lantern and suddenly people are arguing that it's placement in the park doesn't make any sense.

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Demon fits the county fair theme---think about how you feel at a county fair after eating all that fried food...


Who knows what's up SFMM's sleeve? At this point, I'm willing to just sit back and wait for the announcement. For all we know, the roller skater is going over next to Batman and will be called "Robin---The Ride."



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^ Great America which has kept to theming quite well, has DEMON in County Fair. And that was a Marriot addition.


Demon wasn't originally Demon when the coaster opened. The original coaster fit the country fair theme.


If I recall correctly, the ride opened as Turn of the Century, and only had two corkscrews, no vertical loops. The management later added the tunnels and the loops and renamed it Dremon futher pushing it into the land of Headbanging.

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^ Great America which has kept to theming quite well, has DEMON in County Fair. And that was a Marriot addition.


Demon wasn't originally Demon when the coaster opened. The original coaster fit the country fair theme.


If I recall correctly, the ride opened as Turn of the Century, and only had two corkscrews, no vertical loops. The management later added the tunnels and the loops and renamed it Dremon further pushing it into the land of Headbanging.


That is correct!

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Went to SFMM on Sunday.. First off, before I forget, there were bees... everywhere! Every trash can had a few lingering bees, and at Johnny Rockets, they kept coming to our table.. one landed on my soda few times. On Gold Rusher, the employees blocked off an exit because they announced, "there are bees over there".. I'm no expert, but I didn't think it's bee season. Oh well. They didn't bother us. But for those with allergies, it could be a problem. (I'm supposedly allergic based on my last sting, but the guy in me is too stubborn to admit that.)


Arrived shortly after opening and, against the pattern of the GP, went to Goliath first. We got a $1 l.oc.ker and rode once. Then did Colossus, Scream, Batman, Riddler, and Goliath again; all while still exploiting the same $1 l.o.cker. So quit whining about paying the $1.. Goliath is my favorite. The MCBR was a bit harsher (slowed the train almost to a stop) than I remember.


Headed back toward the front, got a REAL lo.ck.er (I got in for free, had a free parking voucher, and had a free meal voucher from my birthday so I needed to support the park somehow ). Went up to the Sky Tower - announcements during the elevator rides are new - they talk about the park's history and some details about rides. Neat. From the tower, noticed that Terminator was stopped at the top of the lift - only for a little while. Also noticed something with Superman.

I've never been on the ride, but it looks as if restraints are visible on BOTH sides. And this view is from the tower so maybe both sides are going backwards? I don't know. I've never ridden the ride and probably never will. It's very hard to tell from the Droid photo.. but if you're familiar with the trains, you can tell that you are facing the fronts of the trains..


Also, as someone else mentioned, there are cables that go up the tower.. probably for painting. Or for SFMM's 3rd experience...


"Superman: The Escape"... Ride to the top and get out.. then slide down to the ground via guide wires.


Here's Terminator with a train that was having a hard time taking the tunnel..


We then completed the circuit.. rode Terminator (I felt a few rough spots, and I've ridden in a dozen times); Viper, twice; X2 twice;, Tatsu; then back down to do Riddler again; Colossus backwards - twice; and finally, Goliath, one last time.


On X2, the audio didn't work on the first train. So we got back in the 5 minute line and rode again.. it worked this time. And it was LAME! Sorry to offend any of you. Give me Harry Connick and Metallica ANY DAY over a Halloween recording. I don't really remember the all of the details, but the Halloween recording has to do with an unidentified UFO.. (or plane?).. To make things better (or worse) the song that plays once you're back in the station is REM, "It's the end of the world as we know it." Regardless of not being able to hear Enter Sandman up the lift, X2 was still incredible - fire working on both sides.


Overall, a great day! Especially for a Sunday. We managed to avoid the droves of people who started at X2 and looped around.. the longest wait was a half hour for Terminator.


So, to sum things up:

*A lot of Bees around the park (trash cans/recycle bins)

*X2 was running great

*B&Ms are starting to bore me.

*Tidal wave (that's the one from Step by Step, right?) was dry; yet it was operating on my last visit a few months ago.


*New "Ask.com" signs everywhere.. at least 2 in Goliath's queue alone.. Let's just say they are trivia questions where you text in an answer for a 'chance' to skip a line. The questions have to do with Barbie's last name and Justin Bieber.. to name a few.. Need I say more?


Toward the end of the night it turned into teen central.. we got in the ever-so-important Colossus backwards rides so we were more than satisfied.

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Well I see the blue on the side of the train facing the Sky Tower and the back of the car has always been blue. So it looks like those trains aren't actually backwards.

Nice trip report though! I'm interested to hear X2's temporary audio but from what you say maybe I won't get my hopes up.

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^^^^Thanks for the quick little PTR, but yeah as already mentioned, you can see the back of the train is blue in THIS photo.


Which means in typical SFMM fashion, they've probably had the thing sit there for a month or two without doing squat. This is typical of the park, as you all might remember X sat there for the longest time before painting or new trains or anything got done. It would just be nice to see SOME sort of progress considering the rides been sitting there missing out on riders most of the summer. Of course the maintenance department doesn't mind, it's just one less ride they have to inspect before the day begins.


I am surprised to see the old trains still on the track though. I'd guess that when you can't see them back there anymore, that they'll be gone for good and we'll be seeing the new ones soon enough.

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